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Anyone else for scrappage, cheps?

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Buying local I think still has lots going for it,unless its macrae and D&rk!


avoiding the Ford was wise,My fiesta was back 15 times,utter scrap,Crankshaft oil seal failed after 36k

You wont have any problems with the Toyota.

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chances are the 205 wont get scrapped straight away and they will use it for there advertising! around here dealers are using cars that they should of scrapped to sticker up for £2000 for this car! etc etc! expecially if they can leave it outside for more than 6 months!!

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chances are the 205 wont get scrapped straight away and they will use it for there advertising! around here dealers are using cars that they should of scrapped to sticker up for £2000 for this car! etc etc! expecially if they can leave it outside for more than 6 months!!


Maybe so but the government won't give them their £1k until they scrap the vehicle and submit the forms, along with the proof that they scrapped it.

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Pic shows Yarice (gettit?) admiring Corrado's behind and wondering why 14-year old gets to live in garage. :confused4:


To be fair, the Yaris is great to drive, though those of you who like karts will not appreciate it being higher than Pug 205 with consequent lean on bends. OK if you are the driver, but the missus as passenger ain't appreciative. She has used it 80% of the time and it is a car you look forward to driving - probably as we have not experienced that "new car feel" since 1991.

Amazing occupant space with highest headroom I have known.


55-60 to the gallon and brisker performance better than our 1.6 Manta, Capri and other vehicles regarded as sporty of that era, so we think it is an incredible step forward in engine technology.

6 gears but forget 6th unless you are on open straight road such as Mway. Engine seems to run at 1400-2000 rpm a lot of the time at moderate speeds.

Great solidity and engineering - makes me think all the 1995 bushes on the Corrado need to be replaced! Analogue speedo and rev counter are vivid displays on SR, but digital odometer/consumption readouts, etc cannot be read if you are wearing sunglasses and have to be changed by reaching out to press button. In customer questionnaire I said they should have 'em like in the Corrado - on the end of the stalk!


Oh - see you down the garden centre in my flannels, bonnet and gaberdine coat! :lol:

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and being a toyota all you'll need to do is fill up the washer bottle occasionally over your next ten tears of driving :)

a neighbour of mine has just got a blue one almost the same as yours chopping in their 10yr old civic saloon, they seem pleased as punch with it, wiser buy than a Ford or Vauxhall me thinks...

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and being a toyota all you'll need to do is fill up the washer bottle occasionally over your next ten tears of driving :)


At which point they'll give you £1000 to turn it back into a cube of metal..

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A dude on another forum I read works at a car dealership, he was talking with the scrap guy that had come to collect the scrap cars that had been taken in part ex;


He said the worst one he had to scrap was a late corrado vr6, 1 owner, 50k miles, in that aubergine colour. They looked in the book and it even had full vw history from new... he said it was painful to crush!



What a terrible waste, not only for us Corrado fans but also for the owner who got £2k off the value of a new car when he could have sold his VR6 privately for double that easily, no hassle.



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unfortunatly to other people the Corrado VR6 or any other Corrado for that matter are nothing more than 14+yo VW's

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I'd say the same thing if it was a mint condition 14 year old 50k miler Fiesta Popular. It's obscene to destroy GOOD cars.


I can see there's room for debate when it comes to 20+ year old tatty 200k milers - they might have plenty of driving life in them yet if you keep up the maintenance, but not everyone wants to be bothered with that.

But to be cubing genuinely "young" cars in great condition it makes me want to cry. Just think of all the energy that was consumed getting that iron ore out the ground and turning it into the shape of a Corrado? Vast quantities of it compared to the amount *extra* it would have used as fuel over the next five years when compared against a newer car, even an ultra-efficient one.

Have we really reached the point in society where even CARS are disposable? How ironic that the car industry spent the last twenty years making sure their products will last for 20 years, only to be told we need to scrap them after 10? Makes me mad!

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You're totally right, dr_mat.


They should be paying people to keep old cars on the road FFS. Surely its more ecological to keep these cars on the road rather than to make entirely new ones for christs sake. And all we're doing is sending more tax payers money overseas as ultimately none of the cars we buy will have been made in the UK (except for some Honda's possibly).


It's ridiculous.

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I'd love to have been in the cabinet when someone suggested this policy. I would have laughed them out of the room.

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Going to buck the trend a bit with this post here, but my stepdad got a good deal out of the "scrappage" his Mk1 Clio which has been on its last legs since he meet my Mum nearly three years recently decided to spit out its dummy and dump all the oil all over the hard shoulder of the motorway. It got towed to a nearby garage and after hming and haing they decided it was in need for a new engine. Now this clio is getting on 150,000 which isn't bad for some rattly french thing, but its not worth a new engine. So he went to V*****ll and traded his Clio in for a new A***a, he paid his sister £2,000 eleven years ago for that Clio. Not a bad deal, even thou he got a Vauxhall!


Also some of these scrappage cars are being taken to breakers yards for bits, as the big one near me had lots in. When I asked about them he said he was breaking them for bits, as long as the Dealer has a certifacte of scrap then they can do what they like with them.

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Going to buck the trend a bit with this post here, but my stepdad got a good deal out of the "scrappage" his Mk1 Clio which has been on its last legs .... traded his Clio in for a new A***a ....

Also some of these scrappage cars are being taken to breakers yards for bits....


On a purely personal level you got rid of a thing you didn't want any more, and got a thing you wanted, and you probably saved a few quid out of the scheme - and fair enough, I can see why it's tempting to do that (but let's remember you did spend £5k+ (?) aswell).


But that's not really what we're getting at. It would have cost a couple of hundred quid to get a new engine fitted in the Clio and though it's an old car it would probably have had another few years life in it yet as a cheap car for some student or a second car. Not any more. Plus you and I paid for that £1k discount, from our taxes. That's money that now cannot be spent on all the other more important things that the government ought to be spending money on... (Such as duck houses and plasma tvs.)


Whether the cars are crushed or not, point is that many many perfectly good cars are being forcibly removed from the roads in order to do what? There's no actual benefit to anyone, apart from the few people like yourselves who might have made a few quid (and even on that point I'm sure you could have negotiated £2k off the Astra anyway). Perhaps your Clio was genuinely due for being scrapped, but from what I'm hearing most if not all of the scrapped cars are not in such a bad state. The real bangers that are polluting our air are being hauled around the country on their last legs by people who will simply NEVER be able to afford a new car, let alone get it through the next MOT (so they can scrap it) .. People who would have benefitted from a number of cheap, reliable cars (all with MOTs, remember) coming onto the used market. But no, chancellor says no, you can't benefit. The whole policy is really a subsidy for middle england, a carrot to encourage the people who can afford it to spend the money on a new car instead of doing the environmentally friendly thing and simply keeping their old one going for another few years.


Oops I think I'm ranting again. Time to take the dried frog pills I think.. lol

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He said the worst one he had to scrap was a late corrado vr6, 1 owner, 50k miles, in that aubergine colour. They looked in the book and it even had full vw history from new... he said it was painful to crush!


Did Princess Diana trade it in? :lol: I don't believe for a minute someone would be stupid enough to do that when it would be worth £4k easy. Probably just trying to get a rise.

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He also just bought a 1 owner 3dr Mk2 16v on 73k miles in mint condition from an owner who was about to part ex it under the scrappage scheme, believe it or not, he's 100% genuine.

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the whole point is it allows the Government to prop up the car mfrs and retail trade (big lobbyists) without falling foul of EU state aid laws

plus it makes them look like they are doing something to help in the recession

If we think it's a load of bollards, imagine what our children will think when they realise they are the ones who will be paying for it all

But hey, we've all gained and shared so massively in the boom years, we're well placed to weather this storm

:bad-words: Gordon Brown

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