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What a race. Amazing!


I really thought (and did hope) Schumacher was going to get a podium.. real shame he didn't. And I nearly wet myself when that marshall ran out on track to clear debris and ended up falling over TWICE. I thought for one scary minute he was gonna get hit but thankfully he just ended up looking like a plum! :)

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Haha, its not his attire that I'm concerned with, its his inappropriate bodily contact with interviewees and babbling sentences that he claims are questions!


Hahah yes agreed, however his attire is just the tip of the iceberg quite frankly! BBC need to get rid of him. When he wasn't at one of the races, he wasn't exactly missed! lol

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Did anyone see that Marshall fall over trying clear up the track? How lucky was he??

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Awesome race once it got going. I was really shouting out for JB to get the win, what a racer he is. The determination he showed couldn't be faulted. Fingers crossed he can catch Vettel, hard task though.

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great race, jumped off sofa with excitement at vettel's error..


ej is doing my head in too.. how many times did he bang on about the safety car start.. it was 5 hours ago, get over it.


---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 PM ----------


oh.. and that double fall made up for the two hours of nothing!

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Yeah excellent race, just when you think Vettel was going to take another win, bam and it all changed. Just wish we didnt have to wait so long for the racing to get underway.


Shame Shumacher didnt get on the podium. I thought he drove brilliantly, but just didnt have the pace.


Loved the marshall moment :lol:

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First F1 race Ive watched for a good while and it was certianly entertaining. That marshall was falling over twice made my day. What a plonker!!!

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Great finish and whilst EJ is annoying he does always provide an alternative point of view which is what you want in an pundit, he is also pretty handy at grabbing people for an interview, so despite his rambling I do think he adds something.


I don't think it should have started under the safety car the first time and the safety car should have gone in a lot quicker the 2nd time, if you have guys pitting for inters within a lap of the safety car going in then the full wets look pretty stupid.


Awesome drive from Button lets hope that someone can hunt Vettel done or what could be a great year will be dulled by a wonky fingered German running away with the championship.

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Awesome drive from Button lets hope that someone can hunt Vettel done or what could be a great year will be dulled by a wonky fingered German running away with the championship.





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Best race for a long time, also laughed when Martin Brundle said someone had just twittered to ask if the safety car could win the race!

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Can't believe that Race lasted nearly 5 hours. Glad it was such a miserable day outside - did not make me feel so guilty about watching it for what felt like all day.

I am so glad the BBc did not give up on the Race or the Fans.


I was routing for Schy not to finish on the Podium, could you just imagine with Vettel and Schy on there. !! Two Germans - come on - we Brits would have never lived it down.


Eddie Jordan is just a little eccentric, but I think quite a character and brings colour to what otherwise could be quite boring commentory.


Hamilton is the one who annoys me most - best place for him - having to sit out of the Race as far as I am concerned. He desperatly needs to grow up - I really do not know how Button suppossedly took his actions so calmly. I would have been near to killing him.


The reason for the Safety car so much was to get the F1 cars themselves to clear some of the Track of the excessive water - Yes, it would have been better without - but I also do not wish to see one of them have a nasty accident.

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Agreed about Eddie Jordan. I think the commentary team is excellent.. we're very lucky to have former drivers and team bosses as part of the team which give us great access to the teams and the drivers!


I thought Coulthard and Brundle seemed a bit chippy and frosty with each other on several occasions thoughout the day though!

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Has anybody noticed DC's face whenever EJ begins a question? He has a smirk prepared on his face in anticipation of EJ's ridiculous babble.


Jim, did you hear Martin Brundle take the pi$$ out of DC a few weeks ago for calling Heidfeld Heidfield? Brundle would reply to DC getting his name wrong by saying "oh yeah that Nock Heidfield in the Renolt!"

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Hamilton is one of the best drivers out there for me. He is the one who has the balls to make some moves and try to get on with it. If he had made any of those moves stick in Canada we would have all said they were brilliant moves. He has made quite a few mistakes this year, but at least he is trying to do what we all want, overtake. Also, lets be honest, if people can't overtake in Motorsport, the next best thing is crashing for entertainment!

His comments post race are good too, real emotions from a sport where the drivers are conditioned to say what they are told to say.

Also is it me or red bull seem to have all the luck as of late? Great decisions from the team combined with a truck load of good fortune is making it pretty easy for vettel at the moment. He is going to be tough to beat this year. Good driver, good car and everything falling their way. I bet most of the drivers would kill to be in his seat right now

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Absolutely phenomenal race, loved every second of it.......this season, despite Vettels dominance, has been so entertaining so far.


I really hate to say it but it seems the new technical changes really are making for a 'better' F1......I thought it would be really artifical, and at first I thought it was, but as Im getting use to the changes and concentrating more on the actual race I find myself ignoring them and just really liking the action.


Shame Schuemacher didnt get on the podium, its great seeing such a legend mix it with the current crop !!

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Hamilton is one of the best drivers out there for me. He is the one who has the balls to make some moves and try to get on with it. If he had made any of those moves stick in Canada we would have all said they were brilliant moves. He has made quite a few mistakes this year, but at least he is trying to do what we all want, overtake.


The fact is they didn't stick, which is why they were bad moves. He didn't make them stick and that shows that he's being rash and misjudging his moves.


Prime example being the Webber incident. Webber gave him more than enough room yet he still misjudged it and took Webber out. Don't get me wrong, I think Hamilton is a good driver but it just seems that he's forcing it right now and maybe there's actually a sense of self doubt now after all those incidents and he's second guessing himself, who knows. What we do know is that he's making a lot of mistakes right now and seems to be pushing too hard and over driving. The Yerkes–Dodson law and the inverted U-curve will probably explain his problems right now.

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......... The Yerkes–Dodson law and the inverted U-curve will probably explain his problems right now.


:lol: ......and yes I did have to Google it !!

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Though going by what Lewis said and the replay, he went onto the kerb a bit which made him understeer.



Im still not 100% convinced about the changes, the tyres sure they can stay, but KERS and DRS im not so sure. Especially the DRS. In Montreal, i dont think a driver should have been allowed to use the DRS on the start/finish straight when they've already passed the car which activated the DRS in the first place. But i suppose its going to take at least 1 season to get it right.

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I think the the problem with F1 is not enough overtaking and the DRS coupled with Kers is solving that. You see some great overtaking moves. On some tracks its a little too easy but they will get it right. Its purely to get tem side by side by the corner and have them battle for the position which i think is great entertainment :)


And Hamilton is just wreckless......Its great :) If everybody drove like there taking their mother to church on a Sunday im sure the sport would quickly die out

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Well that was a race and a half, absolutely loved it.


The New silverstone layout seems good, like the way they have evolved the circuit rather than completely changed it, and that camera angle that follows them threw three corners up above is brilliant.


Alonso is a sly old dog, you never know the championship maynot be over just yet :clap:


Hamilton was his brilliant self, great move on Alonso and the last corner was epic - great illustration of the difference between a top driver and an out and out winner !!


The only thing that is letting things down at the moment is the constant talk of steward interference......I'm getting really tired of it now. Cant believe the penalty Schuemacher got :scratch:, I think they are going to really cloud the difference between a genuine dangerous manouvre and a racing mistake. Brundle summed it up perfectly by saying we should all not get out of bed if the point is to constantly avoid racing incidents - or something along those lines.


On that note, I'm really liking the Brundle/Coulthard combination now ........ you can really tell they both love the sport and are genuinly excited. Finally found the Walker/Hunt replacement we have been longing for for so many years !!


Great - and we are only half way threw :dance:

Edited by Danny B

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Well that was a race and a half, absolutely loved it.


The New silverstone layout seems good, like the way they have evolved the circuit rather than completely changed it, and that camera angle that follows them threw three corners up above is brilliant.


Alonso is a sly old dog, you never know the championship maynot be over just yet :clap:


Hamilton was his brilliant self, great move on Alonso and the last corner was epic - great illustration of the difference between a top driver and an out and out winner !!


The only thing that is letting things down at the moment is the constant talk of steward interference......I'm getting really tired of it now. Cant believe the penalty Schuemacher got :scratch:, I think they are going to really cloud the difference between a genuine dangerous manouvre and a racing mistake. Brundle summed it up perfectly by saying we should all not get out of bed if the point is to constantly avoid racing incidents - or something along those lines.


On that note, I'm really liking the Brundle/Coulthard combination now ........ you can really tell they both love the sport and are genuinly excited. Finally found the Walker/Hunt replacement we have been longing for for so many years !!


Great - and we are only half way threw :dance:


I agree mate, 10th to 2nd, ok he ended up in 4th but only due to the fuel issue. Last corner was excellent, and am hoping that the stewards dont penalise him for it. IMO he had the racing lane and Massa tried it on the outside (with his rights to). The stewards are too trigger happy these days, same with Schumacher, he under steered and clipped kobayashi (was it kob? ). You can almost guarantee if the stewards investigate an incident, it'll be followed by the drivers in questions being punished.


Loving that camera too, brilliant. I was just thinking as Brundle said it that it looked like a computer game :D


I like the the commentary pairing more then i thought i would, but cant help but think Coulthard still has a slight biased towards certain situations. He'll argue something even though Brundle is talking sense and logic.


2 weeks to Hokenheim! :D

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Got to have had some of the most exciting races we've had for years. I do feel though some of it is artificially made, as in the tyres dying off so quickly and the DRS system. On the plus side, smart new technology coming along.

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