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Twanging Noise?????????

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At extremely slow speeds(

The noise is from the front suspension both sides, although seems louder drivers side(probably because i'm sat on that side!! :lol: ).

The only thing that i think it sounds like is the spring rotating and "twanging" in the top or bottom cup.

I have eibach springs on koni adjustables and am starting to think maybe these aren't compatible, but I'm sure others have this combo????


It could be something completely different though as I haven't investigated. Anyone else experience anything similar???



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Hello mate,


Mine does that, though it knocks rather than twangs. Like you I get the feeling that its something in the suspension shifting with the load. I have no problems when driving and the suspension is rock solid/ tyre wear perfect etc.


Saying that though a twanging noise would indicate spring movement, so I see why you think they might not be compatiable.


Not that that helps you much :?



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sounds like your springs are moving around,first check to see if one hasnt snapped, or it could be a knackred top mount

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The bearings in your top mounts have probably seized up, and it's casueing it to grip the upper spring cup. the noise you can hear is the spring as it's being turned.

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I had exactly the same noise on my previous motor (V6 Audi Coupe), it turned out to be a spring that wasn't seated properly, as you suspect. I ended up fitting a complete System 2 suspension kit & replacing the top mounts!... as you do!!!




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