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My worst Car crash

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I was flicking through some old pics the other day and found this, taken in 1997. I thought I might post it up on the forum as I was overtaken by a Corrado today (Southampton Road 6.00pm) driving like a prat and thought they might be on this forum. Now i'm not trying to be a killjoy, but just ask that you think twice before you go for the overtake....... :)


I'd just spent my entire summer holiday converting a 1.3 Mk1 Golf driver to a 2.0 Gti. I'd also put a clipper kit on it (stylish for the day) and resprayed it in a custom dark green.


I finally got some running problems sorted and got it through it's MOT just before Christmas, and was out for a spin with a mate, 20th December 9.00pm so dark and it was drizzly.


I was doing about 60mph (going past Middle Wallop Airfield) when i saw a pair of headlights come over the brow of hill straight towards me- A car old was overtaking and clearly wasn't going to make it, The bank was too steep to climb, and we both swerved in the same direction and so inevitably hit each other as an offset head on with the two passenger sides taking the brunt.


I suffered relitavely minor injuries (six ribs, arm, three metatarsils, jawbone, fingers, nose and a few teeth) but my mate after having spent four months in hospital now has one leg shorter than the other, and can't use his arm properly, not to mention horrendous scarring.


Personally i'm not one to lecture that speed kills as I think that is absolute bollocks, just like reading and writing everyone has their own pace, and if I drive slowly I just switch off. It's stupidity and a lack of common sence that kills, whoever you are you'll know that what you did today almost ended your life, think about that mate.Scan08-02-08-2251.jpg[/attachment:zy8ah4j4]


PS. on a lighter note, the Mk1 faired soooo much better than the 205, if he had a passenger then it would have been a fatal accident as the dash was behind the passesger headrest. The other driver sustained similar injuries to me, and got a 12 month ban.

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wooow! That looks nasty mate. Some nasty injuries too, but i suppose it could have been worse.


The driver should have got more then a driving ban, like a jail sentence. There's 'accidents', then theres just plain dangerous.

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Ouch you were lucky to walk away from that, he could have quite easily hit your drivers side.


I used to drive how shall we say 'a little enthusiastically' best thing I tell myself now when overtaking is can I still make it safely if there is a mirror image of me coming the other way. If I can say yes to that then its 100% safe :D

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ouch! nice colour though :)


has been said before but everyone needs to hurt themselves before they really learn..

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Yeah I can't say I havent had my fair share of 'offs' ! I'm much calmer now, not that i have much choice in my 49hp Arosa.

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oooof. That looks/sounds nasty.


I've been lucky in the past, and hopefully drive far more cautiously now. There are a lot of morons out there though.


Most recently I've noticed a lot of people in new cars running me off the road... :(

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Yeah I can't say I havent had my fair share of 'offs' ! I'm much calmer now, not that i have much choice in my 49hp Arosa.


lol, so what happens when you've got 6 times that much next year?! :)

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oooof. That looks/sounds nasty.


I've been lucky in the past, and hopefully drive far more cautiously now. There are a lot of morons out there though.


Most recently I've noticed a lot of people in new cars running me off the road... :(


Yeah you really need to drive defensively nowadays.


Our roads are just too congested now (full of selfish morons) gone are the days when you could drive safely at speed without haqving to take this into account so much. I can remember really gunning my sisters Evo VI through a section of twisties only to find a motor bike coming at me at insane speed cutting the corner. I took as much evasive action as I could and he glanced the wing mirror. So lucky he didnt get too big a wobble on and go flying! Thats the thing you really have to worry about everyone else now and then yourself.

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Yeah I can't say I havent had my fair share of 'offs' ! I'm much calmer now, not that i have much choice in my 49hp Arosa.


lol, so what happens when you've got 6 times that much next year?! :)


LOL Block of wood under the accelerator for a bit should do it :wink:

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One lad I know has been very unlucky this year with 3 big crashes none of which has been his fault, one nearly killing a biker, and one where he ended up sat on a audi cabrio bonnet in his tractor with the occupants looking up into the underside of the tractor.

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Those little mk1's are pretty solid cars, but that is a pretty scary picture to say the least.


best thing I tell myself now when overtaking is can I still make it safely if there is a mirror image of me coming the other way. If I can say yes to that then its 100% safe :D

I do something similar. My Mum always said to me, if you have to make a choice whether you would make it or not, then you shouldn't.

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Our roads are just too congested now (full of selfish morons) gone are the days when you could drive safely at speed without haqving to take this into account so much.


Oh so true :(


Most recently I've noticed a lot of people in new cars running me off the road...


And me, especially mums in 4x4's late for school run on country lanes..I just almost stop dead now and let them drive around me, rather than being bullied into the verges because I have a little car.

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Wow thats nasty!


Im all for driving with a smile but I am very aware of others in particular (as mentioned above) bikes, best to have em knowhere near you..... there are too many nobs out there these days & powerful cars can be bought for nuts which does not help!!


Looked like a good un motor too man - great colour....

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It's stupidity and a lack of common sence that kills




In 1995, my own stupidity cost me a mint MK2 16V. I drove way beyond mine and the car's ability round a particular corner and ended up burying it in the side of a warehouse. If it wasn't for a steel reinforcment joist stopping the car very abruptly, I would have gone straight through the wall and into the building, no doubt injuring / killing someone.


I was VERY VERY lucky and it taught me a very valuable lesson. No injuries what so ever, no points, no fines and the insurance covered the car and warehouse damage.


Yeah you really need to drive defensively nowadays. Our roads are just too congested now (full of selfish morons)


...and yep.


To give you an idea of congestion, since April, my engine has run for 100 hours (cumulative, not continuously :D ) and during that 7 or so months, my total time above 75% throttle AND 75% of max rpm is less than 1 minute!


Dunno what it is with British drivers. As soon as they get into a car, some kind of Stephen King kind of red mist gets in with them.


I've noticed more and more these days selfish aresholes quickly closing gaps so that you can't join a queue of traffic. I mean, why? What difference does it make to their journey time letting someone out of a side junction or slip road into the queue? Miserable f'kin bastards. All their misery, anger and selfishness does is create even more congestion. It's gotten so bad now where I live and work that people are forced to "barge in", which creates yet more anger, blaring horns and road rage. These people need to chill out and stop leaning on the horn and behaving so irrationally.

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Dunno what it is with British drivers. As soon as they get into a car, some kind of Stephen King kind of red mist gets in with them.


I've noticed more and more these days selfish aresholes quickly closing gaps so that you can't join a queue of traffic. I mean, why? What difference does it make to their journey time letting someone out of a side junction or slip road into the queue? Miserable f'kin bastards. All their misery, anger and selfishness does is create even more congestion. It's gotten so bad now where I live and work that people are forced to "barge in", which creates yet more anger, blaring horns and road rage. These people need to chill out and stop leaning on the horn and behaving so irrationally.


Very true, I used to let it upset me. Now i just wave and smile at people as this seems to upset them more and yet I can remain chilled.


The really worrying this is that now I use my car rarely, I REALLY notice the dangerous driving being a pedestrian and cyclist. People are driving way too quickly over the 30 speed limit in built up areas. Made even more dangerous by the dull mornings and dark evenings that we have this time of year.

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Now i just wave and smile at people as this seems to upset them more and yet I can remain chilled.


I like to blow kisses at angry drivers and giggle like a little girl, my wife tells me to stop it. :camp:

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Most recently I've noticed a lot of people in new cars running me off the road...


And me, especially mums in 4x4's late for school run on country lanes..I just almost stop dead now and let them drive around me, rather than being bullied into the verges because I have a little car.



On the flip side I ended up on the verge in my Jeep after being forced to swerve off the road by an idiot in a MK1 Cabby who was overtaking someone on a blind corner on one of the country roads I take to work... Thank god I was in the Jeep which bounced up the high verge and not the Mk2 we had at the time which would have been buried in the verge and caused some damage....


The fact is no matter who you are and what you drive you do have to be careful. I was taught by my driving instructor to drive defensively, I'd rather yield and let someone out or let someone pass me than hold them up and have them sitting behind me getting angry or with them end up doing something rash or inappropriate that I might get caught up in. Driving has gotten worse in the 10 years I have had my licence, maybe because more people have newer cars that do everything for them and are too assisted and too cosseting and thus people don't have to drive them as much? I also noticed a huge difference in road manners when I moved from Glasgow to Surrey, I go through a jumction every morning that I have to wait on someone letting me out into the traffic, I can sit there for 5 min before I get to move, unless I p!ss someone off by bullying my way out which I'd rather not do...

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LOL, that's true, being happy and polite seems to make them even more angry :lol:


Yeah it's amazing what you notice as a pedestrian and cyclist, although I just will not cycle on public roads anymore. Impatient drivers just see you as an irritation these days and over take you when they shouldn't, nearly knocking you off. I've seen daft old biddies in huge mercs knocking cyclists off in towns and not even noticing they've done it. Makes my blood boil.


Even my local tesco is full of rage. Some woman pulled out in front of a bloke in a people carrier on the little entrance roundabout and he blared out of his window swearing at her completely irrationally. I was on foot, but I could clearly see very intense anger in his eyes, over such a petty and trivial thing. Felt sorry for his wife and toddlers in his car. What a brilliant role model his kids :roll: He then drove on and went about his business. So what was the point of that outburst then?

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Our work car park is tacked on the side of the park and ride, and we get free passes for the park and ride buses, my usual office is only 10 mins walk from the car park, so I bumble aimlessly between the two.


Last week when it was p!ssing it down, I happened to be walking along as a builder working on the new homeless accomodation place (:rolleyes:) next to the carpark came flying up and parked on our side of the road, in doing this he hit a load of puddles near the kerb, luckily missing me, but splashing the girl walking along behind me.


I wasn't best impressed with this and went back and confronted him (calmly), as I felt he'd been a total and utter pillock and unneccessarily soaked the girl. He didn't seem to know what I was on about, claimed that there were puddles everywhere, and that he was doing a perfectly reasonable speed. I pretty much gave up at this point, and carried on my way. Hopefully he'll think twice next time, but I seriously doubt it.

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Now i just wave and smile at people as this seems to upset them more and yet I can remain chilled.


I like to blow kisses at angry drivers and giggle like a little girl, my wife tells me to stop it. :camp:


You have a wife?


Huh... :|

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Shocking pic KipVR. I've got one very similar but it's of a Fiesta.... but it was most definitely another drivers fault which caused 2 deaths in two other cars invoved.


I've noticed more and more these days selfish aresholes quickly closing gaps so that you can't join a queue of traffic. I mean, why?

I had a similar experiance last night. Driving back up from Bristol and the M42 being choka as usual. 60 and 50 signs then 40 just as I was appoaching the turns for the M6. Accident on M6 meant the left hand lane was backing up. I watched for a space in the middle lane, began indicating when one was about then but the 57 reg BMW behind me also pulled out (not indicating its intention to do so) and accelarated past me... then had to brake to slow to the traffic speed again.


Now that wasn't very gracious but I shrugged it off.

Then, as the left lane queue turned off to the slip road it was perfectly clear ahead so I moved into it instead of sitting nose to tail in the middle & outside. The BMW also moved over... no problem I though. THEN it stamped on the brakes and stuck it's nose into the white chevrons wanting to get back into the slip road lane. Although we were only doing the 40mph it was quite fast enough to not want someone pulling in front then braking for no reason when the road was perfectly clear ahead.


I used my horn to make sure the BMW was aware of my presence behind it. :wave: but not in a road rage sort of way 8)

Thank God I don't do the journey on a Friday anymore. I really really really can not stand Friday traffic.

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I didn't realise how shocking people drive until recently (moving to oxford). The amount of people who can't navigate roundabouts properly is a joke, esp when there is a ring road with at least 10 of them on!


I am loving the cycle lanes, although one of them runs along side the ring road and it would be easy for someone on a bike to get squished if a car came shooting off to the left. Not fun.

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I really really really can not stand Friday traffic.


Soo true, Friday nights and Monday mornings are real bad. Too many people in too small a space :(

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