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Old car scrappage scheme - it's kicking off!

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why doesnt the fuel price go down when oil prices drop???we never hear of when the oil drops only when it increases in price


I saw on the news the other day that there are huge oil tankers full of fuel anchored in a bay some were on the south coast waiting for the fuel prices to start rising befor unloading it.


Money theifing :censored: :bad-words:

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Just confirmed and will start in May 09!!


I wonder what the small print will be though?!?

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The queue is already forming outside our door. Got loads of customers waiting for this. Can't say I blame them really. We can give you £50 now or you can come back in a couple of weeks and you'll get £2000.... Bit of a no brainer for the genral public. I still think this is very short sighted initiative though.

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Its a good idear but there is one big floor in it


If some ones car is worth left less that £2000 they arent going to sell it they are going to take it to the nearest scrappy, which is fine but there is going to be hundreds of good cars going to waste which are perfictly fine for a few more years to come. And if every one is takeing cars worth less than £2000 to the scrappys then there is going to be no cheep cars to buy for first time buyers, and young people who just passed their test arent going to be able to afford to buy a car. :cuckoo:

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Its a good idear but there is one big floor in it


If some ones car is worth left less that £2000 they arent going to sell it they are going to take it to the nearest scrappy, which is fine but there is going to be hundreds of good cars going to waste which are perfictly fine for a few more years to come. And if every one is takeing cars worth less than £2000 to the scrappys then there is going to be no cheep cars to buy for first time buyers, and young people who just passed their test arent going to be able to afford to buy a car. :cuckoo:


Think you've missed the point slightly, you only get the £2000 if you trade your old car in for a brand new 'eco' one, not if you just scrap it. They'll still be a second hand market and new drivers will still be able to buy old bangers to wreck.


In my professional opinion this budget has been rubbish, won't make a difference in the grand scheme of the things. Best of luck to all of us, the govenment have messed it up once more... Great! :(

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what a waste of time :roll:

that 2 grand per car has got to come from somewhere, 2p on fuel in September then another 1p at the end of December should just about cover it :mad2:

just who voted for these muppets anyway?

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I'm still trying to get my head round it if I'm honest. Struggling to find any concise information about the porposals put forward and nothing at all has stood out as being anything that is either a) particularly surprising or b) something that I think for a minute is going to help the economy in the long run. Which is kinda what we need right? We're trying to save British jobs so here's 2 grand to put towards a foreign car. :cuckoo:

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TBH I don't think there's much they can do, European law ties their hands at doing anything protectionist or directed at UK companies specifically.

Bottom line is, they couldn't do much to stop us getting into the current mess and can't do much to help us get out of it.

Things will gradually improve but expect a very different decade to the last, more tax and lots of cuts coming in the years ahead whoever 'manages' the country, I just don't think the average bod in the street has worked this out yet.

Oh, and buy a 4x4 if you do go for this scheme, you're going to need it the state the roads will be in soon :lol:

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Need more information on the car scrappage scheme. I doubt they will just allow the £2000 against any new car, I expect that you'll be restricted to eco friendly low emission cars so nothing flash,fast, 4x4 or even remotely fun. You'll also probably have to prove you've owned the car for a certain amount of time to stop people just buying a £100 wreck and getting £2K for it straight away, but David is right - where is this money coming from? I've heard rumours of a 50:50 split which means the car maufacturers and government will stump up £1k each.


Other highlights for me include

- Government funded saving for those on benefits (apparently paying for them to live as it is isn't enough, now I have to pay them some savings as well! :mad2: )

- Tax clawbacks on pensions of high earners (lovely, punish those who've done well and paid into a pension over the past 30 years)

- Tax on fuel, obviously the 2/3rds of every litre isn't enough especially as oil prices are lower than they've ever been.

- (one I do agree on here) 50% tax band for all those earning more than £150,000 a year - fair enough, and they are going to introduce a similar scheme for those high earning corporations as well. Granted they think this tax band will net an extra £500+Million a year so could be an option.


Sorry for the rant but it just seems to be a complete waste of time, if you run through the numbers all the increases in tax will be negated by the additional government spending.

There is some good stuff in there (housing for armed forces, joint equity house buying schemes, ISA savings band increases etc, but there is some shocking stuff as well.


Oh well, it'll keep me busy for a few weeks as there is a couple of tax loopholes that my clients might be interested in! :lol:

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Government funded saving for those on benefits (apparently paying for them to live as it is isn't enough, now I have to pay them some savings as well! :mad2: )


Excellent, that will really encourage people to get off benefits. :roll:


Basically you have to have owned the car for a year, it must have a valid MOT for some reason (not sure why when it's just gonna get scrapped) and the scheme will run from May this year up until March 2010. I've not seen anything to suggest that you have to buy an "eco" car. And yeah, by the sounds of it it's 1k from from the government and 1k from the manufacturer.

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why doesnt the fuel price go down when oil prices drop???we never hear of when the oil drops only when it increases in price


They are very good at putting up the prices quickly because they can but very slow to come down. Few reasons they argue for this, one being that they buy stock many weeks/months in advance but either way its contradictory and all about profits at the end of the day. Recent lows of oil price have been offset by the value of the £, if we were still getting $2 to the pound we would have very cheap fuel indeed as you need dollars to buy on the oil markets.


Apologies about going off topic even further but its a subject that enrages me, no single country should be allowed such control over global matters :hitler: , consider the power the states has in the oil markets if you have to buy dollars to trade. Now imagine if someone tried to create another oil market in another currency, say Euros. This would undermind the control the states has and indeed effect the value of the dollar. How do you think the US would react to such a move? Well, a forerunner of Euro based oil market was Iran. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

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I've not seen anything to suggest that you have to buy an "eco" car.


You're absolutely right mate. Just been reading the BBC News article on this scheme and they confirm that there is absolutely no limit on what car your £2,000 credit goes toward - can be any gas guzzling piece of sh!te you like.


I just don't see the point of this scheme at all. Realistically it benefits no-one. This government are beyond belief sometimes. The German model has, apparently increased new car sales by 40% but (and I quote) has "been widely criticised for decimating the country's used car industry" - with knock on effects across the board, especially for garages and parts manufacturers. Why didn't they just give the £300 million to the car manufacturers up front rather than going through this ridiculous scheme to make it seem like we're getting some kind of astonishingly good deal?

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Its a good idear but there is one big floor in it


If some ones car is worth left less that £2000 they arent going to sell it they are going to take it to the nearest scrappy, which is fine but there is going to be hundreds of good cars going to waste which are perfictly fine for a few more years to come. And if every one is takeing cars worth less than £2000 to the scrappys then there is going to be no cheep cars to buy for first time buyers, and young people who just passed their test arent going to be able to afford to buy a car. :cuckoo:


Think you've missed the point slightly, you only get the £2000 if you trade your old car in for a brand new 'eco' one, not if you just scrap it. They'll still be a second hand market and new drivers will still be able to buy old bangers to wreck.


In my professional opinion this budget has been rubbish, won't make a difference in the grand scheme of the things. Best of luck to all of us, the govenment have messed it up once more... Great! :(


O right my bad must of read it wrong :brickwall:

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Gotta be honest, if my Rado doesn't go soon it may well end up going this way - seems a shame, but needs must. It's not a great scheme, anything that woun't sell for £2k or more will likely be coming off the road which means alot of classics may vanish.

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err, it's not 2K it's 1K.

the dealer/manfr is expected to discount new cars by a grand to match the grand the Government(taxpayer) are putting up.

So what's new, they would have offered discounts on the forecourt anyway, so that 2K figure is total spin.

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err, it's not 2K it's 1K.

the dealer/manfr is expected to discount new cars by a grand to match the grand the Government(taxpayer) are putting up.

So what's new, they would have offered discounts on the forecourt anyway, so that 2K figure is total spin.


Yeah, the motor industry is being asked to part subsidise itself. To be honest the manufacturer I work for had really good offers on most of its cars from the 1st January to 31st March (offers are changed every quarter). Most had at least a grand off or £1500 towards your finance deposit and stuff like that. Then mysteriously as of the 1st April they stopped all the offers. I wasn't sure why to start with but now I know. So you're basically gonna come in here and get the same offer you would have got anyway.

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The only casulaties of the ailing car industry are the manufacturers that produced poor cars in the first place, mainly Americans. Companies that are producing desired cars are doing fine, like Fiat, all of the 500 Abarths were sold before the first ones reached the show rooms. The main casulaties are the Americans because they seem to be surprised that no one in Europe wants a V8 that produces 150bhp at 16mpg wrapped in tin foil. Same with any industry in the world, you survive if you build superior products.


Those days are gone. The Chevy LS series V8s are awesome engines and the Corvette ZR1 p1sses all over many European Supercars, in both handling and speed, and it uses VERY old technology. The Yanks are very clever engineers when they want to be, but for the bulk of their domestic market, the demand isn't there for a 'quality' car simply because most Americans don't want to pay for it. Cars to a lot of them are just a disposable white good.

Agreed, it's too late now for GM and Ford to take a chunk out of the import market now by improving quality, but don't forget, whilst European car makers are currently obsessed with horsepower, the Yanks are making massive inroads with electric and ethanol powered car technology. For once, they are being the responsible ones!


Take a look at Rolls Royce (i work for them), their order book is bigger than ever, they have no debts at all and have over £1billion in cash readily available, and why? Because they build superior products.


Companies like that who only cater for rich people will always have big cash reserves, but if they're so buoyant financially, why did they allow VW and BMW to buy them out?


Now why should i feel forced and seduced into selling my corrado (a superior product) for a 'green' piece of ****? Bollocks to them, im keeping my corrado until someone prises my cold dead fingers from the steering wheel.


Amen! Couldn't have said it better myself :lol:

I'm actually welcoming the move to ethanol and electric motors as they're easy to implement on our old cars.

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err, it's not 2K it's 1K.

the dealer/manfr is expected to discount new cars by a grand to match the grand the Government(taxpayer) are putting up.

So what's new, they would have offered discounts on the forecourt anyway, so that 2K figure is total spin.


So the stealers are throwing in the £1k discount they would have offered anyway!

Ergo good ol' UK is taking on more debt to fund greedy manufacturers/dealers and dear Darling takes a pat on the back from an oversized motor industry!

And how many people, who are about to splash a good few £k on a new car, currently run a sub £2k model?

I wonder if pre-registered cars will qualify?

Ne'r mind - it'll be good for sub-£2k motor business.

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Ne'r mind - it'll be good for sub-£2k motor business.


Actually.. and annoyingly.. it I don't think it will. You have to prove you've owned the car you plan to trade in for at least 1 year. The scheme only runs until March 2010. Therefore any car sold even right now will not be owned for the required 12 months before the scheme expires.


And even for those who've owned the car for 12 months, the £2,000 is only any good if they're planning to buy a brand new car from a dealer, rather than something a year or two old from a private sale or something.


If the scheme was going to run indefinately, then yeah - I think it'd help 2nd hand car values! But as it is, I don't think it will :(

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err, it's not 2K it's 1K.

the dealer/manfr is expected to discount new cars by a grand to match the grand the Government(taxpayer) are putting up.

So what's new, they would have offered discounts on the forecourt anyway, so that 2K figure is total spin.


So the stealers are throwing in the £1k discount they would have offered anyway!

Ergo good ol' UK is taking on more debt to fund greedy manufacturers/dealers and dear Darling takes a pat on the back from an oversized motor industry!

And how many people, who are about to splash a good few £k on a new car, currently run a sub £2k model?

I wonder if pre-registered cars will qualify?

Ne'r mind - it'll be good for sub-£2k motor business.


Here is a good example of this based on a car we sell here. It's available as a 1.6 diesel which is by far the best seller in the range. The recommended retail price for the car OTR is £13,380.00. The manufacturer had an offer that ran from 1st Jan to 31st March where you could buy this car for £10,995.00. That's a saving of £2385.00! But then they decided to drop this offer as of 1st April so now you will come in with your 10 year old car and get £2000.00 for it. The car will cost you £11380.00. That's LESS of a discount than you would have got last month and you wouldn't have had to trade in anything at all.

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I think I understand the scheme Jim!

It's not yet clear what is required to happen to the traded in cars. :shrug:

Either they will be a cheap source for sub-£2k traders or

they will be a cheap source for the efficient end of the scrap/recycle industry

as the stealers will be funded to write off the inconvenient lumps by you & me! :shock:

The sooner we sack Brown Darling & Co the better!

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It's not yet clear what is required to happen to the traded in cars.


http://motortorque.askaprice.com/articl ... scheme.asp


From the FAQ:


What happens to my car after it's scrapped?


It will be crushed. Any dealership or garage that attempts to sell the car will be prosecuted.


What, even classics?


Yes, if you don't want your vintage Mark II Austin Allegro crushed don't trade it in for a scrappage grant!



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