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Jim Bowen

Engine out to do clutch on VR6?

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Just a quick question, i know theres the guide but does the engine need removing if your only doing the clutch?


i'll probably come out anyway so i can clean things up. About to buy an engine crane and a stand, Clarke stuff? long reach 1 ton crane, can i use that and do i need to remove the bonnet?

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i think you can just drop the gearbox out from underneath. Just make sure you suppor the engine with a beam across the wings, or with a trolley jack under it. Gearbox is not too heavy, around 30kg or so, unlike the auto, which is tonnage i can tell you!

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is it a lot of work to get engine out, i want to do engine mounts and gearbox mounts while i'm there, also main water pump


just unsure whether to buy a crane and stand before i buy all the parts

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Not realy much hasle to take out the engine, basicly just undo some of the electric, the driveshafts need disconnecting, and the 3 engine mounts + exhaust.


The engine might have to be "tilted a bit to get it out of the engine bay - I removed the bonnet also, but not realy sure you have to do that (removed it cause I'm doing quite a bit of work on the car......)

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Ok, can't remember exactly now but it might be a bit better room if you remove the fans and radiator also, I did this on mine (as I pretty much have disasembled the whole car), but not sure if you realy need to....my ac "radiator" is still on there though.


As the car sits today:




EDIT: apart from that the "undertray" thingy there is painted....:)

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If you are doing the water pump then you will be draining the water so might as well remove the rad and then you can remove the crossmember and rad support and you can walk the engine out a piece of piss!


Just remove anything connecting the engine to the car, electrics, driveshafts, exhaust downpipes, gear linkages, rad pipes etc. Support the engine with the crane, undo the mounts, remove the crossmember etc at the front then wheel the engine out. You could then do pretty much everything with the engine in the air. Take gearbox off, change the clutch (you'll need some form of alignment tool), change water pump etc.


It would also be a lot cheaper to just rent a crane rather than buy it and have it sitting there until the next time the engine comes out (if ever). Mine cost about £30 for the whole weekend IIRC from HSS.

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i just used a large socket (24mm iirc) over the centre and lined it up by eye. You wont be too far out and if it is the box just wont fit back on again.

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i just used a large socket (24mm iirc) over the centre and lined it up by eye. You wont be too far out and if it is the box just wont fit back on again.


Yeah it can be done by eye really, just needs something to hold the clutch up inside the pressure plate so you can get the box on as you say.


Me and Kev once used a roll of insulation tape that was a perfect fit in the hole :lol:

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69 miles, 1hr 25mins by google, i`am away this weekend, but let me know when you want it, we could meet halfway !

its an old one that bolts together ,goes in the corrado with ease,

its lifted many V8s,so a vr will be childsplay

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