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RC center caps stolen...

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Came out to the car today to find some thieving b@stards have stolen all 4 center caps from my RCs. Very very f*cked off!

If anyone sees any for sale ads on forums or eBay would you please give me a shout and leg me know of it?

They were taken in Richmond, London.

Additionally if anyone knows the cost of replacements that'd be a great help too


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little basstards! i'd imagine they're similar to the price of the RM/RZ caps, £20 each from the dealers :-( i know it doesnt help now but when you get some new ones, buy a moulded/lasercut abs 'spanner' from ebay - means you can do them up ft and then there is no way you can remove them except with one of those spanners

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Just like to say Yeti's version of "FT" is not Finger tight... :lol:


Gutted for you Leon especially in Richmond! Best thing is to keep an eye on local VW-forums Dub London, etc and ED38/ GIT forums etc....

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cheers guys. Makes me absolutely fuming. Will probably consider getting wheels that dont have removable center caps now - as whoever stole it clearly knew what he was after. I've thought about little else this morning than what i'd do to them if i caught them doing it...


£20 from the dealers? Seems cheaper than what I expected!


What london forums are there that I should post up on? Going to check on ebay, gumtree, loot and freecycle too.

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Gutted for you and can't imagine why someone would want to steal them! Im shocked as your area is pretty safe! You can get new centre caps but they are £30 each!

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I have seen a set of RC centre caps that had a small thread tapped into them, and used a small allen head grub screw to secure them, you could only get to the grub screw by removing the centre badge but the guy just had one of those little suction cups that you use for dent removal to pull the badge off with.


Although they would probably just damage them more trying to get them off or vandalise it out of spite.


I always remove the caps from my RM's if i park it somewhere a bit dodgy, and i fitted flush fit valves as i was sick of scrotes stealing the valve caps to put on their BMX's.

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Cheers again guys. Yeah my blood boils thinking of them nicking them - hate being somewhere where your stuff isn't safe.


Are the dealers the cheapest for replacements? Theres also the badges - where are they from?


Will probably leave them off and consider wheels that have nothing that can be removed - loathe to think of doing this though... Might have to take off badges etc too - worried about them coming back.

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Call up Phillip Walker at PW Motorsport (googles easily), I'm sure he'll have the best "shop" price for the caps even if he has to order them in. Otherwise ebay but may take a while to find them.


Don't get too panicked that they went, even though it sucks... I can't think there are that many RC's around so I think you'd be unfortunate if they went again.



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@vwdeviant - I know mate I'm considering putting them back on...


@John - cheers bud - theyve only been on 2 weeks! Good call with Phillip - dealt with him before and was a good chap to deal with. I do however think that as soon as another set are on they'll go missing again.

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little shites, i'm lucky as most people locally know who's car it is, and lets just say that where my cars are concerned i can turn violent. (not bigging myself up) but i used to be not be a very nice person in my younger days, but i have got older and mellowed.


but with the rc caps, i used a little bit of silicone sealent then used one of those thick plastic RC centre caps tools to really tighten them up with, there was no way you could get them of by hand. But like you said Leon, if they cant get them off what will they do to the car instead??


if it helps?? theres a really nice bloke who attends all the vw shows (cant remember he's business name) but he's the really freindly london coloured guy, i bought my rc centre caps from him for £20 for all 4 :shock:



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cheers for the help mate - a guy on ed38 has very kindly offered to help me out with some center caps - so will see about getting some badges.

i'm just wondering if i have the nerve to try again...

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Cheers mate. Yeah saddened about it - hopefully wont happen again


Looking at that sellers history - I'm struggling to see how someone would have stock of so many center caps from porsches and vw's... I wonder where theyve all come from...


be round to see you in the new year if youre cool abotu having a go on the paintwork :)

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wow, didn't take a look into his feedback history, he sure has sold a lot of center caps!


Ah yes, that sounds good, looking forward to it!

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