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Leonard's Corrado VR6 - 515bhp 5.9L's twin scroll turbo ;)

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thats a nice size you shouldnt have a problem with clearance them :) Plate looks fine as it is, i'm not a fan of messing with spacing or fonts, i just like short plates...


Are you going to be running the wheels over winter?


I do get a bit of rubbing when hitting big bumps (of which we have plenty in Derbyshire) Cant really see where though? Guess its the top of the arch, but cannot really see why as they are only 5mm higher than my 15's :confused4:


TBH Im not really going to be using the car that much this winter, just the odd trip out and about. Therefore will probably keep em on and just make sure car is cleaned after every journey. I left the rims laquered and just polished up the inners so maintenance wise they are not too bad. Really easy to wash as well, love them! :D


Did think of having a short front plate as well, however it didnt look quite right. Having plate same width as the grill seems to work better.


Just noticed I need to paint my calipers! Damn thought I had finished, always something LOL

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one word needed.




Thanks for the kind words m8. If my car is stunning, goodness know's what your car will be when its finished! Orgasmic springs to mind though LOL

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when i meant short plates i meant ones with not so many digits :)


If your only using the car occasionally you will be fine leaving the wheels on as you can keep on top of them. Its only really an issue if its wet and you drive the car hard and the brake dust cakes on and then drys or if the roads have been gritted.


Are the wheels catching on the front or back? my 8 x 17 et35 rh's used to clear quite nicely so it may be down to profile of the tyre sidewall?

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Are the wheels catching on the front or back? my 8 x 17 et35 rh's used to clear quite nicely so it may be down to profile of the tyre sidewall?


Just the rear, it doesnt sound like catching, it sounds like rubbing. I wonder if with the wheels being slightly heavier they are travelling further into the arch??? They do actually feel mildly more cushioning than the 15's. So that would explain that if they were getting more travel out of the suspension. Only does it when pushed hard so not a great problem, but still...

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Looks great Leonard - luvin' the numberplate :twisted:


Cheers m8 one day I will stick the plate on this:





May have to live til 150 tho for the depreciation to kick in :grin:

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looks absolutly excellent mate. top job to whoever has done it and you have chosen the right things to do to make it look ace :D love it!

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looks absolutly excellent mate. top job to whoever has done it and you have chosen the right things to do to make it look ace :D love it!


Thanks m8 I do owe the sprayer a big thanks. It is not a perfect job, if anything it probably has too much paint on it LOL But not going to complain as it looks good and I can always have it cut back by a detailer at a later date if I can be bothered. Plus it was done at a sensible price.


I didnt really want the car looking like it had been modded, hopefully to the untrained eye it looks stock. The wheels are pretty bling yes, but they are of the same era as the car so..... :grin:

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Lol, to be honest I don't think anyone would bat an eyelid! We've always got people in and out, delivering flowers etc. Its usually parked in the corner trying to look inconspicuous :)


Right Im there then! I will take it some flowers :D


Always amazes how small it looks compared to all the other cars in the carpark, apart from the smart car lol

Makes you wonder if they ever made a rado MkII, how big it would be compared to its predecessor. :gag: - goes for every car really...

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Makes you wonder if they ever made a rado MkII, how big it would be compared to its predecessor. :gag: - goes for every car really...


Be nice to think that VW would make the effort to cut out any flab and a new C would be a true sports coupe.


My Corrado is about the same size as my GF's 5 door Fiesta allbeit a lot lower!


Oh well fingers crossed for the future.

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Almost time for new clutch. Just trying to justify fitting a nice lsd at the same time :nuts:


And 263 cams being delivered tomorrow, woohoo!

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As said before its looking really nice. Love the wheels!!


You will like the cams im pretty sure of that :D


I seem to remember seeing it in its early days too. Maybe I read about it?? :scratch:

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Well it's in for its new clutch tomorrow and rather than be naughty and get an LSD fitted I thought I would be good and do yet more preventative maintenance :cuckoo: :help:


So its new chains and guides all the way, woohoo! :scratch:


Oh well hopefully not too long before I can fit some more performance orientated parts :grin:

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if your getting the chains done you might aswell fit your cams?


Oi dont you start as well LOL


I really did consider it, but... I cannot afford tappets and a remap, plus the fitting of my VSR and couple of other little bits it needs. So I think I will leave it for a few more months and then just have Vince at Stealth do the lot in one go. I would feel a lot better having the cams in with a remap at the same time :)


Damn its so tempting though :lol:

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Phew clutch, slave cyclinder, cranshaft oil seal and chains all done.... Shame the money wasnt spent on something more exciting, but still all done for another 14 years hopefully LOL.


Also spent whole of last night cataloguing all my old invoices, exciting hey :norty:


Filled one 60 page folder and a quarter of another :cuckoo: Needless to say re-living some of the invoices made me feel a little sick :lol:


Still, worth all the wallet ache I suppose :bonk:

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Looking great as usual!!!


Where the chains making a noise before you changed them?

Just asking cos min are pretty quiet (very slight noise but nothing to worry about) but dont think they have ever been done and its on 139k now

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Looking great as usual!!!


Where the chains making a noise before you changed them?

Just asking cos min are pretty quiet (very slight noise but nothing to worry about) but dont think they have ever been done and its on 139k now


I didnt have time to chat to mechanic last night. But am going up today so hopefully he still has the old parts.


I also didnt think my car was very noisy (done 85k) and the only noise it did make I assumed were the tappets. However the car really is silent now compared to how it was before. So the chains must have been making a bit of a chatter!


Will update you later.



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Car is booked in to Stealth for the 26th June for the VSR and 263 cams to be fitted.


Im really struggling to get excited about it however. Just keep thinking I should be sensible and use the money to pay off my Barclaycard! :( . £2000 to get 30bhp and 30lbft torque doesnt seem like much of a bargain LOL. Even if I reckon that is all I want from the old girl.


Must be having a mid life crisis and not in a good way! :grin:


P.S Also getting fed up of polishing my wheels!

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