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Biggerbigben - Golf sold.. another new project!

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the moulded sections on the doors look like they should be bodycoloured imo, might look cool


i was referring to this post, when i said not to colour code anything :lol:


i cant wait to see the job your trimmer, does. its sounds like a good deal.


i only said carisma, because he has a TVR and well i mis read your post when i thought you typed i might get carisma to take it on. :oops:

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i was referring to this post, when i said not to colour code anything :lol:


i cant wait to see the job your trimmer, does. its sounds like a good deal.


i only said carisma, because he has a TVR and well i mis read your post when i thought you typed i might get carisma to take it on. :oops:


No worries.. :lol:


Yeah the trimmer hopefully will do a smart job. Carisma would be cool but I just think they will be so expensive and anyway my trimmer has done me a good deal and he wants this job. I will let people know who he is once its done... Aiming for E38 if you want to see it in the flesh!



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ben with my old dta 20v golf it would flood sometimes, so what I used to do was plug in the laptop and run through this procedure that fires the spark plugs without injecting fuel. it would burn off the fuel in teh chamber then it would fire straight away.

A total pain in the ass to do - but it worked everytime

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ben with my old dta 20v golf it would flood sometimes, so what I used to do was plug in the laptop and run through this procedure that fires the spark plugs without injecting fuel. it would burn off the fuel in teh chamber then it would fire straight away.

A total pain in the ass to do - but it worked everytime


ok, not sure if my Haltech software will let me do that but I will look, what about if I disconnected the fuel pump and turn it over a few times? Do you rekon that might work. I was told also to try and clean the plugs and heat them up with a blow torch then try and start it straight away... ??? :roll:

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ben with my old dta 20v golf it would flood sometimes, so what I used to do was plug in the laptop and run through this procedure that fires the spark plugs without injecting fuel. it would burn off the fuel in teh chamber then it would fire straight away.

A total pain in the ass to do - but it worked everytime


ok, not sure if my Haltech software will let me do that but I will look, what about if I disconnected the fuel pump and turn it over a few times? Do you rekon that might work. I was told also to try and clean the plugs and heat them up with a blow torch then try and start it straight away... ??? :roll:

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Oh no....laptops plugged into management systems....


"stand alone fuel management system, now thats not a bad way of spending 10,000 dollars!"

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"stand alone fuel management system, now thats not a bad way of spending 10,000 dollars!"


lol, mine wasn't quite that 'hollywood' price...

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yep ben just pull the fuel pump relay should do the job


ok cheers bro, will give it a go. Did your 20vt work ok once it was mapped etc??

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looking forward to seeing the finished result ben, hard to imagine what its going to look like, half of me thinks the TVR dash is a bit too wild, but the other half of me tells the first half to f**k off and get a grip, its going to be special! :lol:

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it ran ok to a point - it was really quick but it was a little uncivilised as far as town manners goes and it had no warm up provision (despite it being in the mapping)


I wouldnt have anything but a standard management now.

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looking forward to seeing the finished result ben, hard to imagine what its going to look like, half of me thinks the TVR dash is a bit too wild, but the other half of me tells the first half to f**k off and get a grip, its going to be special! :lol:



hahahaha, yeah exactly. I have been so tempted on many occasions to slap a standard interior back in but I'm glad I've kept with it. The interior has basically taken 14 months to do, not solid work but a lot of man hours, wouldn't like to guess how many! I just hope it will look good once finished and trimmed! This weekend I should have 95% of it done as I plan to spend about 40-50 hrs on it over the bank hol weekend. I'll leave the partying to the following weekend in Henley before Stoner... Anyway will post pics of it at the weekend... cheers for the comments and I hope I can convert the other half of you that says its OTT, even though I think that myself sometimes..lol

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it ran ok to a point - it was really quick but it was a little uncivilised as far as town manners goes and it had no warm up provision (despite it being in the mapping)


I wouldnt have anything but a standard management now.


Yeah the warm up issue does worry me slightly, especially in the winter. I plan to sell my everyday car (cough... pay the loan back... cough) and use the corrado daily! I might be mad but it seems a waste not to use it daily, will turn the boost down for every day driving though... 8)

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Ben, I can't wait to see this, just like everyone else... Hopefully catch you guys in Henley next weekend...


Reckon she'll be ready for E38?

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Ben, I can't wait to see this, just like everyone else... Hopefully catch you guys in Henley next weekend...


Cool mate, you out sat night? few cheeky ones..? or just up for the show on Sunday, either way I'll be around...



Reckon she'll be ready for E38?


I'm trying.. no promises though...

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Totally off topic but... what are those manky rims in pic on the right hand side of your sig?!


:roll: :lol:


Fancy a few beers next Friday for my birthday mate. Gonna hit Revolution Bar up your way!

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well I ran my 20vT for over a year doing 250miles per week so its no great problem, just when its really cold nip out and fire it up 5 minutes earlier

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Totally off topic but... what are those manky rims in pic on the right hand side of your sig?! :roll: :lol:


lol, whatever....


Fancy a few beers next Friday for my birthday mate. Gonna hit Revolution Bar up your way!


Mate would love to make it but going to Epsom races with work that day and we plan on getting very drunk :D therefore its not that i don't want to come, I just won't be physically able :lol: :lol:

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well I ran my 20vT for over a year doing 250miles per week so its no great problem, just when its really cold nip out and fire it up 5 minutes earlier


fair play...

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Fitted the mk4 climate control today, it misses the under side of the dash by about 5mm, phew :wink: !!! Finished the center tunnel and dash is pretty much finished now. Just about to pop out and make a start on the under trays and its 10:35pm! Still got to make the passengers doorcard mould, plus a long list of other things. Been going since 7am this morning and won't be finished until gone midnight. 1 day left, can he finish the interior...?? humm :roll: :roll:

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RIGHT! Massive amount of work went into the interior this weekend, firstly I started with mounting a complete mk4 heater box, I made a c shape bracket to fix it to the bulk head then supported it with 2 other small brackets. Its spot on fits like factory and it misses the dash, which I'm happy about. So that pretty much took half of Saturday. Then the passenger’s side of the dash needed doing, I'm happy with the end results. I've designed the dash how I have, because I can utilise the 4 factory mounting points, 2 on the scuttle panel and 2 on the sides next to the doors. Even without anything being bolted down its solid. Moving on, I design and implemented from scratch a surround to blend the climatetronic face into the TVR dash without it looking too out of place, I have 90% finished this but need to neaten it up before trimming as you can see from the pic. I made from scratch a passengers side under tray to go around the heater. The mk4 heater is a lot bigger than a standard corrado one and sits a lot further forward. I also realised that however much I kidded myself I would never get a front seat in place with the tunnel being so thick, so I cut away the passengers side of the tunnel and re-glassed it about 30mm further in. This leaves quite a cool over hang and the seat fits like a glove. I had to re-modify the handbrake mechanism, which you can see in one of the pics, a view from inside the tunnel, plenty of room for a cd auto changer etc in there :) I also blended the rear bench into the dash as best I could.


That little lot may not look like much, but it took me 3 days solid to do! Never fabricate your own interior... you loose your social life!


So I wanted to have the interior finished this weekend, but as I thought this is not the case. I still have the following to do before anything even gets near a trimmer...


Finish passenger’s side under tray,

Passengers door card,

Finish climatetronic surround,

Mount switches + warning lights,

Fabricate heater ducting,

Mount tunnel in place and mount the sides of the dash into place,

Make driver side under tray,

Extend tunnel sides to firewall,

A pillars require blending into dash,

Modify parcel shelf supports,



After that list all I need to do is remove everything and smooth over all the moulded stuff ready for trimming. Phew, think I mentioned everything, oh no one more thing... and have it ready for E38 !!!!!!! :cuckoo:

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Not really sure if its to my taste but I really admire the work and igenuity thats going into this - looking forward to seeing the finished article

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Wow thats going to look amazing when it's done!

Are you keeping the rear seats?

You could probably get them leathered also and still lift the rear bench arm rest up!

Really like those seats also!


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