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Just after some advice please


I have a issue with my bonnet that i need help with, recentley i couldn't get the bloody thing open it was the passenger side realese pin wasn't realeaseing that side of the bonnet so only the drivers side would realese so i managed to get the grill of and hook the realese pin, i then went about tightening the cable this worked as i can now get the bonnet open but when you go say over 50mph one side of the bonnet will start to rise up out of its catch. I have cleaned in and around the cable and realese pins but it still rises up, i have searched the forum for info but can't find anything on this issue any ideas would be helpful?



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i presume its the passenger side rising up? if so it could be because you have the pin too tight and instead of opening it when you pull the cable, its keeping it open.

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yep - the bonnet adjustment takes a bit of time and its best to havhe someone lese there who can pull the handle after each adjustment. Just loosen the bolt slightly and gradually move it about 2-3mm away from the little 'trumpet'. Tighten and check it again.

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a good idea is to remove the headlights or grille just incase your bonnet doesn't reopen whilst adjusting, i had the very same problem!!

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I have had another look at the cable,


it now seems when the passenger pin is in the correct poisition i.e the bonnet won't rise up but...... when i go to realese the bonnet the passenger pin won't move far enough back to get the bonnet open if you know what i mean so i have to realese it manually :bad-words: but if i try and move the pin any further back the bonnet will rise not just on the passenger side also it can happen to the drivers side.


Is it just a matter of trying to get the passenger pin to line up or is the actual pin knackerd?





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mine does this, my solution is stick your foot onto the drivers side of the bonnet, mount the door and pull the cable, then lift your foot and both sides pop up, you have to bagpipe it before it will open


alternatively get someone to hold down the driver side of the bonnet while you pull the cable then have them release pressure as both sides (should) have released

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I can get it open but when i try and adjust the pin it will close but while driveing along it will pop up :bad-words:

Any ideas?



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you havn't pulled the cable as tight as it will go have you? slacken it right off just make sure theres no slack. just make sure when you are adjusting it you have the grill out and anything else in the way so you can pop it open if its not tight enough

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