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Mrs B's Golf VR6

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Glad you got video evidence of Louis Theroux stealing Mrs. B's car too :shock: :lcop:


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Quick update...


The Friday before Edition 38, Gav and Nik dropped a couple of bits and bobs off chez nous, and as the special super cheap coilies had arrived we (well, I say we, it was more Gav) decided to surprise Mrs B and fit them whilst she was at work.


The man hard at work :)

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Well, when I picked Mrs B up from work, she didn't even notice it was a LOT lower, well not until we pulled away and she noticed the slightly harder ride :wink:


Anyway, didn't get any pics straight after fitting the coilies, or indeed at ED38, so spent today washing Tubbs ready for pics and fitting the front and rear speakers that were in the 306. I didn't realise the covers came of the rear quarter speakers until I'd completely removed the trim panel. What a d1ck :lol: It was a right royal pain in the bum to get out too. Anyhoo, speakers are loads betterererer, Mrs B just needs to save up for the Hertz kit that she heard at the 'Four' stand at Edition :norty:


After a good clean today! I did it yet again :roll:

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Looks really good :) always have had a bit of a soft spot for the mk3 VR6, and with that list of plans, that'll make it into a really fun beast.

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Looks really good :) always have had a bit of a soft spot for the mk3 VR6, and with that list of plans, that'll make it into a really fun beast.

As always that original list of things Mrs B wants has indeed changed....ox blood red leather now! 8)

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Put the ride height back up again yet Stu??

Yeah, it settled loads over the Edition weekend, to the point where we had an inch clearance on the sump :shock: Needless to say I raised it an inch or so :lol: seems to be OK now though, just need to get the camber set-up right now. :(

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Looking good mate, Carleena a bit more used to the rideheight now?

Yup, and the ride has mellowed somewhat too :)

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Car looked awesome mate, cheers for the boot panel. Told you yesterday my car hates me, the bloody bonnet cable seems to have snapped today :( oh well....

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Car looked awesome mate, cheers for the boot panel. Told you yesterday my car hates me, the bloody bonnet cable seems to have snapped today :( oh well....

No probs dude.


Gutted :(

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Looking good Stu! but for the sake of £15 please please please get some new number plates for it!


Does it have a name yet?

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Looking good Stu! but for the sake of £15 please please please get some new number plates for it!


Does it have a name yet?

Indeed, Carleena has already got that onthe [TODO] list :lol:


It does have a name, yeah. - Tubbs :) I'll update the thread title I think :D

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Looking good Stu! but for the sake of £15 please please please get some new number plates for it!


Does it have a name yet?


:lol: Quality, I was wondering who would mention in first! :clap:

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It does have a name, yeah. - Tubbs :) I'll update the thread title I think :D


Don't touch the things! This is a local shop for local people, there's nothing for you here! :wave:

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It does have a name, yeah. - Tubbs :) I'll update the thread title I think :D


Don't touch the things! This is a local shop for local people, there's nothing for you here! :wave:

That is indeed the inspiration for the name :D

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Looking good Stu! but for the sake of £15 please please please get some new number plates for it!

Only took about 18 months, but, I never thought I'd be happy about fitting new number plates....


Before & After

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Made a huge difference. Pleasing in an unusual way! :lol:

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its always the little things! the clear side repeaters on my C are still my favourite mod so far :camp:

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Well, if you were wondering what happened to micVR's old wheels, after he stuck the Rotas on this weekend.....





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need spacerrzz :)


I know what you mean. I've just put my winter Solitudes on my VR6 Golf, and I am trying to get used to the change in stance, with the wheels so much further tucked in than with the LMs on.

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