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Pensioner writes off 2 Porsches

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Stupid old tw@t. it grips my sh!t that people that old are allowed to drive.


There's worse younger drivers out there.


Apparently more accidents are caused by OAP drivers than new drivers. :ignore:


I saw an OAP incident at a drive through hand car wash a car stitting in the que just lunged forward and start doing a burnout into the back of a tidy mk3 with a baby in the back. :eek: WTF If you can't keep control of a vehicle in a que you need to stop driving.


I often see people driving around and think they are drunk until I see their grey hair. I've seen them mounting kerbs and all sorts. It's pretty bad!

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Stupid old tw@t. it grips my sh!t that people that old are allowed to drive.


There's worse younger drivers out there.


I would argue that the majority of 26 year olds are better drivers than the majority of 93 year olds.

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Stupid old tw@t. it grips my sh!t that people that old are allowed to drive.


There's worse younger drivers out there.


I would argue that the majority of 26 year olds are better drivers than the majority of 93 year olds.


Oh i agree. But there are less 93 year olds. Imagine what the terrible 26 year old drivers will be like when they're 93 :lol:

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Stupid old tw@t. it grips my sh!t that people that old are allowed to drive.


There's worse younger drivers out there.


I would argue that the majority of 26 year olds are better drivers than the majority of 93 year olds.


Cough Rover cough


But I agree, although it is the fault of the Doctors sometimes as they are suppossed to inform DVLA when people are past it.

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When your concentration level starts taking long holidays it's time to hang-up your keys I'm afraid. :(

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Looks like he reversed over the back of the red carrera 2 which flipped him over onto the 911. Daft old gimmer. :)

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Cough Rover cough



Yeah good point! I forgot about him.. for those that dont know.. basically i over took an old bloke a few years back, who got the hump about it and then decided to try and overtake back past me. Only problem was there was a lorry parked on the other side of the road so he just pulled into the side of my car. Still, paid for my respray.. i guess they're not all bad. :bad-words:

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Cough Rover cough



Yeah good point! I forgot about him.. for those that dont know.. basically i over took an old bloke a few years back, who got the hump about it and then decided to try and overtake back past me. Only problem was there was a lorry parked on the other side of the road so he just pulled into the side of my car. Still, paid for my respray.. i guess they're not all bad. :bad-words:


I had an old bastard didn't like me beating him to a contra flow (him BMW 3 series 1.8 :sleeping: ) me in a 1.2 16v clio so he over takes me with on coming traffic just around a bend. I think what a dick and then think I'll just indicate to overtake and start to move out into the oncoming lane with no real intention of overtaking. And do you know what he does! He only pulls out into that same lane to block me!! Wants me to sit behind him doing 40 in a 60 anyway long story short the guy winds me up at the next set of lights pissing about trying to block me so I basically threaten to ram him off the road. no i'm not proud of that but any way get past him and nearly forget about it and he only pulls up next to me with his window down at the next set of lights smiling at me. So I undo my seatbelt to get out and bury the guy and he just jumps the red lights at a busy and accident prone dual carrageway cross roads. :eek:


4cking old duffer he was WTF!! :scratch: How did he reach old age? Must of got tired of living!

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me in a 1.2 16v clio






It was the wife's, a self important business man rear ended my old C reg Golf GTi writing it off. Which to be honest did me a favour it had a parts required list longer than a Corrado! :grin:


Edit: Whilst I was driving the clio one of the rear drum shoe linings fell off. And the clutch exploded when I was in a bad mood, on that same day about an hour later I lost my wedding ring in a stable full of straw! AT NIGHT!


4 hours it took me to find the bastard.


Talk about a needle in a hay stack!

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:lol: Anyone who smells of piss and cabbage or an old peoples home floor :eek: or has the desire to put "mansize" tissues on their rear parcel shelf alongside crochet cushions! and mint imperials in the centre consul, and despite modern car heater efficiency they still wears a C&A coat done up to the chin and a flat cap when driving! needs to have their licence removed!


These are the extreme warning indications that someone is an old tw@t! and therefore has limited eyesight, no neck movement, and never sees past the dashboard! does 15mph everywhere and drives around in 1st gear! everywhere!


Once people reach 65 if they still wish to drive? they should have a driving assesment every year


Guns dont kill people, Old duffers do!

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dunno about everyone else but I see crap drivers of all ages every day,

about time we had regular re-tests I think,

there's some scary statistics somewhere that give the percentage of drivers that don't meet the vision requirements (young as well as old).

Just because you could read a number plate 10 years ago doesn't make a 27 year old have adequate vision now, how many people get eye tests every year or two?

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The more I look at poor driving the more I realise that there is no real trend, a bad driver can be either sex, any age, any colour driving any car - I have spent years driving with the philosophy of "expect the people around me to do the unexpected" - touch wood its kept me accident free for 23 years and over 1 million miles.


Having said that Xsara Picasso, Renault Scenic and Vauxhall Zafira drivers seem to be worse than average :D

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The more I look at poor driving the more I realise that there is no real trend, a bad driver can be either sex, any age, any colour driving any car - I have spent years driving with the philosophy of "expect the people around me to do the unexpected" - touch wood its kept me accident free for 23 years and over 1 million miles.


Having said that Xsara Picasso, Renault Scenic and Vauxhall Zafira drivers seem to be worse than average :D


Indeed despite my previous comment there is a lot of bad driving going on.


I think it comes down to the fact the driving is no longer a skill for a lot of people, cars are simply are utility and driving is a means to an end to use that utility - not something to be enjoyed or to concentrate on.

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Having said that Xsara Picasso, Renault Scenic and Vauxhall Zafira drivers seem to be worse than average :D


Could you be more specific? Any particular trim level or engine sizes! :D

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The more I look at poor driving the more I realise that there is no real trend, a bad driver can be either sex, any age, any colour driving any car - I have spent years driving with the philosophy of "expect the people around me to do the unexpected" - touch wood its kept me accident free for 23 years and over 1 million miles.


Having said that Xsara Picasso, Renault Scenic and Vauxhall Zafira drivers seem to be worse than average :D


Indeed despite my previous comment there is a lot of bad driving going on.


I think it comes down to the fact the driving is no longer a skill for a lot of people, cars are simply are utility and driving is a means to an end to use that utility - not something to be enjoyed or to concentrate on.





Like cutting in and out of traffic whilst on the phone!!! which i saw a MPV driver doing the other day!


I dont think people realise that they are driving a lethal weapon.

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I must admit i do seem to get a lot of 30 something men in MPV`s (never heard of contraception vehicles is what i call them) are always pulling out in traffic on me, cutting me up on roundabouts and just generally causing problems as they HAVE to drive one of those god awfull things as they cant control theirs or their wifes over active loins!


I honestly believe that these people have a massive rush of jealousy when they see a male around the same age in a nice sporty car and they are stuck in whats no more than a transit van! and then proceed to drive like a tool or attempt to "blow you away"

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