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From the sublime to the utterly ridiculous

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OK, so there are plenty of people out there who ponce about with crappy cars and make them even crapper, but why, when VW go to the trouble of crafting a sleek looking motor like the Corrado can something like this happen...




:shock: :( :o :nono: :shrug: :gag: :cuckoo: :shock: :( :shock: :( :shock: :roll: ???


I almost regurgitated my coronation chicken sandwich. It would have been a lot less trouble for him/her (I guess him) to slam it into a wall for a similar overall effect...

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people take beautiful things, vomit on them and this is what you get!


Edit: does this then make it a beautiful pile of vomit, or something thats beautiful covered in vomit. ben drinking. thinking alot into these things

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Is it wrong that I quite like it? :shrug:

The crack pipe working wonders for you again?

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i really think that is someting to to really proud of !


if your 4 years old


if i ever made something look that cack i would not photgraph it to show it off


only in america

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Only in America would some twat do that. No wonder the windows are tinted, so no one can see who id driving and take the piss out of the down the pub. :censored: :salute: :shock: :cuckoo: :gag: :nono: :bonk: :crazyeyes:

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but lets be fair. the origional metro 6r4 was an awesome piece of kit i kno im only gonna get flamed now but i loved the way they looked! if the car had the wheels/height to go with it there wouldnt be much different to an orig- bar the engine lol

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