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Second car or Corrado Mods?

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Was thinking how good value 2nd hand motors are at the moment, which got me thinking...


Do I finish off my Corrado to how I REALLY want it or do I just have a mintish std car for the weekends and get a second nice motor for everyday?


Start with this:




Sell this:
















Not have this tuned:




And end up with this:




And this! :scratch:



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Both, you just need tpo be a bit more patient :lol:


LOL Damn you that probably IS the right answer to my dilema. Never was very patient though, hence why I never considered that :D New Years resolution, think I will try for a new job and company car!

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it really depends what you use/need the corrado for - a play car or a daily workhorse?


let me know if/when your manifold is for sale :)

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LOL thanks Leon


C is only a play car really as at the mo as I work a mile away from my house. However I do avoid going some places as I dont fancy leaving the C there, during the day or overnight (sad I know) especially as it has just been resprayed.


Think I will just have to see what the New Year brings work wise, then make the decision.

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That will be the same with any nice car though - be it a new one or an old one tarted up. A second workhorse is def useful but i certainly wouldnt use much money on it. i bought a POS car for 280 two years back for that - an estate with loads of room - didnt spend a penny on it for a year then scrapped for 40 quid. i'd suggest if you have the physical space for two cars then consider that route - allowing the C to continue its course and stay good. And for goodness sakes - dont put any eyesore manifolds on - best to get rid... :p

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Both, you just need to be a bit more patient :lol:


Bill, your automated VSR possibly for sale warning system is working well still I see... :D

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