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Someone crashed in to my car :(

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Hi all,


As title suggests some silly bint went in to the back of my car at traffic lights lastnight, i'm pretty peed off to say the least :(


So i'm just after some advice and opinion really. I haven't got any pics of the damage yet, but it doesn't look very bad, dent in the rear panel which has popped the seal at the side, bumper unmarked but its all slightly pushed forwards so the bumper sticks out in the arch a bit. I have her details and am going to ring my insurance today and tell them about it and give them her details to get it sorted out. I'm just worried that they will see it as too much work for the price of the car and write it off :( my dad seems to think it will be an easy job to correct, slight bit of pulling/jigging and then just some filling and spraying.


What do they usually do about getting it sorted, do I need to find someone to do it and get some quotes or are they just going to get the car collected and take it to someone they choose? I'm hoping I can choose the bodyshop myself so I can have a good chat with them and get to know their work so they understand I want it doing as good as possible! And also if they can do few other small bits at same time would be a bonus.


Cheers for any advice :)



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That is real nightmare :(


Feel really bad for you.


You cannot really do anything until the insurance company gets back to you with a valuation and the cost of repairs. So yes I would take the iniative and find a local bodyshop you can trust and get them to give you a quote.



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Don't worry yourself. If it's proven its 100% the other parties fault (which it would seem to be) you are entitled to have your car repaired to pre accident condition regardless of cost. They'll try and fob you off but it is your right to have it fixed. The only time they can refuse is if the car is unrepairable due to extreme damage (I.E it could never be safely repaired). Give em hell, it'll be a struggle but don't let the buggers win!



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Don't worry yourself. If it's proven its 100% the other parties fault (which it would seem to be) you are entitled to have your car repaired to pre accident condition regardless of cost. They'll try and fob you off but it is your right to have it fixed. The only time they can refuse is if the car is unrepairable due to extreme damage (I.E it could never be safely repaired). Give em hell, it'll be a struggle but don't let the buggers win!




Yeah it was definitely 100% her fault and it was her company car so company insurance will hopefully pay a bit more 8)


It is definitely repairable, it's driving exactly the same, the boot even opens and closes (with a bit of a push to close it) so if what you say is true i should be alright.


I'm going to go and get a quote in my lunch break and go from there really.

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Hi Rob,


Sorry to hear about this mate :( Judith had a similar incident last year except she did it herself so look in her members gallery for a few options from other people.


Sorry dont know how to add a link.


Hope you get it sorted :?

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Hi Rob,


Sorry to hear about this mate :( Judith had a similar incident last year except she did it herself so look in her members gallery for a few options from other people.


Sorry dont know how to add a link.


Hope you get it sorted :?


Hi Paul,


Yeah I was looking at Judith's thread earlier. The damage on hers looked a lot worse than mine does and the repair work looked top quality so it boosted my confidence a bit as i know mine could be sorted out easily enough.


I don't know any repair shops in my area though so I will need to get looking! I know there is Stylehaus and Premier who do a lot of custom bodywork and resprays for VW show cars so I might go and see if they do insurance repairs.

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Sorry to hear this mate,the same happened to me a few weeks ago the bloke from the insurance company said they would write it off because of the age of the vehicle over the phone!! I was not impressed :D but after standing my ground it was repaired in a bodyshop of my choice and i even had a few mods done as well so all is good again.


All the best with it mate


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Sorry to hear this mate,the same happened to me a few weeks ago the bloke from the insurance company said they would write it off because of the age of the vehicle over the phone!! I was not impressed :D but after standing my ground it was repaired in a bodyshop of my choice and i even had a few mods done as well so all is good again.


All the best with it mate



That sounds both scary :pale: but also good :lol: hopefully I can get a similar outcome with mine!

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That sounds both scary :pale: but also good :lol: hopefully I can get a similar outcome with mine!


To be fair to the insurance they prob expected the car to be worse than it was, when the assessor came round he said it was repairable and then it was easy, i just got in contact with the bodyshop then told the insursance where i wanted it to go and that was that mate. :cheers:



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To be fair to the insurance they prob expected the car to be worse than it was, when the assessor came round he said it was repairable and then it was easy, i just got in contact with the bodyshop then told the insursance where i wanted it to go and that was that mate. :cheers:




That sounds like it might be similar with me as it's not really that damaged, just slight dent in the rear panel and bumper slightly pushed forwards so i'm guessing it would be an easy enough fix. I have just been worried that they will just see it as an old car rather than my pride and joy and a fairly rare modern classic and just write it off. It would be good if I can choose where to get the repair work done, atleast then I can do my homework and build my trust in them rather than someone just turning up and taking it away!

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atleast then I can do my homework and build my trust in them rather than someone just turning up and taking it away!



Thats exactly what i wanted to avoid !!!!!!!!!! Keep your chin up mate at least it not wrecked [and its a good excuse to get that horrid rear tow eye smoothed :D or thats my excuse and im sticking to it] :D


It will all turn out ok in the end mate!


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i feel for you buddy, i got my second rado in january this year only to have someone try and park a camper on the bonnet of it two weeks after i got it.


no real damage tbh, just a smashed indicator and a scratch/stress fractures in the paint on the front bumper.


never had to deal with this kinda thing before so phoned my insurance etc, they cleared it str8 away as it was a non-fault accident (but obviously best to tell them anyway)

got in touch with his insurance, waited for him to accept liability and then they arranged a bodyshop for it to go to. At this point i was happy enough, the said boy shop had repaired both my mums and sisters cars last year and they're work is spot on, so that put my mind at ease as i didnt want a shoddy job done.


took the car to said body shop and the guy that did the quote for the repair's first comment to me was ' i take the modifications arent insured', i was fuming! espiecially as every mod on my car is insured right down to the wiper blades! he then proceeded to tell me that the car wasnt wearing its original paint, which it is. and to top it off he came out with 'its not going to match, the lad's will mix the paint up and not care if it doesnt match' :mad2: .


i managed to keep a pretty level head through all of this, and politely told the guy i would be in touch with the insurance company to arrange a bodyshop of my choice.


Rang the insurance company, told them about what had happened and they couldnt apologise enough. i took the car to my local body shop called DTS which had given me a quote before for work on my other rado, having seen they're work before on a few bits on Goldie's storm i was confident they would do a good job.


they have a scheme, which im sure other bodyshop's will. its a non-fault scheme, where they deal with everything, sort out a hire car for you whilst yours is being repaired and of course repair your car.


they've been majestic through this experience, the guys couldnt be helpfull enough. they costed for a new bumper, blending the wings, spraying the bonnet and bumper and a new indicator.


the engineer came out and said they could re-pair the bumper which is fair enough, but then said i could have a new splitter as it had cracked (this was cracked when i got the car!) so happydays, ive got a couple of spare indicators and spare splitters so the guys at the bodyshop said instea of buying the new parts if i supplied them then they would do other body work for me. :clap:


so the car went in on monday and should be with them for a week, when i get it back it will be sporting a whole front end respray, roof, tailgate and rear bumper and all stonechips/ any rust on the body repaired and painted. i cant wait!


so morale of the story is, be patient and dont back down to the insurance company, as nick said earlier you are 100% entitle to have your car re-paired to how it was pre-accident.


As for mine, it sounds a lot of work for what the accident caused but i like to think of it in a karma kinda way, i got totally screwed in an accident that wasnt my fault a couple of years ago so id like to think this is sort of re-paying me for it! 'my name is earl'


Hope you get it sorted...





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F$%king hell Rob, bad luck mate but at least it doesn't sound like there is too much damage and (like people have said) because it was the other persons fault you're well within your rights to demand the car is fixed to pre-damage standards.


Not something you want to be dealing with when you've got a R32 to fit as well! :lol:



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Cheers for that Andy, sounds like you had a winner in the end!


Mic, yeah it's sh*t luck really and will put the R32 on hold for a bit, don't know if that's good or bad as I'm also trying to buy a house :shrug:


Anyway quick update, I got a call from the eeeevil woman who hit me and she has told her companies insurance who have took down all details, she's told them it was her fault and everything, I just need to ring them with my policy number etc and then it's set to go.


The best news though, I went to see the legend that is Steve Denton owner of Stylehaus in my lunch break to show him. Turned up only to see Renshaw's (now Vick N's) superb corrado that I had never seen before in the metal, and what a car :notworthy: that's having some work done which i think Vick is doing to make it his own, I won't go saying what's being done in case Vick doesn't want anything said. Anyway told Steve the story and he said as it's her fault I can choose my own bodyshop to do the work, he will do the work and will sort everything out with the insurance company and he is going to do a bit of smoothing as well as patch up few other bits round the car at the same time!! :clap: So as long as the insurance company are cool with me using Steve then this will be the best things that's happened to the car :lol:

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The Silver Lining :grin: glad it's worked out so well!!


My car had a rear shunt and rear panel got pushed in slightly where the VW badge is and it's never been right since, most people don't notice it but I know it's there and it bugs the hell out of me :(

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win win win. :clap:


thats good to hear, ive only ever heard good things about steve dentons work.


am sure the insurance company wont have a problem with you using him. good luck and look forward to seeing some pics once its sorted.. :salute:

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sorry to hear you were rear ended?? i hope Tom wasn't behind ya :lol:


at least you will be able to get some personal touches done at stylehaus, and steves work is 100% mint, plus he will repair that rust bubble you have,



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sorry to hear you were rear ended?? i hope Tom wasn't behind ya :lol:


at least you will be able to get some personal touches done at stylehaus, and steves work is 100% mint, plus he will repair that rust bubble you have,




Exactly, thats the first thing he pointed out and then asked me if there are any other bad bits, i showed him a few other little bits round the car and he's going to see what he can do :clap:


He's currently working on another corrado project so i'm looking forward to what he does to that 8)

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dang sounds like an unlucky bump mate but so glad to hear that you look as tho you have got something really good out of it!

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Sorry to hear about it but glad it is looking good now, as people have mentioned, keep on the insurance and you should be ok, you are entitled to using a bodyshop of your choice and I think you made the right choice ;) Thanks for the comments too :D


Hey my car is in my drive, what you talking about??!?!?! :norty: :wink:


Vick :D

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Hey my car is in my drive, what you talking about??!?!?! :norty: :wink:


Vick :D


:lol: Sorry, must have been another awesome corrado with beige TT/porsche interior, mx5 wing mirrors, 24v engine and running gear and corvette wheels. My mistake :lol:


But seriously, you have one awesome corrado there, made mine look so normal!

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Update, I rang up her insurance lastnight to give them my insurance details and everything seemed ok. However she asked me if I have had the damage assessed and I told her about taking it to Stylehaus and she said that they usually do the repairs :pale: I made my point clear though that the car is not an every day car and that Stylehaus has extensive experience with these cars and I trust them fully and that I would like them to do it. She just had to take his details and they are going to get back to me today .. so fingers crossed! I shall damn well fight my corner with it though, Steve was real top bloke, would be such a shame sending it to a bunch of strangers!

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Update, I rang up her insurance lastnight to give them my insurance details and everything seemed ok. However she asked me if I have had the damage assessed and I told her about taking it to Stylehaus and she said that they usually do the repairs :pale: I made my point clear though that the car is not an every day car and that Stylehaus has extensive experience with these cars and I trust them fully and that I would like them to do it. She just had to take his details and they are going to get back to me today .. so fingers crossed! I shall damn well fight my corner with it though, Steve was real top bloke, would be such a shame sending it to a bunch of strangers!


Sorry to hear about the bump chap. Defo defend your corner mate. Specialists cars need specialist attention and care!


Hope find out out soon with positive results

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Well I spoke to the insurance today and it's all go! I told them I'm using Steve Denton at Stylehaus whether they like it or not basically and they said that's fine but they just need to agree the quotation by taking a look at the damage themselves, Steve said that won't be a problem. Then once they say it's all good then she's booked in for the work ... with extra work done tidying it up yay!! Steve couldn't help enough and keeps telling me not to worry it will soon be a really tidy corrado again :lol:

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Well I spoke to the insurance today and it's all go! I told them I'm using Steve Denton at Stylehaus whether they like it or not basically and they said that's fine but they just need to agree the quotation by taking a look at the damage themselves, Steve said that won't be a problem. Then once they say it's all good then she's booked in for the work ... with extra work done tidying it up yay!! Steve couldn't help enough and keeps telling me not to worry it will soon be a really tidy corrado again :lol:




Always nice turning a negative into a positive :grin:

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