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door rubber seal pic request

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  joebloggsVR69 said:
Well you need around 4mtrs for each door, so I ordered 9mtrs total, just to be sure.


Costs £92.83 including VAT and delivery


Any updates ?

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Yep, I've got the door seal, just haven't cut & fitted them yet :)

My car is currently without an interior, but I'll be refitting everything in a week or two.


I'll upload pics once I've got the seals on the car.

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Fitted the passenger side door seal today.


Some tips:


I wouldnt advise measuring the old seal, you'll probably get it a little bit wrong and end up having to order some more seal! (*cough* ..words of experience! :lol:)


It's best to order 8mtrs, (9mtrs is too much) then cut 2 lengths of about 3mtrs 80cm. This is actually longer than it needs to be, but that's deliberate.

use a hammer/mallet to gently tap the seal on to the door frame. It fits *very* tightly, so you might struggle to push it on by hand. If you find the seal dropping from the top of the door frame, then it's not been fitted tightly enough. (This is why I suggest using a hammer).


Once you've fit the seal, you'll see that it's approx 25cm too long. You should mark where you need to trim it, then remove the seal from the car and chop off the excess.


The end result is a door seal which fits perfectly.


You might want to trim the lip where the ABS cover goes, like on the original door seal. I did, but to be honest, I dont think you actually need to. The slight difference of the new seal means the lip doesnt get in the way of the cover.


Rear door cards - the lip on the original door seal goes over rear door cards. With the new seal, you can't really put the lip over the cards, as it just doesnt sit right. It's better just to tuck it behind the door cards instead.

I havent got pic, but I'll try and take some tomorrow.

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Mine came today, what a top firm to do business with, even got an e-mail telling me what time they were being delivered !

Top quality seals

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Some more pics


Pic 1 - Rear doorcard, how the original seal sits over it

Pic 2 + 3 - Rear doorcard, with new seal sitting under it

Pic 4 - ABS cover

Pic 5 - Drivers footwell cover

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  VAG-hag said:
Just ordered some.... what a useful thread!!




How much did you pay dude? And didyou get door only?


Cheers Rob

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Door only my good man... my boot seal is in great nick. Cost me £84 all in. Ordered 8m as per joe bloggs advice.

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Good quality arnt they Chris got some myself then a genuine brand new seal came up (for one door) so snapped that up only cost me £20 best bargain ive had in years

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Right drove to Seals Direct to New Milton which is only about 17ish miles from me,

and spoke to the guys there regarding some door and boot rubber seals.


The door seals he sorted and is a very good match,

their part number is ( ETS2581 ) is £7.54 per meter,

so I bought 8 mtrs which is more than enough for me, as advised from the other guys on this thread.

The total including VAT was £72.38 which I though was really good.


They have got seals to do the boot as well but the only thing is though,

it doesn't have the lip on the inner side which covers over the plastic trim,

so your able to see the gap between the trim and body work,

so for this reason I didn't get any for the boot only bought new stuff for the doors.




Not sure if anyone needs a new bulkhead to bonnet rubber seal,

but you can purchase the proper one from VW Heritage.


The part number is ( 701823737 )

the price is £29.95

It's 1470mm long and you can just trim the length down to fit.

Fits MK2 Golf - MK2 Jetta - All Corrado's



Photo's 1 & 2 is the old bulkhead to bonnet rubber seal




Photo's 3, 4, and 5 are of the old boot rubber seal




Photo's 6, 7, and 8 are of the door rubber seal




Photo's 9, and 10 are of the new door rubber seal




Plus also the guys at Seal Direct said I could have these,

small bits of round rubber free of charge,

they said it should help to keep the joint together,

where the two halfs of the rubber seal meet.





Yeah they are really helpful at Seal Direct.



Hope this helps anyone else who wants to replace their various rubber seals.




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The door seals are available from VW Heritage now but not cheap at £82.64 each, I ordered a pair yesterday.

They also now do the boot seal £114.54.

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Oh cool, thanks mate.


I'll be getting one of the boot seals very soon in that case.



Thanks again :thumbleft:

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VW Heritage.


The part number is ( 701823737 )

the price is £29.95

It's 1470mm long and you can just trim the length down to fit.

Fits MK2 Golf - MK2 Jetta - All Corrado's


My new bulkhead to bonnet rubber seal arrived today,

and yes it was a little longer than the old one,

so just have to trim it down a bit and job done.


New bulkhead to bonnet seal





Hope this helps.



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