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top gear, Sunday 8pm repeated wednesday 7pm BBC2

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So Jim, did you like the "Proper" test of he Fiesta? :lol:


Which Shopping Centre was that! BHS's flooring after the Vette decided to do Burn-outs! :shock:

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I was thinking that too, must be getting old "Ooh, that'll leave a terrible mess" :lol: That Corvette looked super sick tho.


I liked the beach assault, jez and the marine had me laughing out loud "are you cold" "yeah i am a bit" "put the heater on then" and the bullet casings flying around the inside of the car as he fired out the window.


And what the hell was that German car all about? It looked like it came from some 70s sci-fi program. Weird.

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Which Shopping Centre was that! BHS's flooring after the Vette decided to do Burn-outs! :shock:


Festival Place in Basingstoke, still got the skid marks in BHS when I was in there the other day.




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Rather enjoyed the rather pointless segment on Communist Cars - had me laughing like a drain!

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Just got to wait for the first "I drowned my new Fester" story after that beach assault... MUST have been modded to drive that deep in the water!

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I liked the beach assault, jez and the marine had me laughing out loud "are you cold" "yeah i am a bit" "put the heater on then" and the bullet casings flying around the inside of the car as he fired out the window.


LOL, yeah, the look on Clarkson and the soldier's faces hinted that they kind of forgot about the casings when firing an MP5 out of a car window :lol: They can be roasting hot sometimes!


And what the hell was that German car all about? It looked like it came from some 70s sci-fi program. Weird.


That thing was hideous and it looked dog slow round the track. I doubt it had anywhere near the quoted 475hp.


Good to see the little Brit bruiser annihilating it round the track, unbelievably quick those things....


My Dad used to have that exact same Morris Marina....a 1.0 Super :lol: Same caramel brown too. RWD tho :D

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The speed of that Caterham was insane.. it looked like an absolutely insane experience driving one of those things at that sort of speed!!

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"Caterhams are for Geeks" Is rubbish... Geeks in Caterhams last about 20 minutes! Damn things still have "Live" rear axels!


When a Caterham bites it grabs you by the head and keeps shaking till you're dead... they are pretty nasty, especially the "R" spec ones, chassis really wasn't designed for that much horsepower!


Saying that, in the right environment, they are a LOT of fun!

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Who takes on board fashion advice from the TG crew anyway? :lol: The only thing they have got right is the fact Audi drivers are c0cks. Particularly the owners of base model cars and diesels.


I've been in a modest spec Westfield and even they completely recalibrate your senses. Everything responds instantly and with zero slack.... especially the steering. You'll find yourself over correcting into every corner and taking lock off again..... nothing like a normal road car at all and you're really aware of the car's lack of mass.


The Stig looked like he really loved that caterham.... never seen him drive so vigourously :lol:

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It shot off the line and zipped through the corners. I was really impressed....Caterham is only about 5 miles from me, I might go take one for a test drive. :) Yeah right, maybe if I get dressed up in slacks and a blazer....

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The only thing with the R500 is you get £36K's worth of performance, not £36K's worth of car as such :D

You can't use it daily (unless you're mad) and you can't do long journeys in it (unless you're mad).


It's pretty much a super bike with 4 wheels!

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Yeah got to agree, that Caterham looked insane, truly brown-trouser fast! 900 odd thousand pounds cheaper, and faster round the track than the £1m Veyron. That seemed to go down well with the audience! British car FTW for once!!

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but what did the other car that hamster tested along side the r500?? it looked soooo silly you would look a c0ck if you were driving that around westminister lol :lol: :lol:

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Trust me you wouldn't want to sit in an R500 dawdling through a town centre. Best left for trackdays & Sunday mornings in the country.

I have to say I was tremendously impressed by the time it posted. I expected it to be very quick, but that time (and Stig's driving) was just exceptional.


*Personally I want the black Corvette :D

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How good did that Vette sound thundering through the shopping centre?! I'd love to know if it was a Corvette press car or what though - when they ploughed through one of the stands in the shopping centre, I couldn't help but think it'd have left a notable dent and some serious scratches!


And on a similar vein, was a bit surprised to hear Clarkson on Radio 5 the other day casually say that, unfortunately, they'd trashed an Alfa 8c Competitzione during filming of his new DVD.. can't help but think they must get a bit of a blaz

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I have to say I was tremendously impressed by the time it posted. I expected it to be very quick, but that time (and Stig's driving) was just exceptional.


Agreed, both the car and Stig's driving were inspirational. I wonder if he's got one of his own? He seemed to be grabbing it by the scruff of the neck and showing it whose boss! Those Duratec motors are incredible. 300+hp from 2 litres.... and the Honda boys get excited by 120hp / litre....

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And on a similar vein, was a bit surprised to hear Clarkson on Radio 5 the other day casually say that, unfortunately, they'd trashed an Alfa 8c Competitzione during filming of his new DVD.. can't help but think they must get a bit of a blaz

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Yes, very entertaining program last night.


When we had "worst car you've ever driven" thread I put down (father in law's) Morris Marina automatic. - think it was in "Sand" colour, too. Yuk. Glad to see that TG reckon it was appalling, too. Wife's father got Cavalier auto next at my recommendation - much better and it lasted for years.


Hard to imagine even 10 to 15 years ago the "Lord Mayor of London" taking part in the Top Gear speed trial or similar stunt.

Good sport Boris J is brainy and can be very amusing - wonder if he will avoid being an ar$e in his new post.

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I like to think of Boris as someone who's so clever he's a complete idiot. :) He's certainly very amusing.

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The thing is though, if I was about to sink my life savings into an Alfa 8C, expecting much greatness.....I'd welcome Clarkson's comments if it was crap and I'd buy something else instead.


My life savings are £00.00 and no pence by the way....


To us, cars like that are unobtainable and we can only imagine they are utterly brilliant because they're so expensive. But to a millionaire like Clarkson, whose job it is is to drive these things all day, it's nothing special. I know he's a drongo a lot of the time but you can tell when he's genuinely dissapointed or excited by a car.


As for wrecking good cars, he's destroyed loads..... Poured acid onto a 911, then shot it, then drove it into walls, dropped a piano on it and then dropped it into a caravan......shot a corvette to pieces with a gunship...... destroyed a mint Porsche 944.....etc etc.


At the end of the day, the BBC will have paid good money for those cars and would the owners have parted with them if they were so cherished?

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I have to say I was tremendously impressed by the time it posted. I expected it to be very quick, but that time (and Stig's driving) was just exceptional.


Agreed, both the car and Stig's driving were inspirational. I wonder if he's got one of his own? He seemed to be grabbing it by the scruff of the neck and showing it whose boss! Those Duratec motors are incredible. 300+hp from 2 litres.... and the Honda boys get excited by 120hp / litre....


I think it's fair to say most racing drivers know how to punt a Caterham along at 100%. That certainly wasn't Stig's first time in one.


How good did that Vette sound thundering through the shopping centre?! I'd love to know if it was a Corvette press car or what though - when they ploughed through one of the stands in the shopping centre, I couldn't help but think it'd have left a notable dent and some serious scratches!

That was the best piece of film they've done all series. I was honestly expecting a few lines from the Blue Brothers to be inserted into the dialogue but the 'nod' was nicely subtle. "There's a sale at Penny's...'

:D :D :D


p.s. Jim - no dents on a Corvette mate, bodies are fibreglass...

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I missed the Blues Brothers nod. I also thought it was the best segment of this series, just goes to show they've still got it when they try. I have however found the last 2 series to be too short (only 6 episodes, last one next week) and not very original in content. I think they should take a proper long break over the rest of winter and come back in the spring with a decent 10 week run that mixes the laughes with a few more interesting and in depth segments.



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I missed the Blues Brothers nod. I also thought it was the best segment of this series, just goes to show they've still got it when they try. I have however found the last 2 series to be too short (only 6 episodes, last one next week) and not very original in content. I think they should take a proper long break over the rest of winter and come back in the spring with a decent 10 week run that mixes the laughes with a few more interesting and in depth segments.



You should pull a dusty copy off the DVD shelf. It's probably the funniest car chase ever filmed.

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