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A lil something to share...

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I know that it's a completely pointless thread really but i have such a huge smile on my face i though i would share it with the people that would appreciate it!...


I've not driven my car for about 3-4 weeks now... i mean not properly... taken it round the block just to keep the engine/batt going... but not further than a couple of miles...


so today, rather than getting a lift into work today i thought i would drive, especially since the road slish had mostly melted overnight... now since i live in fleet and work in bracknell, the route i take to work has lots of nice windy roads... anyone that live nearby will know what i mean...


i remember now why i love this car so much! i had a huge grin on my face all the way to work today.... and as i parked up while what remained of the snow slid off revealing the beauty the VW had pulled off, my boss pulled up next to me in his M3... got out and spoke the kindest words to me... "I want your car you ass-hole!"...


there is something about this car that makes me smile every time... i don't know if it's the way it drives, it's stunning looks, the way that awesome V6 sounds when you plant it or even it's exclusivity...


i've spent a lot of money on the car over the 2 years that i've had it, every penny well spent.... even if it's just for the way it made me feel this morning!


anyone elses car decide to stick it's hand down thier trousers this morning?

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I've been on that road in my corrado - during the heatwave last summer so windows open with the v6 roaring. A beautiful thing.........

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there is something about this car that makes me smile every time... i don't know if it's the way it drives, it's stunning looks, the way that awesome V6 sounds when you plant it or even it's exclusivity...


There's certainly something about all of them that gets people hooked, they've always been a fairly rare sight on the roads, they've got a VW badge and a good reputation for handling and you can't argue with the sound of the VR.

One thing's for sure, you wouldn't be writing that if you had a Probe or a Calibra instead :lol:

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last night i went to look at this lock up to store my c in.


Needed to drive the Corrado there to see if it would fix or not. And with no starter motor, radiator fan and a knackered lambda sensor i was a little worried id get stranded.


But after a quick push start down a slushy, icy road she fired up (even with being stored outside for over a week in -20 degree temps!). Quick check to see if i had any water leaks and i was off to the duel carriage way.


All i can say is that every time i get out of that car i miss it. And my polo (which i like) feels heavy in the steering, high up, un-responsive, sloppy and wobbly... Even with all the problems my C is suffering from she still feels like a new car. By the time i reached the lock-up i was close to over heating (slow traffic), had sticky hands from my manky steering wheel and a faint smell of exhaust from the air conditioning reminded me of the new manifold gasket i was needing. And i couldn't have been happier to be driving her again :luvlove:


needless to say, i took the scenic rout bk to my flat in the evening

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one of the reasons i still have my corrado is it just has a something that none of the other cars i have owned have

im not sure what it is but i love driving it and alway get comments about it by passers by and it always turns heads

its a keeper for sure :D

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You know it's funny that in the 4 and half years I have had my corrado, I haven't really had that many comments, which does surprise me.


BUT, the one thing this never fails to do is put a smile on my face, even if from home to work, there is just something special about the corrado.


I get people asking me if I will get rid of it after I buy the GTR, no chance! Other cars (including the GTR) will come and go, but this will stay!

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I always get positive comments from friends and family who know how much the car means to me, but I'm like Dr Forinor... years and years back when I had my first Corrado, and to a lesser extent my G60 I used to get a lot of positive comments from totally random people when I'd parked the car up, or something like that. Really don't get much interest in the current one though and never have. To be fair, the majority of people in the area I live all drive stuff like SUV's, Mini's and boring econoboxes... so their opinion on good cars are clearly reversed to what car enthusiasts like!! ;)

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I recently went 2 years without owning/driving a Corrado and was surprised at how old/classic it felt when I first got in one, the green dash lights etc all seem so old now, compared to when I bought my first one when it was 5-6 years old, after a few miles though I was in my element, there's just something about them that grabs you and doesnt let go :D


Whats very weird is that certain Corrados just seem to attract that attention that others dont. I lost count of the amount of people that commented and asked to buy my first rado, in the end I gave in and sold it to one of them! I've had quite a few since and none of them seem to have attracted the same amount of attention ( a good thing in my eyes tbh) but my latest one gets comments all the time! I can't believe how many people come up to me or my wife when we're out in it, if I'm honest it sorta pisses me off a bit :| The first time I washed it at the jetwash I had a fella come over to me and start asking me loads about it, then when he eventually left me to it another guy came straight over and started asking about it as well, In the end i'd wasted most of the jetwash time I'd paid for :lol:

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You're right about there being no pattern, Walesy!


My first two Corrado's got a fair amount of interest from folks, like when I parked up somewhere, folks would come over and ask about the car or compliment it. My current one hardly ever gets any interest... I've had a few moments each year where I get someone in traffic shout over asking if I'd sell it, or to say something nice (even once a few guys in a Porsche 911 asking if I'd sell!!) but on the whole, people don't go nuts for the Corrado especially around where I live. Seem to get more interest every time I drive in to Coventry but in Leamington or Kenilworth no-one has ever batted an eyelid.

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The conversation always seems to start with 'you don't see many of those any more mate!' - then 'Is it the V6?' :lol:

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The conversation always seems to start with 'you don't see many of those any more mate!' - then 'Is it the V6?' :lol:


or my mate has a storm :lol:

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its true that some Cs do attract "the public" my Green Storm rarely got comments but the Blue one!!


- pulled over at lights and asked to sell

- pulled over by a copper & asked to sell!!

- pulled over by an Aussie pedestrian in Amsterdam and asked to sell!!!!


as well as lots of petrol station glances/ conversations/ comments.


They are superb cars, I miss mine very much as im in the Middle East. Went to see it at Christmas and felt amazing just looking at it!! ADDICT!! :D

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I know that it's a completely pointless thread really but i have such a huge slime on my face i though i would share it with the people that would appreciate it!...


Who you gonna call :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I get quite a few comments, i guess you dont see many my way and they do look special when compared to the modern boring rubbish. The only thing that bugs me is people always think its a scirocco. Even the Plod who pulled me up at christmas said is that an old scirocco to which i correctly informed him " no its a Corrado actually". Apparantly i must have been speeding as my exhaust is loud :cuckoo:

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I get quite a few comments, i guess you dont see many my way and they do look special when compared to the modern boring rubbish. The only thing that bugs me is people always think its a scirocco. Even the Plod who pulled me up at christmas said is that an old scirocco to which i correctly informed him " no its a Corrado actually". Apparantly i must have been speeding as my exhaust is loud :cuckoo:


Had this at work, had to be pushed out of the snow by the maintenance guys. When i saw one of them days later he said - 'you've parked somewhere sensible today have you. I dunno what you were thinking going down there its not a 4x4, its only ( :mad2: ) a Scirocco'.


So i replied saying it wasnt a Scirocco it was a Corrado. He simply replied with 'Same thing' :bad-words: :cuckoo:


I wasnt prepared to start explaining the difference to him! :lol:


I've had comments from the random person on the street, or delivery blokes that sees it parked on the drive. But generally dont get that many comments. Though it doesnt bother me, as i know what it means to me! :D

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i know what it means to me! :D




aaaaaaawwwwwww!! :luvlove:



:lol: :lol:[/quote:2wbley34]


:lol: :camp:


The missus does moan saying that i love the rado more then her... so... :lol:

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Oh man, I love these threads. I got my VR6 last Feb, and have never driven it, aside from moving it around the drive (my dad drove it home). I insured it on Monday and I have the MOT booked for Saturday, and I am so FUCKING EXCITED!! Seriously I can't stop thinking about finally getting to drive it, for the last year every time I get in the daily I have been imagining I was in the C and how things would be different, little traffic light races or what-not. ARRGGHHH wanna drive it NOW!!


EDIT - I'm in Camberley/Farnborough so I know the Fleet/Bracknell area well :)

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The missus does moan saying that i love the rado more then her... so... :lol:



I get no end of pi55 taking too mate :D :wave:

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The missus does moan saying that i love the rado more then her... so... :lol:



I get no end of pi55 taking too mate :D :wave:[/quote:rzhxf552]



Mine knows her place and won't argue. :clap:


I met her thru work when I was having stuff delivered on an almost weekly basis, so she was already aware of my obsession. If she's lucky I let her tag along to meets and soforth, where she can be bored for a day.


Took her to Ultimate Dubs last year and when I asked if she enjoyed it the reply was "Kind of. I liked that car with the shiny crystals on it" referring to a gross Swarovski bling machine that was there. So I think I now know her priorities! :lol:


I rarely get comments about mine, but that's usually cos its dirty. Altho on the way to DG the other day I was about to pass a 4-up Golf on the motorway and both the rear seat passengers looked round at me at the same time, so the driver must have said something. :D

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Oh man, I love these threads. I got my VR6 last Feb, and have never driven it, aside from moving it around the drive (my dad drove it home). I insured it on Monday and I have the MOT booked for Saturday, and I am so **** EXCITED!! Seriously I can't stop thinking about finally getting to drive it, for the last year every time I get in the daily I have been imagining I was in the C and how things would be different, little traffic light races or what-not. ARRGGHHH wanna drive it NOW!!


EDIT - I'm in Camberley/Farnborough so I know the Fleet/Bracknell area well :)


Will have to go for a drive when u get the motor on the road pally!



i rearly get comments but as Critical_Mass said - i know what it means to me!

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Oh man, I love these threads. I got my VR6 last Feb, and have never driven it, aside from moving it around the drive (my dad drove it home). I insured it on Monday and I have the MOT booked for Saturday, and I am so **** EXCITED!! Seriously I can't stop thinking about finally getting to drive it, for the last year every time I get in the daily I have been imagining I was in the C and how things would be different, little traffic light races or what-not. ARRGGHHH wanna drive it NOW!!


EDIT - I'm in Camberley/Farnborough so I know the Fleet/Bracknell area well :)


Will have to go for a drive when u get the motor on the road pally!



i rearly get comments but as Critical_Mass said - i know what it means to me!


dont know about that mate i enjoy working on such a fine example of a corrado when you bring it round :D

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It doesnt matter what mood you get in the car in by the time you get out of it you all ways come out with a smile


Mine doesnt get many coments you get the usal, " dont see many of them around" or " I've all ways liked them cars" by delivery drivers.


but at work every one seams to take the piss out of it :mad2: . Mainly the same person but he hasnt got a leg to stand on as he drives a Jap import scooby estate :pukeright:


But regularly get the " is that a scirocco" comment :bad-words: Had it once off a guy driving a mint mk2 golf GTI :brickwall:


But I dont care what they say as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think its stunning 8)


It hasnt failed me in my short time owning it and every time I get above 4K rpm I smile like a shark on ecstasy

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I get a few comments about the C but my biggest smile factor is when I turn off the main road there is a set of lights with a supermarket beside them, so I can sit and admire my car. I have been known to drive a bit slowly to catch them just as they go red. My wife has given up on me.

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but at work every one seams to take the piss out of it :mad2: . Mainly the same person but he hasnt got a leg to stand on as he drives a Jap import scooby estate :pukeright:


I know what you mean mate. I get one mate at work whos calls it a rust bucket or shed etc - guess what, he drives one of those bright green fester :epicfail: So he's no room to talk.


I've found people who take the pish out of it Corrados, generally dont know much about them. I'm yet to meet someone who knows about them and doesnt know what it is.


I get very defensive when someone takes mick out of my car :lol: a bit :camp: i know, as you could say its 'just a car' But to me its not 'just a car' :oops:

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