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Best Steering wheel size

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I no this is slightly going off topic about 'wheel size' but I really do recomend the momo millenium evo wheel as I kinda looks a bit oem but not if you no what I'm saying. Momo millenium= win. Boring old standard mass produced standard wheel= fail!!

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Have to agree both the corrado wheels look cack in my opinion.

Love my 300mm momo, took a day or so to get used to it but now anything else just seems wrong. Roundabouts and tight corners are great fun. Just cant see the dials, but who looks at them?

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I especially dont like the standard wheel in this photo as the arrow thats attached will def get caught on my legs when Im going round corners.


Original wheels are rubbish im afraid. Ever since the first time I put an aftermarket steering wheel in a car, I vowed to always put an aftermarket steering wheel in my car.

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The normal VR wheel looks dull but has a good thickness and feels good to drive with. I've got an Isotta Meg 2 which does look better and is also only 320mm but doesnt quite have the meatiness of the stanadrd wheel

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Dragging this up again to see if there is more input. I can see the attraction of a smaller wheel but surely not seeing the dials must be a PITA.

Does this happen with 300mm or is 320mm the smallest to still see the dials (for a 6ftish person)?

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Just going to get my vote in for the VR6 leather wheel... REALLY like it and managed to get one sorted for my 16v a while ago. A worthy upgrade over the horrid plastic 2.0 16v / Polo G40 wheel....

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Thats what i currently have but I was thinking of taking it off to save a bit of wear plus Ive always fancied trying a smaller wheel.

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