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Sometimes I just wish the C was a bit nippier :(

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Today I came off an A road slip road to a roundabout - the left lane always has a bit of a queue (10 or so cars) so to$$ers always go into the right hand lane, and then cut you up to get in front of you to take the first exit. It really frustrates me - as the more i've tried to become a careful and generally passive driver, the sheer amount of arrogant w4nkers on the road has shocked me.


So today some guy in a new shape TT convertible comes along side me at the front of the queue and it's pretty bloody obvious just looking at him that he'll try and cut me up and lo and behold he tries to gun it, so I gun it to try and keep up. Talk about a waste of time - the TT is SO quick off the line, and whilst the weedy valver is trying to fill its lungs, the TT is already on boost and has cut in front of me. There was still room for me to go up the inside, and I could have gone to really dangerous driving to make the point that I was rather upset by his road manners but decided it wasn't worth it and backed off.


Sometimes you want to take the moral high ground and say 'so that got you one whole car in front - was it worth it..?' but then there are times when I really envy the supercharged (and turbo) VR6 boys, simply to put cnuts like that guy in his place. If it wasn't so expensive, i'd love to turbo my old valver!

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So you never go into the right hand lane, then go all the way round the roundabout to turn left? Great time saver that one, but I do agree about cutting in infront of people, its why I always stay right up the bumper of the car I'm following.

I loved my valver around town, it was great but you're right Jim, it does lack a little something when compared to more modern sporty cars, whereas the VR holds up quite well. But given the price of VRs atm, you could always sell the valver and get a bigger engine...You know you want to. :twisted:


Oh yeah. :)

Its never quite that simple though is it? :( (i bought ziderapple's v9 a few months ago and have only just accumulated all the extra bits i needed, and it came off straight off his car!)



Edit - some guy was revving the nuts off an R8 outside work today for about 1/2 hour, even the girls were drooling at the window! Supercool.

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So you never go into the right hand lane, then go all the way round the roundabout to turn left?


I've done that - but that is using the road legitimately, if you know what I mean. Making a lane that doesn't exist, and cutting in front of someone is completely different even if the time savings are the same. It's a matter of principle! :)

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I Know what you mean jim, frustrating to say the least, on my way to stanford hall i got stuck behind a wagon with a range rover sport on my tail nearly touching my bumper with a young child in the passenger seat jumping up and down :shock: when the wagon eventually moved out of the way i gave the valver everything it had but he flashed his lights at me as i was moving out of his way he shot past me with ease and then to add insult to injury he put his hazard lights on and gave me a salute!! If i would of been in my S3 he wouldn`t of done that, There just not quick enough these days unless you have a VR6 Or G60..

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so what we're saying is the valver boys amongst you want a turbo group buy???!! :wink: will add some spice to the vr vs g60 debate :D

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I'm certainly thankful for the extra 100 or so horsepower I have over my old Corrado. The idea of a 'sleeper' Corrado still appeals greatly though!

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I totally agree with you Jim. There is nothing worse than the cheeky chaps who nip in at the last minute.


Most drivers these days are just plain rude in general, but I have been in many a situation where I have wished my 16v was quicker.


Did someone mention group buy ?? lol :clap:

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So you never go into the right hand lane, then go all the way round the roundabout to turn left?


I've done that - but that is using the road legitimately, if you know what I mean. Making a lane that doesn't exist, and cutting in front of someone is completely different even if the time savings are the same. It's a matter of principle! :)


Yeah I agree with you, I guess the point I was trying to make was why didn't he just go all the way round. He's obviously a plonker.

I just didn't really write it properly, curse the distracting tv!


bcstudent I'm considering putting my old valver badges back on the VR once its supercharged! He he.

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sling ya sen a tt enigne in and give it a bit more boost,you can have a good laugh with tt owners then :D

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I just let knobs like that get on with it, some "pen 15" :wink: in a 56 plate Renot gayo 172 drove up the inside of me the other day then proceeded to undertake and overtake cars vans and everything else he could for about 3 miles on some link roads, i just looked at him, his car, and thought KNOB :lol:


Low and behold about 5 minutes later whos waiting at the traffic lights in fron of me? yep, KNOB


He starts giving the twitchy looks and hussling the car in front, i just pottle in the traffic behind him, the road opens up we get to about 60mph hes having a look and probably thinking "that car aint getting smaller"


He does the "usual" pull over, floors it, and overtake me if you can routine :lol: as i go past him 3 figures speed in 4th and he gets the experience of a G60 at full chat entering a tunnel (peanut knows the one :norty: ) whooshing and crackling and banging like a good un 8) :wave:


He couldnt keep up after that :nuts: or maybe he didnt want a race after all?


I generally dont bother though, too many insipid potentially powerfull cars with drongos who cant drive properly sat in them


Glad i ruined his day with a "G" reg car though :grin:

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Jim, I whole-heartily understand how you feel, but just think to yourself people like that will come a cropper one day, and either get done by the rozzers :lcop: or they'll knacker their alloys!! Both of which will cost them a LOT of money...and you'll be there laughing thinking to yourself, serves then right for being impatient barstewards!


Besides, you could turbo your car for not-a-lot...just need to know how to do it on a budget! Of course it would mean you enlisting CF members help!!!

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I wonder what you could build a turboed 16v for?


Exhaust mani, little turbot, bit of piping, water injection, megasquirt or second hand emerald or sommat, fuel rail, injectors. 6-8 psi, 200 odd hp?


Nothing expensive or over complicated, just help get a bit more air in.

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To be honest the money isn't the biggest problem. If I really knuckled down I could save up a grand for turbo bits and pieces - its electronics, wiring and all that sort of stuff that is the problem, and putting strain on a 184,000 mile engine! Realistically you'd want to factor in a full strip down and rebuild of the lump and that would be super expensive... :(

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Theres always a faster car around the corner though regardless of what you spend, M5 Bmw :eek: and all that stuff


Just let em get on with it, as said they come a cropper in the end, when its an 18 wheeler that dont yield when they it cut up :wave:

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To be honest the money isn't the biggest problem. If I really knuckled down I could save up a grand for turbo bits and pieces - its electronics, wiring and all that sort of stuff that is the problem, and putting strain on a 184,000 mile engine! Realistically you'd want to factor in a full strip down and rebuild of the lump and that would be super expensive... :(


That's why I was suggestign a gentle bit of boost, nothing that will melt your pistons and poo on your pillow for good measure. pootle that around for a bit, then look to rebuild and upgrade etc

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To be honest the money isn't the biggest problem. If I really knuckled down I could save up a grand for turbo bits and pieces - its electronics, wiring and all that sort of stuff that is the problem, and putting strain on a 184,000 mile engine! Realistically you'd want to factor in a full strip down and rebuild of the lump and that would be super expensive... :(

Ok, I see your point, but getting help with the wiring/electronics wouldn't be a problem, especially with all the helpful natured people on here. As far as a bottm end rebuild is concerned, It doesn't have to be expensive. I priced up a full set of parts for a block rebuild all from VW and it came in at £330 (with a little discount) and that included a new oil pump @ £160. Then you only need to ensure the block is not completely shagged and can be rebored (if required). You don't have to put silly expensive components in there either. The turbo technics kits weren't all that, and they seem to work a beauty!


The other option although a little more, but by far the easiest is to go 20v T engine with a QPeng kit. A mate down here bought a low mileage Cupra 180bhp engine complete for 650 squid and the QPeng ECU/Loom/Downpipe kit for £1100 and had it in and running in a weekend! He said it was a piece of piss to fit! Wiring was apparently 3 (or was it 4 ) wires! Now, that isn't that difficult is it?

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The other option although a little more, but by far the easiest is to go 20v T engine with a QPeng kit. A mate down here bought a low mileage Cupra 180bhp engine complete for 650 squid and the QPeng ECU/Loom/Downpipe kit for £1100 and had it in and running in a weekend! He said it was a piece of piss to fit! Wiring was apparently 3 (or was it 4 ) wires! Now, that isn't that difficult is it?


Hmmm... food for thought indeed..... :)

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So you never go into the right hand lane, then go all the way round the roundabout to turn left? Great time saver that one, but I do agree about cutting in infront of people, its why I always stay right up the bumper of the car I'm following.


thats not really in keeping with the highway code either tho............as you are meant to approach the round-a-bout in the correct lane for the exit you want

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The other option although a little more, but by far the easiest is to go 20v T engine with a QPeng kit. A mate down here bought a low mileage Cupra 180bhp engine complete for 650 squid and the QPeng ECU/Loom/Downpipe kit for £1100 and had it in and running in a weekend! He said it was a piece of piss to fit! Wiring was apparently 3 (or was it 4 ) wires! Now, that isn't that difficult is it?


Hmmm... food for thought indeed..... :)

Not only that Jim, the ECU it comes with is an MBE engine controller and contains a remap (although generic) for the specific engine you have bought. My mates is running around 220bhp. If you got hold of a TT BAM engine you could see 265bhp quite easily :D


The only issue he had was it blowing the boost pipes off, as the jubilee clips he had weren't tight enough :shock: oh and traction too....but that could be his right foot being the problem there!

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Jim i agree wholeheartedly! The Corrado 16v's massive lack of torque borderline upset me in the first few weeks (granted mine's not exactly the best example!)


My old car was a Mk2 16v. Not super-quick by any means but mine was an early-spec 1987 model. This meant small bumpers which makes people think you're not a Gti :norty: coupled with my removal of ALL Gti badges, addition of GolfCL badges, a K&N and an Ashley 4-branch and it was a good little laugh! Also got broken into once and didn't have an alarm - I reckon the Golf CL badges were what stopped my car from getting knicked as if they'd opened the bonnet :shock: they would have been away.


What i'm trying to say is, I LOVE Sleepers (cars that go faster than they look) and imho the Corrado 16v is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of this ethos! I got done by a Beetle the other day: I'd like to think it was a 20vt beetle but who's to say it was? I stuck with it until it gave up basically but it could easily have been a 110hp workhorse :shrug:


The 16v needs a bucketload more torque, and I will be remedying that without going 20vt. I just know way more about the KR so for me it would be a false economy to change engines. Plus where's the fun in a plug-and-play kit! :lol:

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I soo agree with the above.

the corrado looks like it should be fast.

Especially when lowered with reasonably good paint etc.. :|

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I wish my g60 was faster, but I think that wont change no matter how much I increase it I will always want more :D


But for off the lights fun the best thing I have done is the VR 1st n 2nd and with the KW's on now I haven't ended up facing the wrong way on a dual carrage way round about :nuts:

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