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Impressive... presumably somewhere in the HK banking sector, but didn't spot any Bugatti's, CL65's, Carrera GT's, Zonda's. Koennigseggs [spelling?] 8)

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Yeah, a few things are notable by their absence. But I very much doubt you get to see the entire collection in that vid. It appears to have been quite heavily edited as well.

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Some people seem to assume it's 1 man's collection - but to me it looks like another secure garage in the HK commercial sector.

You can pretty much see there's limited appreciation of technical excellence or automotive design leading edge! [GTR & Enzo excepted]

They're mostly the sort of cars that technophobes choose to wear as badges. And they're mostly old money cars. eg old bankers or shagged out hedge fund managers!

The evidence? .... No bugs, 65 blacks, DB9's, Zondas, Bentleys, M3's, M6's, M5's, R8's, F1's, SLR's


Having said that they're probably all daily runners! :lol:

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