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Biggerbigben - Golf sold.. another new project!

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i quite believe it mate, good things come to those who wait as they say!! cant wait to see the beast in the flesh myself!!

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Guys.. see the download page on the http://www.coupehaus.co.uk website to download some vids of my visit today. x2 vids of the car and jabbasport itself, x2 vids of my ride in the Mk2 IHI 365bhp golf... oh yeah baby! Don't forget it was raining and it is FWD, not bad huh?!



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Ben??? Ou et the downloads? can only see the Worthersee ones


and will the finished article be at no-rice on Weds?

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might need to click refresh... ??



No the finished article is not going to be at No Rice this week, it will be at jabba's for the next 1-2 weeks.. Doubt it will ever make it to No Rice at least for 6 moths of so unless I can get a new job and move out of london as I couldn't bring myself to leaving it on the streets of crime happy London :(

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2 weeks to map an engine? what are they pissing about at? it's a days work!


hehe.. actually it shouldn't take more than 2-4 hrs as its pretty much there, but its fitting me in as they are pretty booked up over the week. I hope to get it back next Sat tbh...

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that will be some drive home!


(or are you trailerering it home, just in case there are any other problems with the car?)

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that will be some drive home!


(or are you trailerering it home, just in case there are any other problems with the car?)


Will trailer it home.. Its ready for an MOt though so I would be happy to drive it home but it aint tax'd, MOT'd or no insurance yet... (that keeps OSV happy :wink:)


Will hopefully get an MOT the following weekend... Then have that nice conversation with my insurance company.. Paul you might be a good person to ask this actually, I have about 4 months left on my current policy, whats the best way to go about insuring it... certainly for the first couple of months I will only want to use it the odd day here and there on weekends.. what you reckon?

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not a clue mate, mines not insured taxed or MOT'd either! got a similar dilemma myself.


I've "used up" my no claims on my 4 motion (quite how you "use up" a time based bonus I don't know but that's what the insurance says), so I',m a bit stuck what to do. My 4mo was insured as an R32, because that's what it was. now I know there's shit all change of me getting any money back off them by tellig them it's now a stock 2.8 again, so I could really do with tranferring the policy over to the corrado. BUT, then I'm stuck with having to insure a £10K 4 year old 150mph car with no no claims.


I can't win. bastard insurance, I hate it. got the bike to insure too. greedy feckers, I can't drive/ride them all at once!!


The only advice I can give it get it insured and go for a linited mileage policy, limit it really low... or lie about your milage when you ring them so you get a cheap forst year out of them as you won't be using it that much.

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wont they work out the mileage from the MOT is they do a check in the case of an accident or something? (not wishing anything bad on you or ben btw)

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ben your car is lickable, yes i mean lickable :-)


its faultless in all aspects , respect for the work you've done and the patience it must have took

insurance :-( i can only suggest spending at least half a day phoning around ,i was suprised direct line were they best for me , i gotprices from £1200 to £300 ! how the feck do they price that !


both my bike and car are due in the next few months ,how the hell you insure yours is beyond me, i've got quite a bit done to the bike and i told them to price it with an aftermarket end can (to test the water) and they wanted an engineers report lmao



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I wouldn't want to lie about my insurance for the C as so much effort has been put into it and therefore so much can be lost. BUT, I'm not taking out a new policy on it until I know its ready and realible to drive daily! As that would be a waste of money. I just need to be able to insure it on the odd day here and there, I'm with elephant at the moment so i might just call them and see whats what! God insurance is a nightmare!


My problem is that my insurance renewal is about May and I don't want to insure 2 cars. I might just swap the policy over to the C every once in a while, that will annoy Elephant! Anyway I think elephant don't insure for mods.. they insure for mods but if you crash your car they don't pay out for the mods.. i.e. no agreed value.. I'll find out anyway soon!

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elephant are no good for cars like this, you need a specialist brokers who will know what you're talking about when you tell them ewhat mods you've done.

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Will trailer it home.. Its ready for an MOt though so I would be happy to drive it home but it aint tax'd, MOT'd or no insurance yet... (that keeps OSV happy )

No i'd much rather you gave it a good thrapping after all the hard work.

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Will trailer it home.. Its ready for an MOt though so I would be happy to drive it home but it aint tax'd, MOT'd or no insurance yet... (that keeps OSV happy )

No i'd much rather you gave it a good thrapping


and I thought you were on the vice squad!

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Insurance is SH*T!!!!!


Ive been playing about on tinternet for quotes all day, and most companies wont touch me, and the ones that will dont work weekends. May just keep it on the standard engine for a while ;)

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elephant are no good for cars like this, you need a specialist brokers who will know what you're talking about when you tell them ewhat mods you've done.


yeah I know, but until my insurance renewal I have little choice seeing I refuse to take out a second policy to drive it..

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Will trailer it home.. Its ready for an MOt though so I would be happy to drive it home but it aint tax'd, MOT'd or no insurance yet... (that keeps OSV happy )

No i'd much rather you gave it a good thrapping after all the hard work.


Oh ok.. I'll do just that then!

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For that you need to get it on a fixed value insurance policy, which means getting an independant assessment


Yeah I know and thats exactly what I plan to do, but I have 5 months left on my current policy and don't want to start another policy... kinda of stuck really until May/June...

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Insurance is SH*T!!!!!


Ive been playing about on tinternet for quotes all day, and most companies wont touch me, and the ones that will dont work weekends. May just keep it on the standard engine for a while ;)


Yeah I know, a nightmare!

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