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Nugget yellow 16v

Quick hello and North East Corrado's

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Hello all, have had to re-register on here since my computer took a fit a while ago (was previously known as bananarado man) :evil:

In the couple of months since i as last on here ive noticed quite a few people on here from the north east so how many more of you are there??


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I'm one! Saw a yellow C going over the tyne bridge a month or two ago, might have been you mate! mines a red G plate 16v, give us a wave if you spot me!

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Although I am not a Corrado owner (yet) I am just north of newcastle and own a G40 , pretty quick as well. I intend on getting a Corrado soon but keeping my G at the same time.

Not an awfull lot of dubbers up here I Know a couple from this site and a couple from my own club but thats it.

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Although I am not a Corrado owner (yet) I am just north of newcastle and own a G40 , pretty quick as well. I intend on getting a Corrado soon but keeping my G at the same time.

Not an awfull lot of dubbers up here I Know a couple from this site and a couple from my own club but thats it.



Hey Paul long time no see :shock: when are you gona buy your C?

Should arrange a meet up again some time?

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Yeah deffinatly, I am off for two weeks so should arrange somic soon, cos I am bored.

I can't buy the C for a while as I have just moved out into my new flat.

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I will be a corrado owner in the Northeast. I haven't got the car yet i am getting a 90' corrado VR6



a 90 VR6 Corrado?????............shurely shome mishtake :? :wink:


91 is the earliest you'll get any VR6 Corrado and i'm pretty sure the US of A didn't get the VR6 Slc til 92 like us brits...........unless of course you've transplanted the VR into a 90 G60 :wink:

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Hello Mark, welcome to the forum...


you may remeber me, I stopped you in the carpark at donnie in your rado when you was leaving...


you made it over here then, your car looks awesome slammed :D

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Hello Mark,


There are quite a few of us from the North East on the forum- haven't seen you around yet but I guess you shouldn't be that difficult to spot with that colour car :D



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Hello all, here goes;


Bally, nice to talk to you mate and thanks for the comments on the car! it is a lttle lower at the back since donnington (can't leave coilovers alone!) and a powerflow stainless system so it doesnt sound like a tank anymore like it did when you saw it!


Chrishill, probobly was me on the tyne bridge, will keep my eyes peeled for you next time im up that way


I know a while ago Mr VR6-nos organised a bit of a north east meet (that i couldnt attendcos i was stuck in a queue out of santa pod!), maybe another one soon?

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Is that you Mark?


Will be sorting some meet up again soon as soon as the weather turn a bit better ...lol....

I will give people pleanty of advance this time so more can turn up :D


C ya

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Nice one Mark, I'm looking forward to getting myself some coilovers in the new year..


hopefully we will meet again..


get some pics up of your motor too... :wink:

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ok james mate, will wait for some nicer weather but by that time i should have my bug on the road so the corrado will be taking a backseat!!!

bally, will get some pics sorted hopefully when i get my pc working again. this thing im using probably wouldnt be powerful enough to let me do it. the hamster in its wheel in the back of this thing would have a heart attack!!!!!!

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ok james mate, will wait for some nicer weather but by that time i should have my bug on the road so the corrado will be taking a backseat!!!

bally, will get some pics sorted hopefully when i get my pc working again. this thing im using probably wouldnt be powerful enough to let me do it. the hamster in its wheel in the back of this thing would have a heart attack!!!!!!


:lol: mate.. ok Mark, look forward to seeing probably the lowest rado I've ever seen on 15's.... :D

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I am up for a meet soon, I am hating this weather though. Like I said in my last post I will be getting a C soon as a daily runner (yeah more like a second car to mod........lol) but I have just priced up how much it'll cost to get my G up to the 200 BHP mark from PSD, that would be mental but I can buy a C for the price it's gonna cost..............lol.

Chris: let me know when the meet is anyway.

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