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Phil K

Theiving scrotes!

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Just got home from helping my mate put his space saver on the back of his mk3 Golf after some little scrotes decided to take 1 TT comp during the night! :bad-words:


They'd tried to take the front too but it's jammed on the hub and requires some force to get it off... after realising this they've dropped the Halfords trolley jack and then due to the rear wheel not being there they've been unable to get it out - tw@s :lol:


So we now have a trolley jack (with out handle) and 3 Comps... forensics came out and were able to establish that the butt munchers had been wearing gloves but there was a print on the jack which might just turn up something!


Keep an eye open for a TT comp wearing a 215 40 17 Millenium (true quality) tyre for sale in the Surrey area, or for that matter, anyone selling a genuine spare as we will need to replace it! Would love to knock 7 shades out of them!

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Locking wheels nuts were purchased yesterday...


Cheers for the link to the comp on ebay - will keep an eye on it but not sure what sort of costs would be involved getting it down here from Leicester :scratch:


Got the pics off my phone from yesterday. Still makes me chuckle to think they may have been aiming to take all 4 but failed miserably... how seriously thick can you possibly be :epicfail:

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Sorry to hear that, but as you say what a bunch of numpties (and you have a free trolley jack!).

I'll keep my fingers crossed the forensics turn something up....


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