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Danny B

The Shame of......

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.....being beaten off the lights by a cooper S :( ......pulled up to some lights today and a cooper S pulled up next to me.....I thought I would blow him into the bushes which I was in the process of doing until I grabbed second and mist :gag: ......damm......lots of revs, no drive and pink face !!!!


Just thought I would post my disapointments and shame :shock:


If I catch it out again I wont make the same mistake :bad-words: ......in general though I'm an easy going guy.

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you prob didn't even need to rush through the gears anyway. Get 1st done, easy into 2nd sit back and watch the 'S' get smaller in the rearview :wave:

That said, if I had a gearbox for everytime I've missed 2nd......... :brickwall:

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Well that was the case to be honest, first had it dealt with but i got complacent and buggered (sorry 3corsameal :) ) missed second and the end as they say was history......doh

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Aye, 2nd in a VR is a beautiful thing. Not to keep bad monthing (easy there 3corsa!) I'd never of redlined my old VR, and never intentionaly. unlike my S3, opened her up last week in 2nd, wondering what this 'rev bouncing' sensation was, looked down at the rev clock - thing was jumping around the redline!! Lesson learned times two. First, don't do it again. And secound, change my car :(

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A cooper S is only 0.3 secs slower to 60 so it's pretty much down to the driver as to who ends up in front at the traffic light GP. If it was a works S you'd have been eating his dust regardless of hitting 2nd first time or not I'm afraid!



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I've gone from 5th to 1st instead of 3rd before. Ouchy. Cooper S is quite a nippy little thing tho. Even worse - I got done off the line by a Smart the other day and I've got 300hp, he rocketed off and I was left behind trying to get the power down.


Garrgh! I would have destroyed him if we'd had started at 20 mph too.

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I've gone from 5th to 1st instead of 3rd before. Ouchy. Cooper S is quite a nippy little thing tho. Even worse - I got done off the line by a Smart the other day and I've got 300hp, he rocketed off and I was left behind trying to get the power down.


Garrgh! I would have destroyed him if we'd had started at 20 mph too.


oh god I thought my experience was bad....a smart car :shock:

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At least you didn't select reverse!


Or 4th.. :(


....actually forth would have been better at least I would have had SOME drive....neutral aint good !!

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I've gone from 5th to 1st instead of 3rd before. Ouchy. Cooper S is quite a nippy little thing tho. Even worse - I got done off the line by a Smart the other day and I've got 300hp, he rocketed off and I was left behind trying to get the power down.


Garrgh! I would have destroyed him if we'd had started at 20 mph too.


oh god I thought my experience was bad....a smart car :shock:


Well in my defence it was wet and slightly up a hill - the more power you have the harder it is to get a good launch, I pretty much spun my wheels all the way.

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......suppose usable power is key.....I know how you feel my tyres are pretty close to being dead at the moment and it spins all over the place when you put the power down in the wet....onto the diffinitive tyre thread for me !!!

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Contisports ftw!

My tyres are pretty much the same too, but they be getting a final thrashing this weekend.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it hard to get a quick getaway from the lights in a Corrado, especially in the wet. The only shame is that the blatant homosexual will go and tell his shit-eating mates that he 'did' a Corrado off the lights :(

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I have owned a few cars now but since owning my G60 everyone wants to race me! I get fed up of these idiot boy racers round town who are try racing at stupid speeds through high town where the speed limit is 30mph, when blatantly I could destroy them on any road. Next time when the guy in the Cooper S comes to race off at the lights just sit there calmly knowing you dont look like a homosexual hairdresser in your car! :)

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Yeah I agree with Joe_60... As much fun as it is, in a fast car, be it a vr6 or cooperS, you don't have much time to think "hey maybe i should slow down a bit now) - (6 seconds isn't long)before you're doing 70-90 on a 30/40mph road...... I usually only floor it until im just bordering onto the speed limit, at that stage i show the other kid that i'm up for a bit of fun but i am not going to risk other peoples lives so he's welcome to go on.


Oh, and this time of the year, the thing that's going to beat you off the lights is a r32 or any other quickish car with 4x4 drive. It also depends on power delivery....those cooperS come in late with the power where the vr6's are a bit more torquey? So i guess you're going to be spinning your tires like crazy while you're chasing him, not good and very easy to lose it lol

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Beaten by a Mini oh the shame.

Ive been beaten by worse when not been concentrating haha


I saw off a Civic Type R this morning though, was fun

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