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Who's burning up in their rado?

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Drove back from Scotland today....160miles with a heater stuck on full hot........ :bad-words:


Can I buy the drivers seat. Don't worry about cleaning it or anything. Want to preserve the taste. :)


now I know what those plastic side pockets on the later seats are for, drip trays.

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Haha :lol: , Glad I'm not the only one suffering!!! Especially living in Surrey where traffic is a :censored: nightmare and sat sweating my bollocks off! good job I work in a band and get to drive home at 2 in the moroning under the cover of night! or I don't think I'd have any love left for the poor girl. had some pretty fun drives home on empty roads though in the early hours, thats whats its all about!!!(until the headlights go! :help: )

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I say sod the inconvenience of not having aircon.


It makes a nice change to actually be warm in the UK.


I for one am not complaining....

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I for one am not complaining....


I am complaining, it's too hot for England! My horse gets tired too quick. Random I know but true!

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I for one am not complaining....


I am complaining, it's too hot for England! My horse gets tired too quick. Random I know but true!



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Lack of AC is one of the reasons i want to sell the rado, gets unbarably hot. I miss AC :cry:

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mine was awful on the drive down to lees to pick up a wheel for a sportka of all things but hell cant complain, its just nice to get some good weather, i cycle my daily commute so the weather is sweet, bring on the 7am ride home chasing rabbits over the feilds :-)

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i'm dreading my holidays next week for this reason, driving down to Benicassim and back...gonna be some moist crack in that car...but on the plus side once i get there i wont be driving much so its really just a couple days down and a couple of day back...


gonna be putting sheets over the seats and dash, and also have a cover for the top of car...not confident it will make much difference though

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Yeah when the weather is hot a Corrado with black leather and no AC is not the best place to be. Now having a sunroof helps, especially when I remember I've got it :cuckoo:

But how often do we get it that hot? For all the not so hot days I'm very happy to be in a C though I should use the VR in winter more to appreciate the heated seats. I don't even know if they work anymore :scratch:

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i think 1 of the main benefits of this warm spell is listening to my VR roar up the revs.......windows down & sunroof open = magical listening :p

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i think 1 of the main benefits of this warm spell is listening to my VR roar up the revs.......windows down & sunroof open = magical listening :p



Definately you lot are lucky I used to have an old school fiesta that blew out hot air constantly, that mixed with not having any power to sort out chavs in saxos was deeply depressing....

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Has been terribly hot past few days......black car doesnt help either.

Sunroof hadnt been working so only windows down for fresh air....but......got sunroof switch fixed last night and now it feels like i have AC compared to before.


I laccidently eft my lunch in my car the other day....a tesco cheese n pickle sandwich.


What a bloody mess with melted chees everywhere.


Still ate it tho....was kinda like a toastee :D

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