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Prohibition Order

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Mail from my Mate:


yup the ratt got its 1st pull


for mi yellow lights and iron cross light, and wen he stopped me he noticed exhaust blowing



had to follow him down the station were my car was inspected by an expert


MY ARRRSE! the guy has given me a "prohibition notice" because my exhaust is blowing in his opinion exhaust fumes "could " intoxicate me in the car!!!!!!


i said to him that my fan intake in the other side of the fire wall which to me means that i am more likely too be gassed by my arse than my exhaust


NOT happy! but stayed calm JUST!


he went over the whole car tho found nothin , the bobby who took to calling me "son" said "personnally i highly recommend getting your suspension looked at

there's only a finger beween the arch and tyre!!!"


like i haddent noticed!! i said try and bounce the rear suspension (fat boy) couldnt move it, i also said "not being funny mate but this car may look like a shitter but underneath IT IS NOT "


another quote from the same muppet " you cant just do what you like to cars you know theres a line and you have crossed it"


i could go on !


anyway gotta producer for licence ,and docs


the real pain is i have to get the car MOT'D to lift the prohibtion !! thats another 45 quid


fixed it all this morn the ratt is back to crystal lights , and i plugged the hole in 2 mins






and they dont like line crossers


So anyone know what the law is on these Prohibition Notices? Can they really make you go through a full MOT just for a blowing exhaust?


Or will it be one of these Got to a MOT station, get it stamped to say the work's done and off you go?

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Yea I believe they can.

A mate of mine went to a local meet few weeks ago and VOSA were there with the police and some recovery trucks inspecting random cars.

They tried to take his off him there and then as they thought his handbrake wasnt good enough,he managed to talk his way around it but had to have the car MOT'd the next day

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I think I just broke out in a rash attempting to read that.


He works at a college too Dom! :lol:


Noramlly makes a bit more sense but I think he was a mite angry when typing that!


So anyone?


Isn't/Wasn't there a representitive of "Her Majesty's Constabluary" on here? :confused4:

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What would you want a representative of the police to say?!


I have to side with the police on things like this. They're watching out for cars with modifications which have been haphazardly installed (and might be dangerous) and might have been done after an MOT was given. Lord knows we've all seen stuff out and about - rat look cars, cut springs, etc etc...

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True if it were a "sh!tter"


But I know him and the car really well, it is a solid Mk2 and he's only just re-sprayed it in Primer grey (was satin black) and it's a solid but was really paint faded car underneath, so it's not like a rust-trap. There's no stretch/poke etc even has dealer plates! It's just a low tidy Mk2 (Ok french-spec yellow headlights and an Iron Cross brake light, but I'm sure these aren't illegal?)


I'm just amazed that they can "prohibit" your car for such a minor thing and a blowing exhaust!


I'm wondering if he has to go get a fresh MOT or just fix it take it to a MOT centre and get them to stamp the paperwork?

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Yeah, on a slightly more constructive note - he got pulled over for having a blowing exhaust, a stupidly low suspension setup that looked dangerous, an iron cross obscuring his rear brake light(s), yellow headlights and ratty-looking grey paint.


He then proceeded to give the officer a mouthful...


TBH if it was me that pulled him over, I'd have told him to go forth and multiply too.

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But I know him and the car really well, it is a solid Mk2


But the police don't, and a blowing exhaust means it aint solid, then : - P


Just imagine the amount of cars they pull over that ARE dangerous, I for one am glad they do do it, if it happened to me, yeah, I'd be peed off but I can see why.

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But I know him and the car really well, it is a solid Mk2


How are the police supposed to know that until they pull the car over and have a look?


Not being deliberately stubborn here mate but I think everyone is too quick to jump on the 'Police aint got nothing better to do' bandwagon - they're just doing a job, and all the coppers i've ever dealt with have been fine provided you don't act like a tw@t when they're talking to you!

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Prohibition notice or PG9 can be given to a car IF it has dangerous construction and use offences on it (usually needs 3) like bald tyres, sharp edges, tyres contacting body work, tyre TREAD sticking out past the arch, faulty brakes, excesive smoke, leaking fuel/oil/fluids etc etc


The prohibition prevents the car from being used on public roads and reamins with THAT CAR untill it is declared fit for purpose and meets MOT standards


Everyones car develops the odd fault, but you cant complaing if you deliberately drive around in a car that immediatley draws attention to itself with blowing exhausts and non conforming lights etc, instead of an iron cross maybe a Target sticker maybe a better idea?


in my experience If you gob off to the police WHO DO KNOW THE LAW! when you only think you do as you watched street wars once! then you will be on a hiding to nothing, if you act unreasonably or are rude then you only have yourself to blame for the "book" to be totally adhered too :hitler:

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Yep, sounds like the officer was just doing his job correctly and also looking out for this guys health!


A bad exhaust manifold leak (or downpipe) will potentially mean that him or any passengers are breathing in excessive levels of CO - not good at all!

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AquaG60, thanks for that, it's the constructive answer I was looking for, as to the rest of your comments, thanks guys, I know where I stand when try to ask for some help for a mate! :p


Re-read my original post and you'll see I'm not having a poke at the police and saying they have better things to do (JIM), all I was asking is have they enforced this correctly (I also have two ex-brother in-laws who are traffic Police and they have backed up Aqua's comments, of this being a bit harsh).


What I do like is the fact that there are still some police divisions who are trying to look out for dodgy cars, one that might indicate the owner would also forget about insurance and not bother with tax. The ones who would not car if they drove into the back of your pride and joy and then drove off. This is not what Dan's car is like but I can understand why the police could get very confused as to what the Rat is meant to signify.


We can't assume all police officers are tossers and then complain when they also don't do anything positive about a very crap situation that they have ended up in due to shit governance.


Yeah, on a slightly more constructive note - he got pulled over for having a blowing exhaust, a stupidly low suspension setup that looked dangerous, an iron cross obscuring his rear brake light(s), yellow headlights and ratty-looking grey paint.


He then proceeded to give the officer a mouthful...

DINKUS again re-read my post:

Blowing exhaust, yes it was about the size of a 5p, not hanging off.

Stupidly low suspension, no, wheels are all INSIDE the arches (I said no poke/stretch) and it's down 6-80mm which isn't excessive on a MK2.

Iron Cross Brakelight, as in 3rd Brake-light!

Yellow headlights, are they really illegal?

As to "Ratty looking Grey paint" all subjective.. would you say a fresh coat of Grey Primer is rattier than a car with a multi-faded factory job?

"Give the officer a mouthful" - Knowing my Friend, I doubt this very much, unlike some he's been brought up with manners.If not great Gammatical skills.


So guys before you give me a slating please read the thread properly. All comments in red are from a friend who was pretty upset at the time.

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Yeah, on a slightly more constructive note - he got pulled over for having a blowing exhaust, a stupidly low suspension setup that looked dangerous, an iron cross obscuring his rear brake light(s), yellow headlights and ratty-looking grey paint.


He then proceeded to give the officer a mouthful...

DINKUS again re-read my post:

Blowing exhaust, yes it was about the size of a 5p, not hanging off.


So it would have been making a fair old noise then...


Stupidly low suspension, no, wheels are all INSIDE the arches (I said no poke/stretch) and it's down 6-80mm which isn't excessive on a MK2.


Still doesn't mean that it could have looked dangerously low...


Iron Cross Brakelight, as in 3rd Brake-light!

Fair enough, but that wasn't what you said..


Yellow headlights, are they really illegal?

No idea, but it's not the norm and combined with the other things probably wouldn't have helped.


As to "Ratty looking Grey paint" all subjective.. would you say a fresh coat of Grey Primer is rattier than a car with a multi-faded factory job?

I'd say both are ratty and combined with dangerous looking suspension and a blowing exhaust, it adds to the interest of the copper...


"Give the officer a mouthful" - Knowing my Friend, I doubt this very much, unlike some he's been brought up with manners.If not great Gammatical skills.


Unlike you, we don't know your friend and only have what you posted up to go on, but this doesn't imply he was entirely civil..

i also said "not being funny mate but this car may look like a **** but underneath IT IS NOT"

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I don't like people who have show-off cars with noisy exhausts and ridiculous low suspension - merely a fashion statement for maggot willies IMO.


Sorry vwdeviant and mate, but well done to the polis. :shrug:


We actually live in a liberal country where we have a great deal of personal freedom, yet many do not realise this.

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