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They are changing engine suppliers too, cant remember who to, but it can only be a good thing getting shot of the Renault engine.


you say that, but it's that Renault engine that's got them where they are so far... Look at equivalents elsewhere: Renault works team outpaced consistently by customer engined independent, Ferrari engined Toro Rosso has been pretty lacklustre all year, McLaren outdoing Benz works team...


Definitely last chance for Webber though, RB have admitted they'll consolidate themselves around Vettel in 2011... So it's back to "no.2 driver" for the Aussie chin

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I dunno, RB's pace is down to the aeros, not the power of the engine. Its well known that the RBs Renault engine is economical but its not as powerful nor reliable as say the Mercedes engines. Sure the RBs a much faster in the corners, but in the straights they are caught up.

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Looks like I'm the only one hoping Alonzo will do Webber in the drivers!


Webber's had a tough season no doubt, but the work Ferrari & Alonzo have put into getting back in with a chance lets me favour what should still be seen as an outside chance even this late in the standings.


As much as I fully respect everything Redbull have done and hope they win the constructors I'm just not a fan of Webber.


Jenson has had it really tough, he made some excellent choices towards the start of the season, but Hamilton has proved it was the Brawn car that won the season for him last year.


I'd still like to see something happen with Hamilton or even Vettel, but short of a crash or engine blowout I think they have no chance.

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I wonder how Vettel is for engines as he won't be using the last one again any time soon!

That one of the only things that could hamper Alonso as he's already using his last engine.

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Isn't the rest on iplayer?

After two hours of careful driving, Massa tripped on the stairs to the podium :D



I caught that - hilarous - laughed out loud !!!


Sutil was really on one - how many off's and near misses did he have.

Not quite mastered the water on the track and changing conditions very well.

Good effort though - even if a bit wild !!!!


Really feel for Button, as he said 'Not really in the championship - unless everyone else failed to finish - something very wrong with his car at the weekend - normally so good in the rain too.


Think I would have stopped watching F1, if Michael had got onto the Podium.


I do like the way the Points awarded this year are keeping the Championship much more interesting.

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Come on then, Drivers champion predictions?

For me, as much as it pains me, it's Alonso's to throw away.


But come on Lewis :D

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Would like it to be Webber... can't help but think Alonso will lose it. Ultimately, think Vettel will jump both the frontrunners and snake the Championship in a Raikkonen-esque way

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Would like it to be Webber... can't help but think Alonso will lose it. Ultimately, think Vettel will jump both the frontrunners and snake the Championship in a Raikkonen-esque way


QED :wink:

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I owe vettel a beer for making the spaniard cry like a girl. Glad alonso is not champion

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Would like it to be Webber... can't help but think Alonso will lose it. Ultimately, think Vettel will jump both the frontrunners and snake the Championship in a Raikkonen-esque way


Hope you had money on that one! Didn't see it coming but very happy for him. Happy to see FA not win it, his behaviour towards petrov at the end shows his true colours.


Vettel still got some maturing to do, could have won much sooner had he not made some poor decisions. Next season should be fantastic :D

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Not a bad race, could have been closer and made it a bit more exciting for the fans. But I stand to get a £3000 bonus at the end of January, but that could have been £4500 If our team had finished ahead of Williams( I work For Force India F1 ).

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Would like it to be Webber... can't help but think Alonso will lose it. Ultimately, think Vettel will jump both the frontrunners and snake the Championship in a Raikkonen-esque way


Hope you had money on that one!


Sadly not... had the chance and decided not to risk it. What a mug :bad-words: :lol:

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congrats to Vettel. Not the most exciting of races, but still enjoyable, purely because it was the championship decider. Cant believe Alonso's reaction towards Petrov at the end. Does he want the WDC handing to him on a plate - shame on you Alonso.


Cant wait til next season, got to wait until March :(

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I owe vettel a beer for making the spaniard cry like a girl. Glad alonso is not champion

i'm a bit confused, surely it was Vettel that was crying like a girl over team radio?! :)

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I owe vettel a beer for making the spaniard cry like a girl. Glad alonso is not champion

i'm a bit confused, surely it was Vettel that was crying like a girl over team radio?! :)


:lol: sure was, sounded like someone had grabbed his balls just before talking.

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Not a bad race, could have been closer and made it a bit more exciting for the fans. But I stand to get a £3000 bonus at the end of January, but that could have been £4500 If our team had finished ahead of Williams( I work For Force India F1 ).


lucky man workin in f1 do you get to travel the world?


im gutted for webber, red bull finally screwed him over so there number one driver could win it haha


and as for the race i thought the race was a little boring, i hope the changes to next season help them over take more and make it better for the cars behind so they dont hit a brick wall in the wake

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congrats to Vettel. Not the most exciting of races, but still enjoyable, purely because it was the championship decider. Cant believe Alonso's reaction towards Petrov at the end. Does he want the WDC handing to him on a plate - shame on you Alonso.


Cant wait til next season, got to wait until March :(


I agree... Petrov drove 1 of the best races of his season... If i was Petrov i would have given alonso the 1 finger salute from that car...

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I owe vettel a beer for making the spaniard cry like a girl. Glad alonso is not champion

i'm a bit confused, surely it was Vettel that was crying like a girl over team radio?! :)


this is true! i would never offer to but alonso a beer though. in fact i would take great pleasure in telling him to f*ck off

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Bit of a different race that one, forced by the Schumaker spin and initial pit stops.


AS was said at the time Webber should have stopped then too, might have been a different outcome.

How thin is Webber getting, he looks so drawn - his chheks are really sunken.


How cruel for Button's car to come right when he was out of the Championship.


Vettel's emotions were brilliant at winning the Championship- he really did not know whether to cry or laugh.

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Well if I were honest I wanted anyone but Vettel to win the championship, but to be fair he has constantly been the fastest all season despite some rather erractic driving on certain occassions.


Alonso's reaction after was pityful but I cannot help but think its this attitude which makes him one of the fastest men on the grid. I think Vettel and Hamilton also have this kind of behaviour in them which is why I think the championship is between these three for the coming years - its very Schumacher-esk which we brits dont like but makes for success in Formula one !!


Dissapointed with Webber, he will probably never get a better chance - he looked bemused at the end of the race and over the past month I think his will seemed to ebb for some reason :scratch: he was never really in it over the past few GP's.


Can't believe its all over already :(

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Vettel had the fastest car all year but only won by 4 points! He should have been miles ahead by the last race. And Alonso was pitiful. The world championship is on the line. What ya gonna do. O i think ill sit behind this car for 40 odd laps without attempting anything! At least stick your nose in there. Who cares if you get knocked out, at least your making an opportunity to pass. Disappointing last race :(

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Well done to Vettel, although i didn't really want him to win WDC, he drove brilliantly in the last few races and i think its a win well deserved. Thank god Alonso didn't win!

Cant wait for the 2011 season to start, so in 2011 they will use the KERS system again, what about refuelling is it still the same rule?

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