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What Rado cant make up my mind.

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In the next few months I’m going to be looking at getting a Corrado, but I cant make up my mind which one.


I’m drawn towards the 2lt 16vl because I will be doing about 40 miles a day ( 5 days a week) to my new job and don’t want to be spending loads on petrol and secondly because it will hopefully be cheaper insurance.


But I love the sound the VR’s make and I have all ways been draw towards them. But at the same time the G60’s have started to attract my attention more and more.


I really don’t know which one to get, there seams to be loads of VR’s for sale, not so many G60 around but even less 16vl about.


Can any one help me choose :shrug: :scratch: :help:

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Having owned a 2l 16v and currently owning a G60 and having driven a few VR6's... I'd say set your budget go and look at a few drive a few troll the forums and read what's what then make up your mind.


Everybody has their own opinion on what is best but at the end of the day you've got to own drive and maintain it.


All corrado's are buggers to get parts for.

All corrado's are getting a bit old now.


But all corrado's are different, The only thing that remains the same no matter what engine it has is how bloody good you feel driving them!


Happy Hunting! Looking is the fun bit! :clap:

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My vavler was only just as ecomonimcal with regards mpg as my VR. i guess you need to look around, drive all the diff models. one things for sure, there is some bargins out there at the moment.

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Do you really want a Corrado because it's a car you've always wanted and you're planning to own it for a good few years ..... or do you just fancy one and think that fuel economy is very important?


You obviously have to drive a few first so you know what each model is all about but unless you're trying to buy your dream car, why not start with a 2.0 valver? You get a later model (than the 1.8 ) and a bit better spec, although the performance is quoted as being a bit slower, it's comparable in reality.


You'll learn so much just living with one for a few months (I can hear sniggering in the back :lol:) that you can then make your mind up whether you prefer to get a Yaris or take a step up (IMHO, don't shoot me :grin:) and get a G60 or VR6.


Or if you have deep enough pockets, just get a G60/VR6 from day one if you really want one, but if you don't know what you're buying/doing in the first place, the fixes you potentially have to make will be more complicated/costly. Potentially.

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The reason I want a Rado is because I have all ways wanted to own and drive one. When ever I see one I'm like a child thats had too much sugar.


I think I will go for a valver first and try and lurn as much about it as I can before make a dessision if I want one of the other models.



One thing I would like to look into doing in maybe replacing the valvers engine with a newer/ low milage engine. But the big problem behind that is I am a complete noob when it comes to things like that.

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The reason I want a Rado is because I have all ways wanted to own and drive one. When ever I see one I'm like a child thats had too much sugar.


I think I will go for a valver first and try and lurn as much about it as I can before make a dessision if I want one of the other models.



One thing I would like to look into doing in maybe replacing the valvers engine with a newer/ low milage engine. But the big problem behind that is I am a complete noob when it comes to things like that.


Well if you are going to go to all that trouble just buy a VR :grin:


I bet if you have a light left foot the mpg wont be too different from the valver. I get 33mpg average on a long run in my mine.


Good luck with your hunt though. Great position to be in



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The valver engines are pretty indestuctible tbh so unless you really wanted to start changing engines e.g. to get big power, why bother? Enjoy what you have :)


You could even pick up a VR for a few quid these days but beware, it could be the very thing that turns you off the car for good if you buy cheap and get a bad one. But as you're quite young, why not start simple, get a good valver and work from there.


Leonard - can you even get insured on a VR these days if you're under 21? I know I couldn't but that was about 30 years ago :grin:

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Leonard - can you even get insured on a VR these days if you're under 21? I know I couldn't but that was about 30 years ago :grin:


Yeah good point well made, I missed the age part LOL


Costs the guy I work with £1500 to insure his 18 year old daughter on his 1.4 Fabia! :cuckoo:

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I bet if you have a light left foot the mpg wont be too different from the valver.

Fuel economy through braking/clutching? :norty:

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Well It was either going to be an engine change or a completle rebuild as I want to keep the Car going for as long as possible. As there is all ready not enough of them on the roads.


And as I'm only 20 the insurance will be alot cheaper on a valer and it wont be a big step you to a 2.9lt engine plus less chance of ending up in a tree ( they seam to jump out at you round here along with the sheep :D )

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I bet if you have a light left foot the mpg wont be too different from the valver.

Fuel economy through braking/clutching? :norty:


I think Im still drunk from last night


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Well It was either going to be an engine change or a completle rebuild as I want to keep the Car going for as long as possible. As there is all ready not enough of them on the roads.


And as I'm only 20 the insurance will be alot cheaper on a valer and it wont be a big step you to a 2.9lt engine plus less chance of ending up in a tree ( they seam to jump out at you round here along with the sheep :D )


LOL darn pesky tree's. Whats your budget then, I will keep my eyes peeled for a nice valver :norty:

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Haha they ent half as bad as the :censored: sheep I had my Golf 2 weeks before one ran out in front of me, luckly for me the only damage was one smashed head light and a line of sheep sh#T Running up the side of my car, work that one out :scratch:


Well im going to see how much dosh I get in my first pay packet from my new job, but I have about £2500 saved up ( dont really want to use it all but I'm shore It wouldnt take much to make me spend it all on :D )

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Best advice i can offer is to get the very best example available at the time - regardless of the distance you have to travel to get it - it will pay you back long term. Don't be fooled by a cheaper car that you can 'restore' over time - it's by far the most expensive and involved option. Take your time finding a car - youre right in saying there aren't very many around - and you will find 70% of whats on sale are tired examples that require thousands spent on them - everything on the cars can need fixed/replacing (thats not a joke!) - so don't rush and find one thats already been pampered. Therefore I'd add another 2-3k onto your budget - it may seem too much now - but in 2-3 years you'll be glad you spent another 2k on the car, not another 6k on receipts.

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Best advice i can offer is to get the very best example available at the time - regardless of the distance you have to travel to get it - it will pay you back long term. Don't be fooled by a cheaper car that you can 'restore' over time - it's by far the most expensive and involved option. Take your time finding a car - youre right in saying there aren't very many around - and you will find 70% of whats on sale are tired examples that require thousands spent on them - everything on the cars can need fixed/replacing (thats not a joke!) - so don't rush and find one thats already been pampered. Therefore I'd add another 2-3k onto your budget - it may seem too much now - but in 2-3 years you'll be glad you spent another 2k on the car, not another 6k on receipts.


Ya see were your coming from as If i spend a bit more now, in a few years ( after the ressesion) they should hopefully start to increase in value.


So its not a bad thing that I'm being fussy and only wanting a C with low milage.


So your saying If I want a decent C I will be paying some were between £2500 - £5000. which is what I expected any way. I can get round about a another £1000 for my Golf. and save a few pay packets up as well :D


Thanks for that Leon very helpfull


And I'm shore if I ever do have any problems, I wont have been the first to have it and can count on every one on here for infor :D

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yeah i would spend around 2k on a nice valver.


I got 34.8 mpg in mine on a 30 mile trip not bad huh



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I'm not that fussed on mpg I would just like a Rado with a good balance of Proformance and mpg.


Mainly something that will put a smile on your face every time your foot touches the pedal but doesnt smack you in the mouth at the pumps or am i just being optamistic :D

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I'm not that fussed on mpg I would just like a Rado with a good balance of Proformance and mpg.


Mainly something that will put a smile on your face every time your foot touches the pedal but doesnt smack you in the mouth at the pumps or am i just being optamistic :D



If you want a good balance of Performance and MPG, then valvers really aren't what you're looking for, they're the total opposite of that in fact! And as far as wanting something that'll make you grin at the touch of the go pedal i'd again advise you to steer away from valvers and go for a VR or a G60.


I agree with Leon though, you're best off just looking at as many rados as you can and choose the best one you've seen regardless of what engine it has, these days finding a Corrado with a really decent shell, tight chassis, and rattle free smart interior is becoming bloody difficult. If you're keeping the car long term and are happy to do an engine conversion at some point then just get the best rado you can find and worry about engines later!


VR6's drive totally differently to G60's, likewise 16v's are different to 8v's etc etc, they all have completely different characteristics so the only person that can decide which is best for you, is you!

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Ok thanks every one.


When I'm ready to buy a C I will try and test drive a valver, G60 and VR6 and I'm shore the right engine will jump out at me once I've driven them all.

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I would just go straight for a VR. If you buy a 16v, you'll end up wanting one pretty soon anyway. Insurance shouldn't be much different (only one group difference unless you get a Storm) and MPG is pretty much the same. G60 is worth a look (If it was me I'd have a VR though ;) ), although you'd have to put up with the early interior and exterior (bonnet, grille, lights etc) unless you got a K reg. It's a very different drive to a VR- they're good in different ways.


As others have said, drive them all, and try to drive as many examples as poss. Be prepared to spend as much as you can on a decent example, although there are bargains to be found.

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