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Bad Times, What to do?

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Well my G60 has decided to give up on me, Very bad noises coming from the bottom end of the engine and drives like a sack of s**t.

It's my own fault really as I've spent loads getting it to look how I wanted without attending to the tired engine.

My first thought was to 1.8t it but after looking into it I could buy a TT for the same price as the conversion, then today I went and test drove a TT 225 coupe with 110000 miles and was blown away. Couldnt belive it had done as many mile as my G60 as it honestly felt like a new car.

The way I see it is even if I spent the money putting a 1.8t in the corrado its still gonna feel old.

Really depressed about this as I never wanted to get rid of this car but cant justify spending thousands on it if im never gonna be happy.

Does anybody think there is a market for a practically immaculate corrado minus an engine?


Its had, Respray in Fiat new orleans blue, FK coilovers (koni internals), 15x8.5 bbs Rms with new tyres (less than 100 miles!), Magnex exhaust, Mk3 golf recaro colour concept seats (red and black leather), unknown brand exhaust manifold.


Basically just want some Ideas what to do with it.


Break it, sell it or garage it?










Cheers people. :(

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buy a 2nd hand engine and put it in then sell it, you'll lose out if you sell it needing the work done... looks very nice.

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Do you have any idea how much it would cost to replace the engine though.

Just worried in the current climate I wouldnt get my money back?

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nah nah hes so wrong, i think. and this is just my opinion that yoo should just buy the tt and sell me the coilovers. but i see where you coming from bud. hope i helped :D :clap:

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dont know what 2nd hand G60 engines cost but actually replacing it is a day of someone capable's time (a friend preferably). i would guess maybe £700 but i dont know if anyone would give you more than £1500 for it as a shell. you should be able to sell it for more than £2200 (I'd hope..?)


did i mention it looks really good?! :)

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Well if I can get enough people interested in enough parts then im laughing and I'll make a for sale thread. but what to do with the body? Its in amazing condition.

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It's a damn shame you are thinking about selling, that is an awesome looking car and in my opinion a Mk1 TT is a bit of a bender mobile. Despite them being very good value for money i shall never buy one, they are just too batty!

Plus i must see about 8 a day on the roads compared to about 2 Corrados a month if I'm lucky!


Saying that i know what you mean about Corrados feeling old, it's not until you get into a modern car do you realise how rickety and creaky you car actually is and i know that one day i'll crave for a new car where I don't have to worry so much about listening for new noises :D

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Well if I can get enough people interested in enough parts then im laughing and I'll make a for sale thread. but what to do with the body? Its in amazing condition.

i dont know, you might be able to find someone to give you a bit of beer money for it, let me know what happens ;)

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was only joking, you'd do ok breaking it although you'd be more limited than normal as you wouldn't want to sell any body panels separately and you'd only have engine ancillaries not the complete unit to sell.. fix it or keep it, thats what it deserves.

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Its alright bud was only messing. Cant afford to fix it and get the TT I doubt. So keep it or break it?

I'll sleep on it. :)

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I too want the TT225 they are good cars even if you do see 8 a day, thats because they are good cars people bought them, i also love the rickety creaky old feeling of my Corrado that makes the car so enjoyable and not soul less like a modern car is.


I would agree to get it fixed even if you make the same amount of money, lets say for arguments sake, £1500 needing engine v £2500 all working but cost you a grand to do, its going to be more sellable as a working car as opposed to a non runner.

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I'd love to buy the whole thing for a 20vT conversion. However, I only want to pay the minimum...and that's not going to help you!

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G60 engines seem to hold their value more than the others, I guess John is about right, you'll probably be looking at £500-£700 for a decent engine and the bits to fit it.


Allow 2 days for fitting, so about 14 hours in a garage, so about £700 for that.


£1200-£1500 to get it up and running again, if you get a garage to do the work.


I don't think you're likely to sell the car for much as a non-runner, I certainly wouldn't pay much, as whoever ends up with it will have to fit an engine of thier choice, again, costing a lot of money.


You could strip it and sell the parts, the G-Lader will be worth a few quid, as will the interior and a few of the panels. But the majority of the shell will probably have to be scrapped, and with the global downturn, you'll have to pay to have that gotten rid of. You'll probably get £1500 for the parts, if you're lucky and after a lot of work.


Basically, welcome to Broke town, population you.

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Basically, welcome to Broke town, population you.


:wave: well i'm feeling like a pretty long-term guest too!

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i went from a g60 to a TT :)

the TT is a quality car,but i do still miss my old g60 but wouldn't sell the TT to fund another rado purchase.go for the TT mate

ignore the comments of it bein a "bender" car or an "hairdressers" car lol

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Corrado owners, forever the eternal optimists!


Sorry dude. Thought I'd tell you pretty straight. Even if you break the car and get decent money for a few bits, there are too many of them being broken these days to get rid of all the parts, and there's not the money in it either.


:wave: well i'm feeling like a pretty long-term guest too!


Hehe. Yeah, you're doing well for spending in the last year. I know my cars owe me a lot of money, that I'll never see again...


Im not worried about being called a bender, My boyfriend'll kick they're asses. :camp:

Hahaha. Nice one.


I know a few people here are looking at TTs or have bought them. I suppose it's a [strike:1q7fh348]good step up[/strike:1q7fh348] modern alternative. A VAG coupe, 2+2 (unless it's a gayer spec cabrio). Just need to find the funds for it now I suppose.


Is your bonnet late spec btw? i know someone who is after late wings, bonnet and bumper...

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nowt wrong with TT's cool cars!


think to yourself:


how much does the car owe you?

how much do you feel its worth?

how much do you realisticly think people would be prepared to pay for it?

are you actually a true corrado enthusiast? (not a joke)



corrados especially a g60 is more of a enthusiasts car these days, a newer car will not have all the niggly problems, feel better built etc.. what do you thikn fits your bill???



personaly if it was me, i would sell off the wheels, interor etc, and sell the shell

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Another thing to think about about, and' it's what swayed my decision to get my engine rebuilt rather than selling. Any car can have it's problems, you could buy this TT and the engine go pop in a year. You know the bodywork and suspension in sound on the C, so with a fresh engine and gearbox you have a car you know the history of and have more confidence of it lasting a god few years with no problems.

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