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fix and sell an auto cheaply as is, or convert to manual?

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Hi all,


As some of you know, i bought an auto VR with nice goodies in it recently with the intention of ending up with a shell that i could make into something more interesting. i now need to sell it on or break it compeletely as i am not having my contract renewed at work.


The question is what to do with it. the auto box is not working properly between 3rd and 4th (skips 3rd a lot) and doesn't kickdown reliably. I have access to another autobox that I could swap into it but obviously that is engine out time. However, if i'm taking the engine out anyway, i also had acquired quite a few of the bits to convert it to manual based on earlier plans and maybe I should do this for an easier sale for more money?


What do people think is the best option? I'm working on the basis that i could maybe get a £1200 or so quickly for it as an auto or maybe £1700 as a manual.


Its a 94 Lreg, moonlight blue, bodywork in average nick, 95k engine, and would come with standard dark cloth interior to help your thoughts.




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You'd sell it more easily without a doubt, but it's not going to make much difference to your bottom line I don't reckon, and a fair bit of work to get it all done right, plus new clutch and anything else that gets damaged in the swap.

Difficult one.

Do you know anyone who could diagnose the auto problem properly? Is it the box mechanically or something electrical that needs fixing?

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I hear changing the door for a more rusty one usually helps too! :)


tbh John, I think you'd struggle to sell as is, it would cost a bundle to repair, and the conversion would make it more attractive, but a lot of effort for not much more cash.


its your choice buddy, but you know how much VRs have been going for recently, plus how long it takes too...


break it! sell me the door!

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How long is it since the ATF fluid and filter was changed?


A simple fluid change can make a massive difference in an autobox if the fluid in it is old.

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will check the history i got with it but the guy i bought it off said that it had been checked out beforehand but that no-one could find a significant enough problem to warrant taking it apart.


will try those things though and then see where it gets me. if not then i know of a potential home it might find as a rather interesting project in another set of hands :)

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Now days is very hard to sell Corrado, specially VR6. I'm struggle myself to sell my one and best offers are around 1500 quid for 94 VR6 in Blackberry in very good condition expect some body scratches. If I were You would sell it as it is because You newer get back money what You put to convert it to manual or fix it. You can try change gearbox oil but investing more money in it is not a good option if You have to sell it anyway.

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Humn, as I looked into buying this car I did some digging into the box problem.


I think it needs a new solenoid and they only come as a complete assembly for around £500!


So I would go down the auto to manual route, it looked like quite a nice car in the pics and I assume it will retain the aircon and the headlight washers? Those couple of features make it a little unusual still despite now missing the cloth black recaros that were in it.

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Is the solenoid common to other cars? Could try aquiring a good second hand one?

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First things first


get it vagcom'd.

change the fluid and filter run the car for a bit and then check the fluid again. Change again, this will help get the torque converter as clean as possible.

Carry out a tcm reset.


Once you have it on VAGCOM, check each of the solenoids for operation, sometimes there will be some crap stuck in there which will upset the gearchange.


If there are still problems, post up the error codes and we'll go from there. i would expect 00518 and 00638.

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Is the solenoid common to other cars? Could try aquiring a good second hand one?


I was thinking that - are they not similar with Golf VR auto boxes?

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hey John, did you find somewhere to work on the car? I'd change to manual personally. But what are you doing with your original vr?

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yeah, i could do stuff at my mum's place but i dont really want to have to tax or insure it after this month and so it would be better off either at or near somewhere i know could do the tricky stuff or where it could reasonably end it's life if it comes to that...

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if? the gearbox is the same as the ford galaxy v6, then the solonoid parts for the gearbox cost £185 from ford as a kit.

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