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g0ldf1ng3r's VR6

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I hear that.


am glad i delayed the seat work too as ive ow got a very good bolster from lilfuzzer to replace the drivers slightly sagging one ;)


oh & i also started building the natural pond at the bottom of the garden by the veggie patch - by making use of the bath i recently took out when my dad & i refurb'd my bathroom lol

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decided to replace the jubilee clips on the matrix feed/return hoses with the proper clamps, finally the VW guy was helpful today & i didnt get the usual 'phht, corrado, not going to get parts for that' line lol

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I hear that.


a little progress last night m8


gave the drivers seat faces a 4th & 5th clean - damn that dirty rinse water in the bucket lol - & then started to apply the conditioner


will take some pics when i remember but the drivers seat is starting to look like the passenger seat even before the re-colour :D

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Glad to hear you are cracking on. My interior is slowly making its way down the list as like you said other stuff has taken priority like putting the engine back in after I have resprayed the engine bay which was most definitely not on the list. Gotta love a rado eh.

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Glad to hear you are cracking on. My interior is slowly making its way down the list as like you said other stuff has taken priority like putting the engine back in after I have resprayed the engine bay which was most definitely not on the list. Gotta love a rado eh.


i thought i may as well make the most of the interior being out.


also took my time with re-gasketing the bits where the air system joins together & taped up some wiring where the foam had disintegrated


oh & i will finally be able to use my stereo again once it is all back together. Stealth do good work in many areas & i love the final result of the engine work but whoever put everything back together when they did my matrix, i suspect the young guy that Vince got shot of for lots of poor work on my VR amongst other things, had no foresight whatsoever. cables had been routed snaking about everywhere & with no slack whatsoever meaning i couldnt get the head unit out until i had removed most of the dash


i did manage to apply the first coat of conditioner on the driver seat last night & wow what a difference already - i knew i should have take a before pic lol

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blimey the temperature dropped this morning didnt it!!


& pre-work drive moisture conditions ramped up pretty quickly too


i have one already, which was great for stopping early morning moisture on the inside of the glass, but wanted one for each rado so have just ordered these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391705279144




on the VR note - i must get the new matrix plumbed in this weekend as im going to be needing the valver air box to be relined pretty damn soon (chilly ish feet this morning lol) so will need the VR to get to work for a bit.


which also means i need to press on with the steering wheel & front seats refurb - progress update on such.....


drivers seat front faces have had 3 coats of conditioner & a fair few days for it to soak in so a quick clean & it is ready for re-colouring


passenger seat has now had 2 or 3 washes i think, a couple more washes on the faces & then do the backs then ready for conditioning.


on that note, the difference in leather softness is very apparent to the touch :)


steering wheel has also had a couple of washes but the rinse water was very dirty still so will need at least another 3 i think


for anyone who is doing this themselves i have found the gliptone cleaner to work very well with a soft nail brush & just enough water on the nail brush to really get the stuff to foam nicely

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Dude, you are always working on your cars. I'm very impressed, and a little ashamed.... mine hasn't been touched for ages... I'm a terrible Corrado owner

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Dude, you are always working on your cars. I'm very impressed, and a little ashamed.... mine hasn't been touched for ages... I'm a terrible Corrado owner


ha ha why thank you kind sir


though in reality it is only an hour or 2 a few evenings a week lol


i find it helps that i have a workshop of some form attached to the house. i brought an old 50's ex-council house which has the old skool outhouse & toilet attached via a covered alley & had doors fitted either end


when i moved in one of the first things i did was to remove the old kitchen & re-use the surfaces to make work benches along all 3 interior walls. add to that a well laid out tool board it makes jobs so much more simple as you can go straight to what you need.


as such i can leave the kitchen door open & happily do odd bits as im cooking dinner etc :D


i think if one was tucked up in a garage i too would likely not be as pro-active on it but i try to use them both fairly equally as we all know they dont like to be stood outside unused for long periods


i should probably also mention that i have a very understanding gf too so she doesnt mind too much when there are parts spread all over the house....like last week when the dining room table had my entire VR dash on it lol

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Sounds good GF!


Are you going to re-dye the leather... I bought a leather steering wheel to replace the one I had which had holes in it... after cleaning the leather wasn't in such good condition so I really need to get it treated.


Good find on the portable dehumidifier! - got me thinking now... as much as I don't mind the 90's damp smell LOL!


Yeah my car is stored at my mums house which is a bit of a drag :(

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Sounds good GF!


Are you going to re-dye the leather... I bought a leather steering wheel to replace the one I had which had holes in it... after cleaning the leather wasn't in such good condition so I really need to get it treated.


Good find on the portable dehumidifier! - got me thinking now... as much as I don't mind the 90's damp smell LOL!


Yeah my car is stored at my mums house which is a bit of a drag :(


yes m8 i will be re-dyeing


i got the cleaner, conditioner & dye from gliptone. bizarrely i heard of them a long time ago & when i came to purchase they had moved to an industrial estate literally 5 mins drive from me so i popped in there


for reference if you look at my build thread earlier pages there are pics of the steering wheel i refurb'd ages ago but donated to the gf for her storm when she sold it


i am about to call the place that relined my gf's headliner in her storm to ask how much to remove 1 sagging bolster & install the replacement i got form lilfuzzer


the dehumidifier is tidy, they simply plug into the mains for a few hours to recharge & then good to go again

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currently on the hunt for a decent outdoor all weather car cover too - the portable garage i was considering just feels too big for my driveway


i have looked at the Movendi one MikeVR6 posted here a couple of months ago but it is advertised as indoor


anyone have any suggestions?


i have today found this one https://www.stormcarcovers.co.uk/collections/volkswagen/products/vw-car-covers?variant=640763609 which seems to tick all of the outdoor/weather boxes

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grabbed a couple of hours in the workshop last night & remembered to take a couple of pics lol


seat front facing panels are coming along nicely as is the steering wheel, each have now had a coat of conditioner. though the passenger seat is in superb condition i am going to re-dye it so as not to have a mismatch between the 2


i think i will end up refurb'ing the front door cards too as ive got some audioscape's to fit (thanks grizzlybear), once ive adapted them to fit the late window switch - may as well whilst they are off


im hoping the rear seats & cards will get away with just a clean & condition as they look pretty much like when they left the factory

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Superbe work there!


Seats look fantastic ;)




i am hoping they turn out as well as the steering wheel i did a while ago as they should come up looking almost new

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interesting short drive home after seeing my parents last night as the rocker decided to let go in the valver headlight switch. glad it was only a short distance & all under street lit areas


there was some tricky use of half full beam going on lol


fortunately, when the 1st group buy for the replica new switches happened on here & had I parted the valver but had the VR, i thought to myself 'i will buy 2 just in case i ever get the valver back'


good job i did as i found it in the valver glove box on the way to work this morning, will fit it at break time :D

Edited by g0ldf1ng3r

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spoke to the trim place by me yesterday & took the drivers seat down for them to look at


what a nice chap. he ended up letting me leave it with him as he said he would squeeze it in & have it done in a few days - result as they had a sign saying they were not accepting work in aug 2017 due to how busy they were so i was expecting a wait


he was a little surprised i had a pretty much new bolster to be fitted, 'rare as rocking horse ****' were his words lol


he quoted around £40-50 which i was happy with & he also commented on how nice the leather smelt & how soft it was as id mentioned it was mid refrub :D


mind you im not surprised he had a big smile, him & his wife must have been high as frickin kites as the smell of adhesive blew my head off from just standing in the doorway of the workshop for a couple of mins!! lol

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I can't remember if I used glyptone or furniture clinic , on my steering wheel . I prepared it really well however in a few months it started to wear on the top . Looks like I'm going to have to do it again .

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I can't remember if I used glyptone or furniture clinic , on my steering wheel . I prepared it really well however in a few months it started to wear on the top . Looks like I'm going to have to do it again .


i will let you know how mine wears once it is back in the car again

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surprise phone call on saturday morning, it was bernard from the trim place saying my seat was ready!


wasnt expecting it till early this week so i jumped in the valver & went to collect it


cracking job done - IIRC it is his wife who does the seats etc & he does the dash & head liners


no more sag on the top edge & the end result should be mint once ive given it a clean & got the dye on the way, few quick pics this morning of how it came back


also a pic of the trim place sign in case anyone in the west mids area wants any trim work done i would highly recommend :D


EDIT: i forgot to say a big thanks to lilfuzzer for helping me with a set of foam bolsters!!

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