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Mike Edwards

R32 into C Recommendations

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Lets say I have a C VR6, plus an R32 engine, plus a Quaife 02a ATB.


Who do people recommend to bring these things together in a working package???

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karl :wink:


well storm developments seem pretty experianced with putting the r32 into mk2's so a corrado wouldnt be anymore difficult for them i wouldnt think, or theres stealth?

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Holy Forum Jump Batman....


Okay chaps - for future reference - can you please point me at the user guidance that would suggest this is where I should ask the question - rather than where I originally posted it???

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It's fairly self explanatory really Mike :D


(wasn't me that moved it btw..)


R32's a bit 'yesterday' isn't it tho mate?? Storm have fitted an R36 in a MK2 and Supercharged it... you want to get yourself an R40 :lol:

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'Fairly' certain I put it in Technical:Engine Bay in an attempt to get people's opinion - rather than have someone sell me their expertise...


Oh well, moving on: In addition to Karl and Dubunit, any suggestions anyone???

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I'll have a crack at it.....


You didn't want it back this year I assume?

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hi Mike,


well theres a few people who can do the conversion, heres just a few for you.


Dubunit :)

storm developments

PSI tuning



mv developments



so you do have a fair amount of choice, it all really depends on how much you want to spend, and also what parts you do actually have for the conversion ie full loom with the factory ecu etc etc.



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C + R32 + Quaife 02a ATB.


Recommendations for putting it together???

Well, I'd put the Quaife into the gearbox, attach that to the R32, then mount it in the Corrado.... :lol: :lol:














I'll get my coat

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I have no idea what's going on with threads but I've merged the two ... it's a question about who can do something i.e supply a service so it's a supplier issue, rather than a technical, 'how do I mate two cobras without getting bitten' type thread.

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So - for the sake or discussion - if I want to know people's opinion on who's best, how will putting it here help???


For example:

"I can do it for £xk (but expect to be very p*ssed off with the state it's in)"


is less useful than:


" did a really good good on mine."


But I bow to your Omniscience... :p

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The main reason I move threads into their relevant sections is to help with peoples searches in the future, it's alot easier if everything is in it's place so that people can narrow their search to specific forums and find the info they're looking for, without having to go through pages and pages of unrelated info.

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As Walesy says .. plus IMO:


Where to buy something or who can supply something (products or services) isn't a technical issue, which is how the main forums are broken down: Engine, Exterior, Interior, ICE etc.


If someone wants to know about how to take apart an ISV, that's technical. However, if you want to know where to buy an ISV, that's a question of cheapest or best supplier and opinions thereon.


So if you want to know where to have an engine fitted - Suppliers Forum. If you want to know how to fit an engine - Engine Forum.


It's not intended to annoy people Mike, as I'm sure you know, it's just intended to strip out the non-technical stuff.


Good luck with the snakes :grin:

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Ironic as it may be, when i'm looking for a pair of socks in the morning, I can only usually find them in my pants draw :shrug:

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I have, and it works in the end, allthough i've got to look through loads of pants before I find the socks - would be much easier if my wife put them in the correct draw in the first place :camp:

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Click advanced search, then enter +how +to +put +pants +on +right +way +round -Thong -adder


Select the clothing forum, threads, not posts, and Robert is that smelly old great Uncle you weren't allowed near when you were a child.

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what was the original question agian :lol:


i'd say karls list'll give you a good says worth of phone calls to people, should get an idea from those guys in the know, o and beigey's technique sounds spot on to me :wink:

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Good god guys, it's like a children's play pen and nobody's answering the poor man's question.


As others have said, I've have a chat with KADVR6 (Karl) about it as he's doing/done almost the same thing.


There are numerous way to skin the proverbial cat (or in this case ECU issue), so I'd have a read of the Definitive 24v into a (VR) Corrado thread to see what your options are.


As far as places that can do it go, again Karl would be a good choice. I spent a lot of time looking into this myself and after talking to them about the details of conversion - I would say that Storm Developments know a lot and are good to talk to, but I'd be concerned about letting them lose on my car with a spanner.

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cheers for the recommendations guys, and yeh as dom has just said, storm are the best known for doing this conversion. BUT they are the most expensive. i will not go into wether or not i would trust them though, as everyone has different views on all garages out there.


theres also the Phirm, but you cannot get anything done there at the moment due to there workload at the moment, but as some of you may of seen, Elliot from PVW is going to R32 he's Rallye, and he has been discussing the conversion with Matt at Dubunit.



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Good answers - thank you one and all.


Walesy, I recommend asking someone who has had previous experience of finding socks (such as Mrs Walesy). But - obviously - going into M&S and asking where they keep socks will also work... :)

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