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repair heater controls, help im cold!

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its that , you need to get it to make both sides


what do you mean bud? really bugging me now, I want my heater working :help:

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still no heater....can anybody tell me if my copper is right on the pics?

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Dunno if you've sorted this yet, but...


If you mean is the copper right in your pic above, then no it's totally mashed.


Some pics below of a spare I have knocking around, sorry for crap quality, my camera bust so used phone.


Dial set to position 0



close up at position 0



Dial at position 4


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you wanna get the macro setting on the camera :D


right so my coppper is on the wrong side on should go underneath for a start, I think I tried that and it got stuck, I will have a look again today

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looks like I made some progress just now. It works on settings 2 and 4. I cant find the clips for the metal wired bits for the dials...whoops. Looks like the copper contact was the problem

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winter is coming and I dont have hot air :gag:




1. I have taken the metal wires out the back and cant remember which is what, I think this is the major issue.

Im not sure what do once these are back in the right place, to get hot air again??



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the metal bits that are connected to the dials... anyho I fixed it but Ive not got the direction sorted

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The cable that fits on the top thing is for the windscreen, the one underneath is for the feet/face vents.......the blue one is the heat control.......i have spare bits lying about if you'd like any of them including the copper bits?


Let me know and i'll pop them in the post to you.......might be a while , think there is a postal strike again?




Have a look for a similar aged passat as they are identical, and the one i got had slightly different metal clips(the difficult to remove ones), which were much easier to use :clap:

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