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MOT time, loud exhausts a no no...

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Right, Im p***ed off to be the one to tell people this but thought it best to save some pennies that i make people aware. just to make clear I have not had my car failed, i was told this by my dad who works for vosa, it just annoys me how things like this just appear and we can't do anything about it


The Vehicle Inspectorate, the bunch of :bad-words: that they are have changed the guidelines to suit themselves the toffee nosed farts that they are


the reason for rejection on exhausts is now


A silencer that is in such a condition or is of such a type that the noise emitted is clearly in excess of that which would be produced by a similar machine fitted with a standard silencer in average condition


basically, if its louder than standard its a fail. I know this might seem sensible to some people but how exactly is an exhaust louder than standard actually affecting the cars roadworthyness. Why can't they just put a sensible dB limit on?! I can understand with these chavs sticking a bean can exhaust on and it rattles the road as it drives but what about those people that just want a nice note on the car. Totally ridiculous!

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I just had my MOT on Friday - I've got a non-standard exhaust on mine and the guy didn't even bat an eyelid at it....


I think you got an arsey MOT inspector personally...

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nah, its not my car its the new rule that has come out. my dad works for VOSA and he told me about it the other day


edit: oops wrong link, ill try find the proper one

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I have to say I think you should consider an appeal. Of course it depends on exactly how loud your exhaust is; most VR6 systems are quite mild. My VR6 has a Magnex system which is checked at trackdays and only registers 84db for example.


The point of contention (and appeal) surely has to be the definition of what is "excessive". I very much doubt that VOSA has any data on how noisy a standard Corrado should be and this whole area is highly subjective in terms of current law. For a MOT tester to simply spot an aftermarket exhaust at test and fail it 'because it sounds a bit noisy' is not good enough - it really does have to be excessive. The Police already have some powers in this area but there should be no issues at all if your car is under 100db. I've heard of Subaru owners falling foul of this problem, but those cars often make a lot more than 100db with aftermarket exhausts.


I would suggest that rather than depend on what people tell you, that you go to the VOSA website and research the relevant regulations yourself. If an MOT station is failing you unfairly that may be cause for complaint against them. It also may just be easier to seek out another MOT station (or pop in to get a second opinion before you pay for the test). If you can, find someone with a sound meter who can measure the noise (measure at around 75% of maximum revs from 1 metre away). It will be much easier to argue if you actually know the numbers involved. Did the MOT station actually measure the noise or was it based on subjective opinion? Gather your facts and make your case accordingly.


Good luck -


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just to make clear, i have not had my car refused. im just sick of this government crap that gives them free reign to do whatever they like. Similar to the Planning System, i submit planning applications all the time and the idiot Planners just don't listen to a word you have to say and because the guidelines are quite vague the decision is based on personal opinion that is totally wrong!!!

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Hope my MOT test station won´t cause grief when it´s time for my beloved Storm´s MOT. Otherwise read it in the Sun :lol:, how someone in Coventry will run amok against everything this government stands for (few corrupt expense-claim tw*t politicians less can´t do any harm, surely?).


Oh dear the secret police will now come knocking on my door :lol:



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