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Corrado Spotting! Was it you?

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My missus (bless her!) just text me to say that she saw a white G-reg Corrado in Yeovil around lunch-time. Think it would have been around/near ASDA, as she was on her way to the hairdressers. Another 'Rado native to Yeov's on here?

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Just had to say i like your forum name ^^^^especially as you come from Littlehampton............i know im 38 and havent grown up yet........... :shrug:

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Akinesis- not sure if it was him, but I know the owner of Martock Panelcraft owns a White G plater and I often see him around Yeovil

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Just had to say i like your forum name ^^^^especially as you come from Littlehampton............i know im 38 and havent grown up yet........... :shrug:


im not far off 38 myself :) its a character from my favourite movie when i was younger. and whats funny about littlehampton? :?

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Just had to say i like your forum name ^^^^especially as you come from Littlehampton............i know im 38 and havent grown up yet........... :shrug:


im not far off 38 myself :) its a character from my favourite movie when i was younger. and whats funny about littlehampton? :?


When i was younger at school a hampton was what we called our man parts.............i'll get me coat................. :salute:

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Akinesis- not sure if it was him, but I know the owner of Martock Panelcraft owns a White G plater and I often see him around Yeovil


Could have been, then! Is he on this Forum?

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3 today in Guernsey.... a silver VR in st peter port with a rusty wing :D


and a red and a blue one on the west side of the island... think it may of been in vale...

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Akinesis- not sure if it was him, but I know the owner of Martock Panelcraft owns a White G plater and I often see him around Yeovil


Could have been, then! Is he on this Forum?


Not sure to be honest, only spoken to him a couple of times. I know he's well into all things vw though

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Seen a couple in the past week, wrote down notes on my phone but unfortunately can't find the dates from when I spotted!


Here goes:


Today - Green L reg in Chippenham, around 10.45am, heading towards town from Calne way possibly? Had smoked aftermarket rear lights


Last week sometime: Silver VR in Bath, 2pm, no idea what day!! :cuckoo: Had a 'for sale' sign in the window, M** BPN


Last week maybe?: Silver rado, M*** CBP can't remember where I saw it tho!! :lol:


Apologies for lack of info, I need to start writing down what dates I see them! :lol:

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Saw A Black Corrado this morning- it was just outside Swafham in Norfolk---anyone on here??????

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Saw A Clack Corrado this morning- it was just outside Swafham in Norfolk---anyone on here??????


That sounds like Donald Ducks Corrado :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Today - Green L reg in Chippenham, around 10.45am, heading towards town from Calne way possibly? Had smoked aftermarket rear lights


Damn sure that was me, i take it you weren't in the rado otherwise i need to be a bit more vigilant, dont see many around chippenham

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Today - Green L reg in Chippenham, around 10.45am, heading towards town from Calne way possibly? Had smoked aftermarket rear lights


Damn sure that was me, i take it you weren't in the rado otherwise i need to be a bit more vigilant, dont see many around chippenham


Thought it might've been u mate! U were heading down that 50mph bit of road that turns into a 2-lane road, then there's 2 sets of traffic lights where u can turn right to Argos or straight ahead to the main roundabout in town 8) Yeh lol, was in the works Caddy, didn't stop me sticking my thumb up tho! :D

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Saw a Purple/Mauve corrado this morning at about 0745 on the M275 on the way into portsmouth. When I slowed to have a look, i realised that it was a woman driving and she was gorgeous!!! I was so shocked I can't remember the Reg lol!


Made my day tho!!

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Last week maybe?: Silver rado, M*** CBP can't remember where I saw it tho!! :lol:

Ooh, there must be another M*** CBP Corrado rolling around. Hope the *** are diferent to mine!

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A dark green or black (light was funny) VR6, N***PDD, driving away from the Naval base (Sultan) towards Stubbington in Gosport today just after 3PM. Totally standard (from the outside!).

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About an hour ago in my local Tesco's car park, had the pleasure of parking the VR next to this rather rare beasty, a lovely Supercharged 16v, all looking very OEM with minty Recaros.




Had forum stickers in it so left you a note under your wiper! :camp:

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Yans car? I suspect it probably was.... I think he had a bit of a malfunction on the way down to BVF!

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Yans car? I suspect it probably was.... I think he had a bit of a malfunction on the way down to BVF!


That would figure...didn't think it was a local 'rado as hadn't seen it around before and it had some camping gear in it. If there's anything I can do for him would be more than happy to, I live right around the corner.

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I wish I could tell you.. he tried to call me earlier today but was busy at work. Tried to call him now, no answer.. spoken to Supercharged who says he had some mechanical malady and that Tempest drove over from Coventry armed with various spares, but I can't get hold of Tempest either. Trying to find out what's going on as we're supposed to be going out for food and drinks and I'm fricking starving! :)


I assume he must have got to some working stage though to have got to the Tesco car park...

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Just spoken to Yan. Yes, it was his car :) And he has got to BVF ok after all :)

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