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Was gonna sell the 'Rado, but now maybe not....

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Alright dudes - circumstances have conspired against me to have a career change. Severe depression and some other head related shit have made me change my job as of end of Jan this year (fairly well paid sales type job to 'a boy' in the building trade :shock: ), and my mileage has gone from about 15 miles per day to about 60 odd per day! Taken a fair knock back in wages, which has been really hard, and have still had to use the 'Rado as my daily hack. The poor old thing has only been getting about 18mpg on the maf (prolly about 14 worked out on full tank to full tank :shock: :shock: ) and wont idle well. Also, the clutch needs doing, I need two front boots (getting a bit near the limit) and the outside is as dirty as hell and the inside doesn't bear thinking about.

What with doing longer hours (leave at 6am get home at 7-8pm) and having less cash, getting her sorted has been fairly hard. I was about to sell her for a silly amout of money, just to get enough cash together to get a van. I was going to be gutted to sell her coz even tho she's been playing up, she's a bit like one of the family!! I'm sure a few of you know what I mean!!

Kind of salvation came about a month ago in the form of mother-in-law. M I L wants a flat conversion done, and part of the deal was that I could have semi-permanent loan of one of her company vans. Reeeesult - I've now got a lovely Merc Vimto for all my crap to go in, and being diesel, I'm getting about 40-45mpg. It also means I'm not getting shite all over the interior of the 'Rado.

After a long chat with the missus, we (I grudgeingly) decided that we would get the 'Rado sorted and sell her on for a reasonable amount. We had a bit more spare cash, and I didn't have to use the 'Rado as a daily, so getting her sorted seemed a possibily.

Now, I haven't driven her for a fortnight. Today, we thought we'd take her for a run (45 odd miles - can't afford to go further lol!) just to make sure nothing seizes, all's running ok (as well as can be expected anyway).

I have had the biggest smile on my face this afternoon - even tho a couple of months ago, I would have let her go for stupid money coz she'd been playing up, and the clutch is going and all the rest, I sooooooo enjoyed driving the old girl. The noise, the driving position, the acceleration, the whole lot put a mahooooooosive grin on my face - it was like being 6 again! In a few seconds, I knew I could never sell her!!!

Just need to get those things sorted now, and it looks like I've got my weekend baby, just as I wanted. Money will be propper propper tight with running 3 vehicles, but I'm going to have to find a way.

Sorry about the long post, but I felt I had to share some of my emotions with you guys (I don't normaly share feelings with anyone!!). If anybody fancies giving me a hand to sort out some of the old girl's problems, feel free to say!!!! Even the wife agrees, 'we shouldn't sell something that make you so happy', so all I can say at the moment is reeeeeeeeeeeeeesult!!!!

Cheers for reading and all the best - Tim

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Could you save some money by taking the Corrado off the road? Running 3 cars is actually going to kill you, esp if you've taken a cut in wages.

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Just take it off the road like i have, its the best thing i have done and i love it, i now know nothing else will break and how many Rado owners can say that, i no longer live in the fear.

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Just take it off the road like i have, its the best thing i have done and i love it, i now know nothing else will break and how many Rado owners can say that, i no longer live in the fear.


Heh - me too!

First was the tax to expire, and now it the Insurance in a week or so. Seeing as I only drive it in the sunny months, mine is now likely to be SORN for most of the year!

NCBs do last a couple of years don't they?


Insurance renewal came in at £221 but even that seems too much to fork out.


Just can't bring myself to sell it! (and its not even a particularly nice example!)

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I dont think they run out at all do they???


I think they are valid for 2 years. If you don't use it before your 2 years expires then you've lost it for good. That's the way it used to work. Might have changed now though.

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Damn if it is so then as i have just reached 5 years now so i need to get it back on the road next year now.


Where is the insurance dude to confirm any of this.

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Damn if it is so then as i have just reached 5 years now so i need to get it back on the road next year now.


Where is the insurance dude to confirm any of this.


Just ring the insurance company that you have the NCB with. They'll confirm how long it lasts.

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I get sketchy with mine everytime something goes wrong, does my nut in, but then when its running nicely its the best thing ever. I see soooo many cars that i would like to own at some point, but probably wont, because that'll mean not owning a rado too :lol:

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Maybe it's cos I'm nursing the man flu at the moment, but I was genuinely welling up reading that story. I know what it is like to be thinking about selling the car, not driving it for a while, and then getting it back and remembering how much you enjoy it.


Glad to hear you are going to keep her :)



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lads i thought i would add my comments in too! iv just got my 2litre 8valve auto back on the road after almost a year of sittingg alone and scared, everyday seems to get better with the c esp as the good weather is kickin in an 2 people stopped me today sayin thats a really nice motor mate! and although i keep encountering little problems with the bad boy i just see it as something i get to do everyday on my c. even after owning mine for 4years i still love watching the spoiler go up and watching peoples faces as they watch it go back down! the missus keeps saying get rid of it and y u always on the forum but they just dont understand they love eh?? i finally decided after an amazin trip to skye in the c that its a keeper!!

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I like it when you dont drive it for a few days then let it warm up fully , then give her a boot big grin on the face in .5 sec's .


I must go and wash her :norty:



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