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New girl, new C... Well that didn't go to plan :(

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Aaaanyway, assuming the docs come through it'll finally be on the road on Thursday... I'll let you know how the C runs when it's got some fresh petrol and been for a blast down a few country lanes at the end of this week... I've booked a day off work especially for the momentous first cruise! :grin:



sweet! sounds like your Thursday will be a bit better than mine - having my wisdom teeth out!!! :cry: :cry: booooo!!


wish i was out in a newly aquired C instead!! wonna swap?? :lol:

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Are you actually selling those? :luvlove: What size are they & how much, if so? Or are you just showing them off :lol:


Sorry, just a teaser to show them off :oops: . Didn't mean to imply they were for sale. I got them from Compomotive directly and they are 16 x 7.5 ET30. I seem to recall new they were around £140 ea. Good thing about the 16 inch MO's is there is masses of clearance inside if you ever want to go for bigger brakes. I'm currently using 315m discs and Porsche callipers and there is still plenty of room :eek:

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Aaaanyway, assuming the docs come through it'll finally be on the road on Thursday... I'll let you know how the C runs when it's got some fresh petrol and been for a blast down a few country lanes at the end of this week... I've booked a day off work especially for the momentous first cruise! :grin:

sweet! sounds like your Thursday will be a bit better than mine - having my wisdom teeth out!!! :cry: :cry: booooo!!


wish i was out in a newly aquired C instead!! wonna swap?? :lol:

Nah I'm having root canal work done too Thursday afternoon :sad: So not much better :lol:

Friday I'm off work, should be packing for Newquay but I am SO going to just bomb around all day! Haha

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Nah I'm having root canal work done too Thursday afternoon :sad: So not much better :lol:

Friday I'm off work, should be packing for Newquay but I am SO going to just bomb around all day! Haha



mmmmm fair enough, thats 2 pretty crap Thursdays :pale:


But im off Friday too :clap: (thanks kind employer!!) so ill be doing the same, lets hope for sun by then :)

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mmmmm fair enough, thats 2 pretty crap Thursdays :pale:


But im off Friday too :clap: (thanks kind employer!!) so ill be doing the same, lets hope for sun by then :)


I'm having my C' painted tonight so am preparing for a pants thursday too! :( hoping being so negative will make it good instead, good luck at the dentists you two :pale:

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Today was soooo good (dentist aside)!


Finished work at lunch, got home to find insurance documents waiting on the door mat, rushed to the PO to tax it, then (after dentist) took it for a splash of petrol and a bit of a run :grin:


Then took it home, for about 10 mins before going out to take my friend out for a drive... It wouldn't start :eek: So he came to mine as I couldn't pick him up, he looked at it and said it was very pretty, but laughed at it's inability to do anything... Until I thought "I'll have one more go" and WHOOMPF! :clap:


So off we go, quick blast round some local scenery, said friend all of a sudden very impressed :grin: We came back and got his "beast" of a motor as well, and went up Wendover Woods for a wee photo shoot.... :grin: :luvlove: :grin:






Then my dad took me for a spin... and decided he thinks the big ends are going :eek: There is a sort of knocking at 3500rpm) :confused4: ... It also has a slight misfire and WAY overfuels - smells lovely but not too good for it (or passers by) I imagine!


Theeeeeen another friend came round, and of course I had to take him for a cruise too :grin:


AND I have tomorrow off work for more Corrado related excitement! Jesus I am waaay too excited! Haha

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Really looks like great example that, very 8) in white too.


Addicted to it/he/she already, that's one of the best things about the C IMO, it just grabs you like no other car does.


You seem well chuffed! Fingers crossed for your big end! :norty:

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have your wheels been powder coated anthracite or is it just the light??


Looks great 8)

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Sorry for the slow response, was in Newquay this weekend! :grin:


The wheels are a bit odd - a kind of dirty grey/silver colour. Not dark enough for anthracite - they just look dirty, though they are not :shrug: I want to replace them but I can't afford it just yet :pale:

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sweet. how was the weekend?? get some pics up!!


as for the wheels, give it time & keep ya eyes peeled on here as they do crop up :)

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Cant view those pics at work :(


Will have a butchers when at home sometime, cheers anyway :)


Seen loads a minis this w/e, think there may have been a bit of a do round here somewhere......

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It didn't go to plan :sad:


I MOT'd my Fiesta and just advertised it... And I crashed it :sad:


The damage is minimal (bumper, basically), but it's worth so much less damaged that I couldn't handle the thought of losing that much money on it... And I don't want to claim on account of having just cleared my old claim (over 3 years now) so I'm going to pay for the repairs to the car I hit (dented rear panel). But that meant I had to sell the rado to pay for it :sad:


:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


Feel like such a gimp, can't believe I crashed the car just as I was going to sell it! The raado was collected today, luckily I made my money back on it, and the guy who bought it seemed to really like it - he was very enthusiastic and said he will have alot of fun with it. Wish it was me having fun with it! Instead I'm driving round in a now slightly battered Fiesta and hoping the repair bill isn't going to be too much on the other car :sad:


it was fun while it lasted :pale:


A gutted, corrado-less, Lisa x

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wow sad story :( well i hope the damage repair isn't too much (hope they didn't take it to a dealer)


well hope you get back onto the carrado lader again soon and at least you know to look out for in for in your next one :D

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Lisa, Gutted for you! :cry: Did it go to some-one local?


Didn't know you were near Wendover?


Come over to the next Nomads meet in Hemel next week (5th June) there's generally 3-4 of us Rado heads there and I'm sure if you ask us nicely we'll take you out for a blast too! (try a 16v 9a/G60 and VR all in the same night)

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Hey thanks for the replies, I am gutted, especially since I brought it on myself :brickwall:


The damage to the other car isn't too bad (dent & scratch), I don't think she is going to a dealer, she is just trying some local bodyshops for quotes as far as I know.


The C has stayed local, went to a guy from near Buckingham. Hopefully he will service it (I said it needed servicing) and keep it in great condition. Hope I can find another good one next time I get one! (there WILL be a next time!)


I lived in Wendover all my life til about 6 months ago (and my family still do)! What's this Nomads meet? Never heard of it - website? Could pop along in my Mini (at least I still have a fun car, even if it's not quite so fast!) :thumb right:

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