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Corrado S4

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The car is yet to be painted, it's in primer.


Well done everyone for reading the Vortex post properly :nuts: :bonk:


the car is just in primer to make it to the show, it will be painted in time.

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Awesome by the looks of it.... To sling a rado body over S4 chassis means a load of work!


Guess the "styling" is to accept the increased track of the S4... Front end looks stretched too (or is it me?)

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Seriously, is it only me that has a problem with the 4th picture down? I dont care how much work and effort had to go into the thing, its pointless if it cant be drove due to everything hanging so low under the chassis.

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Seriously, is it only me that has a problem with the 4th picture down? I dont care how much work and effort had to go into the thing, its pointless if it cant be drove due to everything hanging so low under the chassis.


I wonder how they DID get it there, back of a truck?

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It's not a rado anymore.

Considering what I've read on Vortex, I stand by my opinion. I mean really? It's an interesting piece of kit but only that. I couldn't have done what they've done there so hats off to them still. Despite it just being a body thrown on top of an Audi chassis, as it has Audi interior too, it barely resembles anything a rado is, plus it's a manipulated body at that. I'm just a purest at heart - and venting here so :ignore: :ignore: :ignore: :ignore: :ignore:


Am I alone on this one? :scratch:

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Being from an Air-cooled/ Hot-Rod back ground I can see both sides to this...


Yes it's not really a Rado anymore but the engineering to get there is pretty amazing!


And on this vein when would you say a Rado stops becomming a Rado? As soon as some-one drops an R32/1.8T in it?


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I suppose you could classify the car as a VW/Audi hybrid and i would hopefully assume that the paint is just a base coat.

Whatever your final opinion might be, you have to take your hat off to the amount of work he's put into the conversion.

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Wow just dawned of me reading in response - What the hell is a VW these days anyhow? In regards to the modern creation VAG are turning out, maybe this particular rado, is no different to those, VW are churning out at the minute. Without knowing it, these guys may have just made a statement about the current condition with all carmakers.

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i would hopefully assume that the paint is just a base coat.

Whatever your final opinion might be, you have to take your hat off to the amount of work he's put into the conversion.


You assume right :|


The car is yet to be painted, it's in primer.


Well done everyone for reading the Vortex post properly :nuts: :bonk:


the car is just in primer to make it to the show, it will be painted in time.

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I dunno actually, I think the exterior kinda works. IMO the paint colour is what doesn't do the styling any justice, but he may change that. Agreed it would defo look better as a 100% corrado externally, but the Corrado's standard body parts yield b0llocks all room for this kind of thing and I reckon he's come to a good compromise.


From my point of view, I don't care about that anyway because it's a bloody good bit of engineering. I know "engineering" is now a bit cliched on the forum, but the boy did good :notworthy:


The structural work is c0ck on. He's addressed the key chassis weaknesses, the bracing is sublime and the battery in the scuttle is a nice touch.


I'll give him 10 out of 10 for execution. 8 out of 10 for styling.

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It'll be a long time before engineering makes a real impact here Kev! :nuts:


Car's not my cup of tea either, but you do have to appreciate that almost everything on there is functional. Why bother trying to mate up the drivetrain to a Corrado instrument set when you can just use all the Audi stuff.

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Aye, I've not seen such a divide in a car community like there is with the Corrado, but it's one of those cars that needs very careful consideration of it's styling if not to look a complete badger's arsehole.


Everyone knows this already, but the exterior element of Corrados interests me the least. It's what it's capable of when modified in the right way that floats by container ship.....

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only bit i dont like is the scuttle, looks like hes just thrown things in there,,, but i got a feeling its a work in progress, needs a rado front end to make it nicer too

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