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Black acrid smoke from Drivers side vent

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Got in the car yesterday to go to work, turned on the ignition, no probs and pulled away up hill. Suddenly a puff of black acrid smoke comes out of the vent hole above the headlights switch! Immediately turned off the engine and opened the door, the wind then fanned whatever was burning so I closed the door and sat there holding my breath thinking what the hell to do - was the car about to burst into flames?! Had to move the car as it was in the middle of the road, so re-started and v speedily moved it off the road, immediately got out and closed the door and got the extinguisher out of the boot and stood and watched. The smoke died down and the car was ok.


Now getting lifts from the Mrs to work until the w/e.


Right... any ideas peops?? Any wiring behind that area other than headlights etc?? Anyone else had this happen?? I dont dare start the car until i have taken that part of the dash out and can see whats smoking.


Suggestions/comments appreciated!


PS. Have got the number for a good auto-electrician but dont want to have to spend the cash!



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the only thing i can think of mate is the headlight switch. Mine went on me last week. Didnt let out any smoke but the smell was horrendous. Check the earth wire to the switch as that can melt when the switch decides to poop itself

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thanks supercharged - will get this done this weekend! In the meantime - lifts to work in the aygo please wifey!!

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Are the switches available from dealers?? Or GSF etc??? If not has anyone got one knocking around??

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Get a switch from a Mk 2 - its a lot more durable than the Corrado one, although doesnt look as nice

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