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Written off for a wing and a door :-(

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The phrase "Completly gutted" doesnt even cover it.... :sad: the first I heard of it was a letter from the salvage company yesterday say they had been requested to come pick up the car, they have been told to get to f%^&


If I had caused the crash I would be a little more understanding but I was stationary when this :censored: hit me, and he only dented the door and wing, I dont undersatnd how they can just write it off!!


There is no way they are taking my car until I have an offer I am happy with from the insurance company, so anyone have any ideas on what value to reasonably expect for a 92 G60 in reasonable nick? :pale:


P.s please no requests for parts, its painfull enough as it is with out the vulchers closing in. If it comes to it the parts will appear on here. :-(

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the book price will be less than the actual value i'm affraid and unless you got decent insurance that will be all they will offer you if they write it off.


However they can not write off your car without you agreeing to the offer. You can request to have the car to repair yourself. This will usually be as if the insurance company have writen off your car paid out the book value to you then you buy the car back off of them :scratch:


I got a good deal when a VW transporter crashed into the back of my RSP mini cooper they offered £1400 to write off my car or £1000 and the car to fix up, so they might still be a good chance of saving your rado :cheers:

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And more to the point if you were not-at-fault you have an absolute right to make the insurer repair, not replace, your car.

If you had caused the accident, you have less control over the process.

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IIRC if it was someones elses fault and their insurance has agreed to cough up then you can stick to your guns and have your car repaired - they cannot write it off as you have a right to have you property repaired. I'd certainly have a go at that, I think this is dependant on the level of damge - it will be assessed as CAT D for panel damage, obviously CAT B/A cars cannot be repaired.


Otherwise it may make financial sense to have them write it off and pay you, and you buy it back from the insurance co (without it leaving your driveway), use 2nd hand parts from here or ebay and a local bodyshop to repair. This depends on how much they offer you and how much to buy it back, and being a cat D car will be worth less to sell on.

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And more to the point if you were not-at-fault you have an absolute right to make the insurer repair, not replace, your car.

If you had caused the accident, you have less control over the process.


Thats what I thought, I understand that they can write off the car if its too badly damaged but I assumed that as it wasnt my fault and its only surface damage i.e dented door and wing that they would have to fix it! :scratch:


But apparently not, if anyone can enlighten me here I would love to know my rights before I speak to the theaving ba5t4rd insurance company! :help:

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Hi mate, my C was rear ended when I was stationery at traffic lights a few months ago - I bypassed my own insurance as they wanted me to pay my excess upfront etc and I would've lost my no claims (was 2 weeks before renewal) until they had claimed the costs back! While at my local VW bodyshop getting a quote for the work, they told me about a company that's part of VW that would deal with all the repairs and courtesy car costs and then claim all the costs back off the guy who was at fault. The repair work VW did was excellent and I had a Mk5 Gti as a courtesy car. The guy's insurance company sent me a cheque for £1k but I sent it straight back to them :wink:

Might be worth considering, no way should you have to lose your car as it wasn't your fault

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If it wasn't your fault you should just be able to insist that the other parties insurance will have to pay for the repairs, even if it does cost more than the value of the car, it should also not be recorded as a cat c/d or whatever, as they shouldnt have written it off.

I had a similar thing when someone crashed into the back of my van while i was stationary in traffic, the cost of repairs was higher than the value of the vehicle, but my insurances legal cover asked me if i wanted them to tell them to repair it which i did as it would have cost us too much time and money to get another one.


the van wasn't recorded as a write off and came up clean when the new owner did a HPI check on it, although he was told about the damage by us.

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Similar thing happened a while ago to some family friends. They had a 10 year old Toyota Corrola. Some cock-master crashed into them, then his insurance tried to right it off, so they sued and got the car fixed rather than written off. :)


I'm sure you are well within your rights to tell the insurance company to stick it up there ar$e and get your C repaired

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Hi mate, it might be worth a quick call to Martin at HIC (Herts Insurance Consultants), or you can find him in the Insurance Sub-Forum on here. He's a Corrado owner himself, a very helpful guy and I'm sure he'll be able to advise you the best route to take.



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similar thing just happened to me a few month back, i said from day one i wanted my car back as the damage was only the wing, bonnet, bumper & headlight. they wrote my car off (cat c) but agreed with my valuation of the car once i provided evidence of the condition of it, pictures, service history & i sent adverts from pistonheads & autotrader of cars of similar age & condition. if you can be there when the valuer comes to view your car have a word & tell him it's your pride & joy & you can easily fix & hopefully he'll just give a cat d. the insurance company agreed my car was worth over 4k & said they'd take 25% salvage value off the payout so i got my car back & a cheque for over 3k & it only cost me about a grand to fix it! oh & don't let them take your car away, get the assessor to view it while your there. mine was safely stored in the garage who looks after my car & despite me telling they are not getting their hands on my car they tried 3 times to collect it without my permission! dread to think what might've happened to it! just stick to your guns & say you want it back, as long as the chassis's not bent or twisted it'll be an easy fix & i'm sure you'll be able to pick up the parts you need off here, breakers yard & even ebay.


good luck, i'm sure it'll work itself out for the best

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Hi mate, it might be worth a quick call to Martin at HIC (Herts Insurance Consultants), or you can find him in the Insurance Sub-Forum on here. He's a Corrado owner himself, a very helpful guy and I'm sure he'll be able to advise you the best route to take.



Am insured with HIC already :) agreed Martin is a top guy and I will keep you all posted of how I get on, at the moment I have just got off the phone with "the claim service" who (as the name suggests) deal with the claim's they appeared to be quite supprised that I had not heard anything from anoyone except the letter I got yesterday from the scrap dealer telling me that thay had been authorised to pick my car up! :censored:


So they have basicly written off my car on the basis of ONE quote from the garage I selected to do the work, they have not even sent out anyone to look at the car! :bad-words: the poor guy I was speaking to also mentioned that as far as they are concerned the car is only worth £1420 so he did get shouted at! :cuckoo:


Basicly this is turning in my worst nightmare, I really really really regret not going whole hog on the guys insurance and got a hire car, claimed for whiplash, loss of earning's etc. Lesson to learn here, all insurance companies are c%£ts you may as well screw the :censored: for all you can because its only ever us that loose out! I thought that by keeping the cost of the whole claim down I would be more likely to get my car fixed, how stupid was I!!?? Next time some moron drives into me I WILL be claiming for everthing!! :mad2:


Mr Angry!

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Next time some moron drives into me I WILL be claiming for everthing!!


Indeed, and another thing: Keep hassling your insurer on a daily basis.


As some here already know, when my much beloved pride and joy Mk1 Rocco got rear-ended by some tw*t on my home from a show even (don't use the Mk1 in daily traffic) now almost 6 years ago, I sent recorded delivery letters, faxes, emails and was on the phone to them on a daily basis for progress reports.


In the end they got so sick and tired of me, they gave me a cheque which indeed covered the repair, quotes for which I had obtained from no less than 3 garages, and a 4th one abroad (Germany). I did also claim for whiplash, loss of earnings, telephone/stationary costs, the lot.


Yes, it doesn't help keep premiums down, but think of it this way: How many stupid people in crap daily dogs cause accidents and will claim whatever they can get off the insurance, leading to more careful people like us having to stump up more and more premium each year. It's not the careful owners who take pride in their cars like us who are the problem, it's the masses in their daily bashers, who quite frankly couldn't care less about their cars and often just want to scam the insurance.



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After calming down (quite a lot it does help living in Amsterdam :-)) I spoke to the Claim's service people and told them I either want my car fixed or £3000 and I get to keep the car, anything else is a waste of both there time and mine, I will need to provide copies of all the receipts for the work done on my car (no problem there I have £1000's worth!) and MOT certifacate, V5 etc.


They are now aware that its MY way or face an on-going daily hassle from me and if that doesnt work there is always legal action and http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/p ... putes.html


Just got to play the waiting game I guess :? such a pain in the ass though! I am really pissed off that I have to go through all this hassle and I didnt even do anything wrong! :bad-words:

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Yeah, insurance companies are a complete ball-ache, but stick to your guns and you'll be ok.


Whatever you do, don't send them the original V5 to the insurance company as they could do a runner with it, similarly, I'd try and only send copies of MOTs and receipts etc in case the buggers lose them.

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