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Corrado Sales?

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Anyone else noticed how many rados are appearing in the for sale section each day? I seem to be constantly moving cars for sale from the mod queue, and i'm certainly not locking many threads due to sales at the moment.


I can safely say that the market is more saturated at the moment than it ever has been while i've been into them, which is a good few years now. It seems that every time I come online there's a couple of nice rados for sale waiting to be approved.


I can only think that fuel prices have really made an impact. I suppose if you think of it logicaly, on the whole the people that aren't worried about MPG and the cost of fuel aren't the same type of people that want a 12 year old (minimum) car :shrug: - those who can afford to pay these ridiculous fuel prices want newer more expensive cars not 90's VW coupes, so that's pushing rado prices down further and further :confused:



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Yeah, I remember looking for mine this time last year and there was only around 50 for sale on Pistonheads if that. You go on there now and there regularly 100+. If I had waited a year I could have had 2 for what I paid for mine! :|

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think you're right walesy..


i think when you think of it as £20 per hour for spirited motorway driving, then it gets a bit painful... nobody wants to drive a corrado around like a milk float just to keep the petrol bearable.. when everyone is a loan away from a much newer car then its largely only the real enthusiasts/2nd car owners that are going to make other sacrifices just to keep a C as effectively a hobby.. :(

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Well whatever it is its gotta be good news for buyers but not so good for sellers !! I reckon it'll settle down again soon......i bloody well hope so anyway :?

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the vr is better on fuel than my 1.8 Bravo was! :D i love the economy i get rofl :D i have noticed there is loads on the market atm. people must be squeamish about the price of fuel atm, but to be honest even for 14 years old they aint bad on go-go juice :D

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