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Finally getting a daily driver..

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As Furkz says keep the valver if you're going the forced induction route otherwise cut your losses and go for the VR!


Either way I'm sure you'll be happy with the outcome! What a nice situation to be in! 8)

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go for the vr bud - you know it makes sense.


if you buy a good one with the majority of usual work already done, then you can simply relax and enjoy it (touches wood!)


you'll kick yourself after if you don't take the opportunity, and at the end of the day - vr's aren't really much more expensive to run than valvers etc - just more potent :)

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I'm fortunate to be in a position where folks I know on here and the CCGB have given their time (and will hopefully continue to do so.... in exchange for beer / food!) to help reduce the costs of running the Corrado. The main reason for getting the daily is so that I can begin to do proper repair jobs on a Corrado and not have to have it roadworthy to a) get me home from where I was doing the work and b) resume workhorse duties in the week again!


Every time I hear (let alone drive) a VR, it just feels right. It has to be done!


I reckon a VR would be a lot cheaper to run than the valver actually as I'd plan to keep it pretty much bone standard apart from a little suspension drop - currently the modifications to the valver (including the KR cams) mean insurance is a fart and fuel economy isn't that hot. I know a VR is more economical than my valver.


Found out off my old man I won't be able to get the Merc till around the end of Feb so that gives me time to do the remaining jobs I want to do on the valver to make it as ship-shape as I can (annoying exhaust rattles, odd bit of loose trim, etc) prior to thinking about selling it!

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Regarding heart vs head.. Head says valver as I've spent money on it, and friends have spent lots of time under it working on it. But heart says VR.. and always has.


That's the trouble, I know how (trying to find a better word than fussy, but struggling. I don't mean it as a slight btw) fussy you are about your cars. You will end up doing all the same work and spending all the same money on the VR that you have on the valver. Ideally I guess you'd like to look at doing a Dom and doing chains tensioner clutch, all front bushings etc. That was a fairly expensive adventure, and that didn't include labour (paid off with cuddles etc).


But you always have talked about a VR, and I guess that is what you need to at least experience.


Every time I hear (let alone drive) a VR, it just feels right. It has to be done!


The noise can empathise with, but my VR (admittedly it's not a brilliant example of a corrado) never felt that good to drive. Nice as an easy cruiser and plenty of power, but nowhere near as sharp or fun as the valver.


I reckon a VR would be a lot cheaper to run than the valver actually as I'd plan to keep it pretty much bone standard apart from a little suspension drop - currently the modifications to the valver (including the KR cams) mean insurance is a fart and fuel economy isn't that hot. I know a VR is more economical than my valver.


Dunno, I don't think any fairly standard corrado is any cheaper than another one for running costs, and in real terms, over the course of a year, I don't reckon there will be much difference in terms of fuel costs.


Not trying to dissagree with you on purpose. :)


Anyway, what I say is irrelevant, get a VR bought...

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If you've always wanted a VR... you'll never be happy until you've had one.

You've very rightly said that now is a good time to buy. I wouldn't be surprised if prices drop a little more, before going back on the up in... a while.....!


Get a VR and charge it =D

I'm just about to get a company car (tis pretty much mandatory) which will allow me to take all the workhorse duties of my poor VR...get her charged and really turn her into a proper weekend toy!

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i would take the car as a runabt til yr rados how you want it.. or like youve mentioned get a VR..


im looking to get a new car in the new year.. planning on taking the corrado of the road, ive racked up 85k init.. time to give the old gal a new heart & some TLC :wink:

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That's good news, Jim! It will really take the load off having a daily, and it sounds like a cracking car :)


As most of the others have said, it's gotta be a VR. Every time I see you, you talk about getting a VR one day and now you've got the perfect opportunity. Perfect time to buy, although as you say, you prob won't get that much for the valver :( Swings and roundabouts though. Just be patient and VERY picky. I'll keep my eyes out for any that might turn up down this way.


Keep us posted!

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Perfect car would be a VR with a 24V lump in it. Driven a few 12V VR's and whilst impressive the 24V is in a different league.

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Yep, it has to be a VR Jim, you'll never be happy with anything else!


As for your current car - it's hardly a project! thats had just about everything important replaced and should be reliable despite the high miles, as with most Corrado's it just needs to go to someone with a bit of mechanical know how...


As for a VR, there are lots of tired ones out there and you'd spend a fortune getting one how you want it, as you've got a garage and it will be a weekend toy - I would be looking to spend £4-5k and buying the best one you can lay your hand on, preferably with lots of Stealth receipts etc, use 2cc's car as a benchmark!

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Got a bit of a wait till I get the Merc alas - probably won't be till mid or end of Feb but I don't mind waiting for a freebie like that. It'll be here before I know it!


Regarding the Corrado - I don't want to do any engine changes, rewiring, etc etc - I just want an original VR which I would look to just keep original. Not interested in R32's / turbo's / 20VT's, etc (well, I am when they're other peoples projects but just don't want one myself!) :)


The only thing I'd do is drop it on some decent suspension then concentrate on fixing everything that was broke / worn with OE parts - and make it into a car I was happy to take to shows! :)

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