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The youth of today!

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Above are my (i think) quite cool dust caps.


Not anymore, some little scrotes had them away at Asda this evening. Well not all of them they left one behind because the lady in the car next to mine caught them in the act. As I walked back she asked if it was my car and when I said yes explained what happened and point the youths out to me as they wandered across the car park with their BMXs.


being an unfit smoker with a bag of shopping a pursuit on foot was out of the question so I jumped in the car and zoomed round a short cut to cut them off as they left the car park.


Now having them nicked was annoying (especially as I'm going t a show on sunday) but what happened next really boiled my blood. They saw me coming and rather than running off they stood in the middle of the road and threw stones at my car! Luckily the handling of the Rado meant I avoided most of em and then nipped off down a side street to see them flipping me the bird in my mirror. The little scrotes could only have been about 12. They were lucky that I A care about my paintwork and B don't carry a bat in my boot!


Enraged of Basingstoke.

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Little shits.


I'd have probably lost my rag and run them over. :oops: Being young they shoudln't take up too much space in my boot...

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WTF! Little sh!ts!! :|


And you know if you'd have touched them, their parents would have gone ape - like their precious little boy would NEVER do something like that.


This is why I don't bother with fancy and easily detachable stuff on the car - easy pickings for pikey f*ckers.

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little scroats!


ive seen kids outside my house tryin to nick mine but there tightened on with a key ring thing is cant do owt to them as they will just run home screaming for pappa then next thing your cars vandalised! so i just shout at them not that it does much good, they have still stolen mine an my misses ariels though!!

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I like a thread I once saw on Pistonheads about how to prevent valve cap theft.

Put on a thick set of welding gloves and grind up some glass to a nice shiny (but sharp) powder. Coat some ordinary valve caps in superglue and roll them in the glass powder. Refit the valve caps and put the welding gloves in the boot in case of a puncture.

Await pikey scumbags trying to pinch shiny, sparkly items from the car and send blood samples to police for evidence.


Sorry to hear about your incident man,


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Await pikey scumbags trying to pinch shiny, sparkly items from the car and send blood samples to police for evidence.


And don't take the car for some new tyres or anything and forget about them... you might not get your car back in one piece ;)

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I have problems like that down my street. Little 12yr old kids kicked off about 8 wing mirrors the other week, luckily i was at work and had my car with me. Ive had brake fluid poured all over my old car which wrote it off. We often get chavvy kids in Peterborough acting the big person but when you stop the car and turn around the soon go running off to daddy.


Its not only the younger people who damage cars, i had a bloke who looked about 50 reverse into my car earlier when i was cleaning it leaving a horrible chip out of front bumper...he drove off aswell! Didnt get his reg plate either :mad2:

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What a world we live in. I've had a mirror kicked off one of my old golfs (I know it was kicked off and not hit by another car because it was on the side of the car next to the pavement). And a week later the same car was crashed into by someone who just drove off whilst it was parked up outside my house. No witnesses down my road. All I know was that it was a red vehicle because it left half of its paintwork behind on my car. :bad-words: One day I'm going to build a rocket and fire every last little pikey scrot into the sun.

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I had my iron cross valve caps nicked off the Corrado outside my house.

Everytime I see the local kids on their bikes now I check to see if they got them on.

If I spot them I will take the bike off them simple as.

Then they can go home and tell their parents why I did it hehe

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