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Interesting Idea

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Right up till the first Numpty does something wrong, liek forget to put new pads in, and then the following lawsuit shuts them down...



I like it, much like I liked the idea of starting a Petrol-head's Property Developer... 2/3 bed flat over a 4/6 car garage... :grin:

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Hmm, I wonder how much their insurance is? :lol:


Nice idea and I would probably use it myself, but I can think of several flaws...

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Thats exactly it, or something like this happens but the car lands on whoevers cocked it up!



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OK, so you get free tool use...say there is a difficult nut on you car, you put all your effort into it, their tool breaks and you break your arm/wrist/whatever. Who's at fault there? Plus I can see stuff going walkies too...

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Yeah I would imagine there's a mahooosive disclaimer form you'd need to sign before doing any work!


Aside from the many potential flaws though, I think its a bloody good idea and i'm glad and surprised that the increasing amount of health and safety bollocks in this country hasn't stopped them from being able to open!

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OK, so you get free tool use...say there is a difficult nut on you car, you put all your effort into it, their tool breaks and you break your arm/wrist/whatever. Who's at fault there? Plus I can see stuff going walkies too...



£100 deposit or your drivers Licence... so there will be a check-list of similar they'll use... and can't see their "basic" tools being that much, socket and spanner set maybe??

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I bet £10 an hour is a fair bit cheaper than decent garages charge in the same area though!


I'd be very tempted to use one if there was one close to here, with relative pricing.


I bet they'll make a killing tbh, especially from people who get half way through a job and get stuck, that could end up costing a fortune! :lol:

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I bet they'll make a killing tbh, especially from people who get half way through a job and get stuck, that could end up costing a fortune! :lol:


Which is the reason why I'll stick to working at home. :lol:

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Thats all well and good if you have the space to work on a car at home but a lot of people dont, especially in London or other built up areas where most people live in flats etc.

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Could be a money spinner tbh! I can see it working but not without it's problems!



They had one of those in Milton Keynes that started in the 1970's apparently, closed about 10 years ago, called the 'OK Garage', so the idea isn't new. The Garage is still there but not offering the 'rental' bays any more. I didn't hear of any fatalities, but it is across the road from Milton Keynes General Hospital :lol:

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Perhaps someone should tell them that then, as they're claiming to be the first in Europe in the FAQ bit of the site! :lol:

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