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Uprated Headlight looms for 2013

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If you can get mine out soon-ish I'll do a before and after pictures for this thread!


M25's not fun in un-lit area with crap lights :( Have to slow to 2 figure speed! :lol:

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djmac- cheers for that, I'll have a look


jaded2882- Cool, If you like I can fit yours for free if you want, I only live in Telford.


lilfuzzer- Cheers, will let you know, soon as.


coullster- I use 4 spade connectors as they are a good tight fit, just the way I like it.


vwdeviant- you are in the first batch which I'm doing know. My boss keeps giving me funny looks and there are bits of wire all over my desk.

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I would prefer a cheque really but paypal at a push.


I will ask for payment when they are ready to post out or almost ready then I can let cheques clear etc.


As for how long, I'm hoping to have 5 to 10 ready for the weekend but I will know more over the next few days, the wife has jobs around the house then I should got alot of the work done tonight. I would really like them all done by next weekend although some have asked for delivery after Xmas.

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I bought one of KUR2Y and can fully recommend them even though i have yet to fit it! Tis very well made indeed bump for a top bloke!!

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I too have purchased 2 connectors from Arz (hope I spelt that right :wink: ), I'd like a 3 relay version, but will happily wait until the new year if thats ok?

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Does this loom bypass most of the existing electris as mine are screwed.


If so can i jump the queue and get a loom ASAP if anybody is willing to wait a little longer.

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  jamin said:
I too have purchased 2 connectors from Arz (hope I spelt that right :wink: ), I'd like a 3 relay version, but will happily wait until the new year if thats ok?



you got a linky?

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  Corradude said:
  jamin said:
I too have purchased 2 connectors from Arz (hope I spelt that right :wink: ), I'd like a 3 relay version, but will happily wait until the new year if thats ok?



you got a linky?


Posted a few pages back...


  djmac56 said:
I managed to get two of the OEM plugs from ARZ tuning:


http://www.arz-tuning.de/shop/advanced_ ... &x=67&y=10


They haven't been delivered yet, but those of you who are after the plugs like me might want to give them a try

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Looks like Arz Tuning have them in stock as I've just received an email to say they have been shipped...

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yeah, pity the euro is so strong atm, was gonna buy about 200 euro of stuff, but feck that for the moment! i'll wait for the pound to rally a bit first.

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jamin- yeah that's cool I'll put you down.


junkie- not sure about skipping the Q but they should be all done soonish. You use the existing lplug for the triggering of the relays but you only need a small amount of current. how shot are your electrics????? PM me.

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Right finally figured out the loom and got it working, the loom is fine it was me who had done some bad wiring.


I am happy to wait till after xmas now, thanks a lot.

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gonna order some of those connectors from ze germans...can you pm me your address kur2y so i can send em on to you? cheers fella.

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Junkie- Nice one, be in touch with you in the new year.


Corradude- Tis done.


Everyone else- I'm at the stage now where the looms will start to come together and am expecting them to be finished by the end of next week. If people are wanting to send cheques to me then I'm happy to take them. If you could PM me and I'll give you my address and so on. Cheers Zak.

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Only me,


Made some progress now and am hoping all the looms will be ready to post off by the weekend, wife dependent of course.

Man, that girl can give me work.


I've had 7 people make contact about payment so far and would like to get everything 'in place' before the weekend.


If you would prefer not to pay til the new year then I can live with that. However I could really do to with the money for Christmas myself but I understand and would rather you said than just left me guessing. I hope that sounds OK???





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Zak, have ordered connectors from ARZ - happy to put a cheque in the post with them as soon as they arrive if thats ok? let me know your address.

cheers, John

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My connectors arrived today, I'll pop them (and the cheque) in the post so you should get them by the end of the week.


Cheers, Jamin.

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Junkie- cool with that!!!!!!!


Jamin- lovely stuff!! p.s. like the name thing, lol.


dukest- I'll PM you now with address and yes that is OK

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