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Do certain car brands/makes attract a certain kind of person

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Not sure if its me turning into a judgemental old git BUT do certain car makes/models attract a certain kind of enthusiast?


Went to the BIG F*rd Fair at Silverstone today, (present from girlfriend), to see some old-skool escorts and capri's and apart from being knocked out at the size of the show the other thing was how many, how can I put it, young persons of a baseball and burberry persuasion there was. :ignore:


Am I tarring everyone with the same brush? :?

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No not at all, I went to a Tri*mph Stig meeting once, and nearly everyone there wore a leather jacket and sported tinted prescription glasses.

anders, that is so spot on :lol: Trouble is you get those same people at any Triumph meet.

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A lot of people don't care what car they drive.


Saying that I've met a lot of similarly minded individuals on here. Do corrados = innapropriacy?

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I feel very comfortable wearing my hoody, does that mean I have no choice but to drive a VW ? :D


Or hang around parks drinking and upsetting the old folks? ;)

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somethings i've noticed is, the fastest the car, the balder the owner :lol:


have you ever seen an evo meet? most people are bald :!

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That's because being able to afford and insure very fast cars is proportional to bank balance and bank balance is proportional to age and experience (unless your a footballer or porn star). And statistically speaking, most typical English blokes are slap heads by 50....

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Does that mean the faster you go Kev the balder you'll get? Best keep it below 400bhp then mate! :lol:


Obviously different cars attract different types of people, the subaru groups are probably moaning on a thread about some vw meet they went to and how everyone was in board trainers and a hoodie!

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No not at all, I went to a Tri*mph Stig meeting once, and nearly everyone there wore a leather jacket and sported tinted prescription glasses.


You sure that wasnt a doggers meet? :lol:


I dont really think theres a "stereo typical" owner for any brand, most seem to attract all sorts, for instance, Subarus, or "clitoris" as they are often called, one minute you see "jack the lad" driving around in the HEAVILLY depreciated 1k green L reg Impreza...next corner you see mr "Bell End" 40 + "i die my hair blonde" chunky chain, pitt bull & every accesory he can find bolted onto the car! with the biggest whale tail pro drive sell on the back :wink: , just, it seems to impress "jack the lad" in his ancient first edition


mind you those traits are prevelant throughout any brands ownership it seems, including VW`s :lol:

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