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I want to talk about ocelots...


The cats, the metal gear solid character, or a musician?

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Cats. I'd have to say I prefer them over your average lynx or panther.

msg is the most boring game in the world, didn't even know there was a character called ocelot in it. though it would be a cool band name too...i can see a bunch of northern kids playing guitars and whining about their lack of lovelife.

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msg is the most boring game in the world


You mean they put monosodium glutamate in games now?! It's really boring but five minutes later you're craving for more.


You're right colinstubbs, "Axolotl" would be a much better name for a band than "Neotenous* Salamander".


*Neoteny (IPA: /ni???t?ni?/), also called juvenilization, is the retention, by adults in a species, of traits previously seen only in juveniles (pedomorphosis/paedomorphosis), and is a subject studied in the field of developmental biology. In neoteny, the physiological (or somatic) development of an animal or organism is slowed or delayed (alternatively, seen as a dilation of biological time). Ultimately this process results in the retention, in the adults of a species, of juvenile physical characteristics well into maturity. The English word neoteny is borrowed from the German Neotenie, the latter constructed from the Greek ???? (young) and ??????? (tend to). The standard adjectival form is "neotenous",[citation needed] although "neotenic" is often used.

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msg is the most boring game in the world


You mean they put monosodium glutamate in games now?! It's really boring but five minutes later you're craving for more.


git. :D i was at work and typing quickly.



*Neoteny (IPA: /ni???t?ni?/), also called juvenilization, is the retention, by adults in a species.......


yes yes yes, we know you can copy and paste. well done :lol: now tell me what it says!

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*Neoteny (IPA: /ni???t?ni?/), also called juvenilization, is the retention, by adults in a species.......


yes yes yes, we know you can copy and paste. well done :lol: now tell me what it says!


The Axolotl is a very interesting creature in that it can reach sexual maturity and reproduce without ever progressing past it's larval stage. The only time they develope into full adults is when their ponds dry up. Examples of neoteny in humans include George Bush, Jim Davidson and Ozzy Osbourne's children.


So the list of Corrado Forum endorsed animals is as follows:






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Have we now forsaken the mighty badger?!??!


Sh!t. Apologies!


The list of Corrado Forum endorsed animals is as follows:







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Is corrola_sunderland in prison for car tax evasion yet? He's not enthralled us for what feels like ages.

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Yeah, I was thinking that. Maybe he's made it to Australia after all? Or perhaps he's sold his computer for bail money.... Or to buy illegal arms for his band of revolutionaries.

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