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No Armrest in Rear Bench????

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Have just seen a 94 8V 'rado for sale and on the interior shot of the rear bench there is no centre arm rest, it isn't missing, its just not designed into the seat, I have never seen one without, and was just wondering if the 8v came like this or has someone put a different rear bench in?



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I bought one rear bench like the one you say in a scrap. I am not sure if they were only installed on 8v because here in Spain 2.0 8v were not imported.


I had heared something like 'ice and fire' or 'fire and ice' corrado series...

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The flat rear bench was fitted to all 2.0 16V C's in the UK - not sure about the 8V though but I'm sure WalEsy or Butterfly will be along shortly to confirm :)

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*cough*WaLEsy*cough* :|


Yeah all 8vs came with the rear bench (no armrest) Some of the very early 2.016v's had the armrest but the majority didn't :dorky:

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It baffles me, people spell it Walsey ALL the time, on this forum as well as others :lol: , i've no idea why!


It might be easier to just change my name tbh! :lol:

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It might be easier to just change my name tbh! :lol:


Good idea, we out number you anyway! :lol:


I have "poverty spec" rear in my early-late (92) 2.0 16v quite handy actually, should be called "Shopping spec" as it's easy to sling carrier bags on...

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