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g0ldf1ng3r's VR6

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Got it off fleabay mate . I don't have the link to hand ATM . Have you been reading my ebay messages? Lol . I always write , speedy delivery thank you .

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Got it off fleabay mate . I don't have the link to hand ATM . Have you been reading my ebay messages? Lol . I always write , speedy delivery thank you .


oh I see. any chance you could post or PM me the link when you are able to pls? I will then save it as the passenger side underlay was removed last year


as for the 'speedy' - no m8 it is sheer coincidence, I was making a funny based on the 'underlay, underlay'...Gonzales ;) lol

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I will post the link later . I also used the Heritage underlay on top of the closed cell .

Underlay , underlay !

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oh balls!


it would seem I spoke too soon as the drivers footwell was damp again today :(


I am wondering the the infinity door speakers are too deep & pushing the membrane up slightly

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Me too , at least two months of heavy rain , four washes using a jet wash and it's as dry as a bone . Came home from work on Monday and I had bird crap on the window and down the door . I washed it with a hose and in it came !!. These membranes are begining to get on my nerves .

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Me too , at least two months of heavy rain , four washes using a jet wash and it's as dry as a bone . Came home from work on Monday and I had bird crap on the window and down the door . I washed it with a hose and in it came !!. These membranes are begining to get on my nerves .


bugger not you too :(


im a tad mystified as where the water is managing to ingress.


other than completely remove the membrane & black sticky stuff so as to completely re-do it all im a bit lost


plus I really took my time to try to ensure that the bottom of the membrane was all stuck down well


guess I wont know until I get the door card off again


bonus as ive got the same issue on the valver too, yay lol

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How much deeper are the speakers over standard? Water is probably getting in between the window and outer scraper. If they are anything like mine they don't even touch the glass anymore.

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How much deeper are the speakers over standard? Water is probably getting in between the window and outer scraper. If they are anything like mine they don't even touch the glass anymore.


im not sure m8, I should have measured them really


at a guess I would say within about an inch


I thought the scraper's were only meant to stem the flow of water? & the water then run out of the door drains but NOT from under the membrane


I have the same 2 tell tale leak lines of water on both VR & valver so I may pull the valver door card off to see what state that is in so as to try & determine if it is the membrane that is the issue (though as that seals the bottom of the door it makes logical sense)

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bonus! the sunroof in the VR tilted on the button when I asked it to this morning - first time in a while but I knew it would start behaving again at some point lol


my 'manual operation' fix for it suffices when it plays up & I will try the spare motor I got off the gf last year at some point


on that note - does anyone know if you need to do anything special to swap the motor's over? eg how do I make sure the spare is in the same & correct position?


also, does anyone know if it is possible to replace the VR radiator fan without taking the front off the car? mine had gotten rather noisey in the last couple of days & having already changed the radiator in it I don't much fancy doing it again but the fan concerns me

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Loads of info in the search about resetting the sunroof with the motor ,Gold , it's really easy.


thanks rob I will have a look


I have found a vortex link about the rad fans which implies they can be changed without removing the front end but im going to take a look under the bonnet at the weekend & may try putting some WD on the main one to see if it quietens down

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found a thread - if anyone else is interested...


Manually place the sunroof in the closed position.

Before refitting the motor plug it in and run the motor to the closed position.

Refit the motor.


If you have auto closure just lock the car before refitting the motor.

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sunroof worked on the button again this morning - I swear it must know I was looking into changing the motor for it & it started behaving lol


similar to my drivers heated seat, which, since posting on here about looking for a relay & potential fix for a buzzing relay has not buzzed once


swings & roundabouts though as the rad fan was noisey again this morning

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I'm convinced there is more to sunroof not working issues... everyone assumes mechanism and changes the roof.... but.... like mine it works in all positions with manual wind so can't be mechanism.... must be electrical.... haven't tried it for a while but will do this weekend

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I fitted a different motor to mine a while back , I still pull a stupid face when it opens , that screwed up face , while thinking cmon don't stop working on me . I know what your saying Chuggs . If it works manually, it has to be electrical, crap in the runners or something that is making the motor struggle .

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I too have a new motor to fit. - will also give it a good greasing - whats the best grease to use - cant remember what was said - was it one of the liquid molli ones - I know the VW stealer one was excessively expensive

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Haha, I do exactly the same Rob!

I've fitted a mk3 Golf motor and it's working well. I've also dismantled two to see what the brushes are like and there was plenty of meat left on them, although I don't doubt they were past their best. I got quite intimate with the mechanism too, and took it to pieces to replace one of the locking sections as it was raising when sliding forward on the passenger side. Lots of work for something I never really use but it's an additional worry I longer have to deal with.

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I too have a new motor to fit. - will also give it a good greasing - whats the best grease to use - cant remember what was said - was it one of the liquid molli ones - I know the VW stealer one was excessively expensive


yes dave that one

ebay linky for you http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Liqui-Moly-Silicone-Grease-Transparent-100g-Tube-/361333029651?hash=item5421207b13:g:53AAAOSwHnFVk-Xx

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Haha, I do exactly the same Rob!


lol I think we probably all pull that face when using the sun roof


I too share the being mystified as to what is the actual cause of the intermittent nature.


I also have the additional factor that the guy I brought it off told me he had a brand new cartridge fitted not long before I brought the VR off him. he did so as his mechanic couldn't get the parts quickly to repair his old one. thus my cartridge shows very little wear in the channels but still just clicks on the button sometimes used to get stuck when closing from full slide


add to this that the valver sunroof works every time & I have never, on both occasions of owning the car, serviced that sunroof at all - they are a fecking mystery LOL


PS please let me not have jinxed the valver by typing that last sentence

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I think that we have to expect them not to be perfect. We all know it's not the best or strongest design in the world .

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I think that we have to expect them not to be perfect. We all know it's not the best or strongest design in the world .


indeed rob


that is one reason I made an easy access for 'manual' operation - IE cut a hole in the motor/light cover & keep an allen key on a driver in the side pocket lol

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they are funny things these rado's aint they lol


having posted a while back about investigating my drivers heated seat intermittently working, guess what, it has worked fine ever since. hope i dont jinx it lol


i wonder if the 'buzzing' relay was it getting stuck due to lack of use & since i have used it more it has fixed itself. who knows but at least it worked for winter


no need for the function in this recent heat tho! damn i wish the valver MOT had not run out last week


as for the VR sunroof - hmmmmm - tilt has kind of fixed itself too as now it more often than not works. i still think it doesnt like the cold but then even on the cold snap frosty days we had back in march the tilt worked


thus, hot as you like yesterday, i thought i would give slide a go & let some heat out the top - the damn thing moved about 1/3 of the way back & then stopped & did the 'tiny movement when press button' thing


guess i will be digging that spare motor out this weekend if i can find time


finally - i thought i would treat the VR to a quick engine bay (well hoses) quick clean. sparkly was the result but of course there had to be the following mornings 'toy out the pram' for touching her as it took 3 attempts to get it to start normally


bloomin things, i am sure sometimes they are best just left well alone & then play up when we attempt to 'fix' something lol

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